Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chapter Five

So sayeth the Doode that, “Earthlings are the new kids in the galactic town. Cosmically speaking you are not old enough to know your own evolutionary place in either the inner or outer universe.” And that, “Most of you still believe that Earth humans are the only intelligent life in existence, your planet the only one supporting life.” Yeah, and the Earth is flat too, ha! My source says that you of limited vision are mistaken, and probably are descended from the N-Aliens.
We do not need the Doode to tell us that if other life exists out there, it began to develop at some point after the Big Bang. The first and oldest systems to create life were nearer to ground zero than Earth. My cosmic friend does allege that older life supporting systems toward the center of the universe are generally more advanced with higher population densities than the newer ones at the edges of space.
The Etheric source reminded me that, “The first life supporting planets evolved what you may consider from your present limited perspective, as ancient beings which would seem like gods to you. The ancients have the survival enhancing experience of thousands or millions more years of growth, destruction, rebirth, and evolution. The long surviving life forms know about the universal cycles of two steps forward and one step back. They remember historical lessons learned from living in a polar verse, the whole striving for a balance between a positive vs. negative dichotomy thing.”
 Extinct life forms are those that advanced too quickly for them to effectively recall their own histories; therefore those life forms were unable to learn from their past, and we are doomed to repeat it. Their intelligence allowed them to use technology to advance themselves beyond the known limits of natural law. The unbalance ended in the destruction of races and some planets too. Resistance to planetary rhythms is futile, as related by the Doode.
As we might expect, a polar universe will produce opposed factions from surviving alien species. Negative or Positive may be a matter of individual perspective, however, Doode says that ali3nz who benefit each other through cooperation, are Positive, or “P-Ali3nz.” The blood thirsty and self serving aliens who sacrifice others for competition, and to win at any cost, are Negative, or N-Aliens. This type of thinking establishes the concept of two main types of extraterrestrials.
Due to their general beneficial character and ability to maintain equilibrium in every aspect of their lives, the Positive Ali3nz were better able to invent helpful technology. The Negatives extorted or stole the technologies they wanted as well as anything else which they considered valuable (usually things which sparkle).
In the beginning of P-Ali3n development, their sciences and spiritual matters were vehemently opposed - until that sort of divisional thinking almost destroyed them . In the general sense, nearly all Positive races who survive, pretty much go through the same dilemmas. Like present Earth humans, these early P-Ali3nz considered technology and spiritual subjects as separate entities, until finally realizing that a balance between them is necessarily in line with natural law. Different P-Ali3n species may reach the point of realization at certain times in their respective development. This depends upon their time and place of origin, and methods of adaptation. Doode has made it clear to me that all species must observe a balance in order to achieve longevity.
The most ancient immortal Positive species, some say the very first of intelligent life forms, were finally able to achieve a sustainable balance through the invention of a means to effectively measure psychic power. You may recall from the Introduction that I have personally observed lowly Earthlings who can perform unexplainable tasks by projecting their thoughts or intentions (spirit).
My temporal friend recounts that, “Ancient P-Ali3nz began their technical evolution just like you and I today, practically unable to find or use psychic energy. Through the use of instrumentation, the Positives were able to detect subtle changes in the field around a thinking subject. As subtle as that field is, a similar yet weaker field may be detected from non-thinking life, such as plants. Still, PAli3nz found a less complicated field associated with any non-living matter. From that knowledge it was simply a case of following the flow of energy to its destination, and constructing tools to further that task and the resulting experimentation.
I remember being in the woods when I felt I was being hit by a bolt of lightning, only to awake the next morning thinking that, not long after the Ancient Positives were able to measure psychic energy, they could also calculate how and why the intentional thought can become a physical force. They at first theorized that the brain alone achieved this feat. However, other vibrations around the body, and the frequency/data changes in the object of manipulation, indicated an additional or parallel source.
The Doode argues that what you may call a soul, in conjunction with that soul's brain, provides the means of spiritual energy transmission.1 P-Ali3n science was also able to verify something of a spiritual or ethereal nature as directly affecting something physical. Right on the heels of this breakthrough, their scientists identified the methods wherein psychic power can be manipulated.
My P-ALi3n informant told me that psychic energy can be amplified by simply concentrating harder. Individual thought intensity can also be increased by adding emotion or thought to the intent. Your Earthly meditation or theological rituals are examples of this, like the Eucharist, Prayer, Song, etc. Another way to attain an increase in power with this medium is to enlist a group of individuals, and allow them to concentrate on a common outcome.2 Hundreds or thousands of focused minds wield great power. Another hurdle the P-Ali3nz had to overcome was the problem of finding enough beings who were pure enough in spirit to effectively use this new power.

Psychic Technology (Psy Tech)

A young life form will always test itself by trial and error. I don't remember exactly when, but I awoke from a dream where I saw entities of light wearing what looked to be robes, and they were touching a machine of some sort. Doode said, “The early P-Ali3nz wanted to raise the psychic power of the individual to infinite levels. They engineered a device which could collect a person's thoughts, then analyze, filter and amplify the energy into a concentrated 'beam'.” The collected thought could be held in the memory of the device and re used or erased later.
Psychic Technology is my interpretation of what Doode expressed to me, that would likely be our name for the P-Ali3n technology.3 Using Psy Tech, the individual P-Ali3n could move all kinds of matter by simply thinking about it. One P-Alien person could perform what once seemed like a miracle. Could this be what we envision as the power of Satan, Zeus, or Superman?
Stuff could be levitated using Psychic Technology. Dissimilar raw materials were separated from each other without conventional tools. Waste products were broken down into useful elements like carbon, hydrogen, and helium. Even on a sub atomic level, matter and waves become as putty to the device operator.
And the P-ALi3n hologram declared, “Practical application of the Psy Tech first emerged as a method of construction. One operator could level a mountaintop in order to support a structure or to convert the rock into a road or landing strip. Soil and rock could be cut, crushed, or melted by thought. Ginormous structures like pyramids were built by the ancient Positives on their own planets without a large crew or massive material handling equipment.”
Before I started writing The Word of Doode,4 I would frequently daydream for hours, then obsessively scribble notations on any available scrap of paper. I pictured myself using a Psy Tech machine to hot weld metals without concern over technicalities about ferrous or nonferrous, humidity, or whatever. My capabilities allowed me to cold weld materials like steel to plastic, or wood to concrete. Imagine the ability to attach things not with glue, fasteners or welding rods, but by intermeshing molecules so they become the same at a given point. Doode says it is all possible with Psy Tech and told me to convey to you this weird biological analogy: The seemingly automatic process of egg fertilization. Take any Earth Mammal when the sperm and egg are united, the father's natural material is the enmeshed with that of the mother's, on a cellular level at least. I believe that's the point the Doode wanted me to make, is that the characteristics of the parents are combined to create a unique organism, but where they touch, they remain different – sharing some qualities of all three. So I wondered, “At the same point in my own development, weren't my mother, father, and I, the same?” Doesn't The Holy Bible support this theory in the “Trinity,” and also where Jesus infers that he is the Son but also the Father?
Sorry, I didn't mean to go all neo-theological. In my defense, I was led to believe by you know who, that the foregoing would show that biology already combines “dissimilar” materials in its own creative process. And in some remote way this analogy would lend credibility to the same action of PAli3n Psy Tech. If it doesn't I blame the Doode.
We should mention that just about any organic material can be synthesized into nutritional products using Psy Tech. Think about a weed converted into broccoli, or chicken into lobster. Inorganic matter has been changed into food, making it possible for barren places like your Sahara Desert or Antarctica, to become potential food producers. However, this takes so much energy that it is done in extreme cases only (survival). They could change, say, a rock into ice cream, but there might not be enough power left over to run the refrigerator.
Why not turn P-Ali3n water into wine? It has been done a time or two, but Doode would say that synthesized foods shouldn't permanently replace their natural counterparts. Within organically grown foods, the “spirit” is pure. Although, through the use of Psy Tech the material is transformed, the non-physical portion may not be affected by the change, and would be less healthy for you to consume over the real thing.
P-Ali3n medicine also benefits from Psy Tech. Wouldn't it be cool if we were able to think away Cancer or Heart Disease? Positives can do it. What if a severed finger could be grafted back on the hand without trauma? One P-Ali3n could touch another, intending vision to return and it would, (some can do that without the device). P-Ali3nz could and do manipulate genetics with this technology, as recounted by the Doode.

Space Movement

Now for the fun stuff! The Doode sayeth that Psy Tech is perfect for space travel. The first major jump in propulsion technology was in the management of gravity. You know who, says that the force of gravity is an instantaneous wave that Earth humans do not know enough about yet, although you already measure and control to some extent, other waves like sound; light; electricity and magnetism. Positive Ali3nz utilized thought amplifiers (first generation Psy Tech), to bend and focus the gravity from celestial bodies, and the gravity was then used to push and pull a craft through space, not unlike the action of soul and spirit (Chapter Four). Author, Bill Bryson writes that gravity is a byproduct of the warping of space-time by a mass,5 so it seems that Doode's version of P-Ali3n propulsion might have some abstract merit.
The effect of Psy Tech (in the sense of how movement of P-Alien space crafts were initiated,) was kind of like the way two magnets behave toward each other, no visible contact, yet they move, one in relation to the other. Positives soon achieved near light speed in straight line acceleration at one 'G' or gravity. That was considered a breakthrough.
Navigation had to be mastered for the new method of propulsion to be practical. Many unlucky experimenters smashed themselves into a galactic brick wall. My far out friend submits that, “Unknown space posed logistical nightmares for the P-Ali3n navigators due to the obvious reason that one wouldn't know what's out there.” Planets, comets, debris of all kinds; even pebbles can be a serious problem for any craft traveling at those speeds. P-Ali3nz took additional time to visualize and chart unknown space. New data provided line of sight coordinates which was sufficient for travel to the next instrument induced 'horizon'.
Although all early P-Ali3n craft could move rather fast compared to the rockets on Earth, the start and stop navigation routine slowed the process. Optimum thrust was achieved by passing within fairly close proximity of large celestial bodies in order to harness the gravity of each planet. First generation Psy Tech had these limiting aspects, but it did present the opportunity for planetary exploration, which is pretty cool for immortals. That is how the P-Ali3nz found Earth in the first place.
Common routes to Earth and other systems were established by the ancient Positive Ali3nz – but the foregoing limitations of first generation Psy Tech are the reasons why, early P-Ali3n space travel was directed through certain systems on the way to and beyond Earth. By this, Doode means the systems which are “visible” from this planet, like Sirius, Orion, the Zodiac, etc.6
Interstellar communication is also limited by the groupings of heavenly bodies. Doode posits that a focused thought transmitted through Psy Tech equipment over light years, will remain clear unless the “beam” passes too close to other worlds, or stars, etc. The frequency or vibrations emanated by a beam obstructing planet for example, will cause static within the transmission, like conventional radio that we covered in Chapter Four. Thought energy passing by the Metaphysical Mainframes of other worlds that are out of phase with the signal, may cause communication breakdown. Otherwise, distance is not a factor with Psy Tech equipment.
Back then as now, P-Ali3n spacecraft had to have a power source, something has to run the Psy Tech devices. The little Doode told me that on a couple of possible Earthly time lines, your scientists might identify the most popular P-Ali3n source of energy. On your planet this substance would likely come to be called, Element 115. Compared to Plutonium or Antimatter, 115 releases an even greater amount of energy. Element 115 is also simpler to harness than antimatter, if you can find it. This material occurs naturally in some locales however, 115 can be synthesized from precious metals.7  The manufactured product isn't as powerful or long lasting – it is a copy of a copy, so to speak, so it isn't as clear as the real thing. As one might imagine a lot of Alien (both Positive and Negative) exploration is conducted in search of this element.
Let's discuss another kind of movement. Some aliens and their androids or their drones, can move through matter. The amplified thought process (Psy Tech), can separate the atoms in a wall, for example. After the opening is large enough to provide suitable utility, the user can simply walk through – and the matter composing the wall (or whatever) is returned to it's previous state. I had a Doode induced vision that some N-Alien abductions are performed in this manner. I suppose it is possible that my own “abduction” may have come about like this.8
Like any worthwhile technology, Psy Tech advanced due to a set of thorough refinements. When the Positive Ali3nz returned to Earth prior to your last Ice Age,9  second generation Psychic Technology was in common use. My projected source indicates that, since around 140,000 years ago, planetary alignments no longer affected space travel because of the advancements.
The latest thought propulsion Psy Tech, provided for physical speeds in excess of light speed. Doode gave me the sense that the Positives consider both thought and gravity to be instantaneous, which would be faster than light. Take the computer example where electrical impulses have to wait while the chips calculate what to do with the impulse. In a race, thoughts would have to “wait” for light or electricity to catch up. When gravity is encountered, it is usually a pre-existing field.10 If you were in weightless space, for example, the closer you come to Earth, the “heavier” you would become (barring an increase in speed). When a gravitational field is generated, the effect is instant and since, in the case of planetary gravity, it already exists and is continuous so you would feel it right away. That would lead one to reason that Doode's hypothesis is correct. I have not found any scientific research indicating otherwise as I write this, but if this turns out to be wrong, I'm blaming the Doode.
Instant acceleration and instant deceleration can both be like a car crash – messy. For that reason, P-Ali3n Psy Tech users have a minimum of three crew members in order to safely operate the spacecraft. One of the crew members has the responsibility for building a psychic shield around the craft and it's occupants. This way, physical damage is less likely to occur when maneuvering at speeds exceeding light. A different crew member acting as a pilot is in charge of accelerating, decelerating, and directional changes, also achieved by thinking about these maneuvers. A third, or navigator, plots a safe course using his intentive spirit to look for possible collisions beyond the horizon.
All the above information is shared and made possible by the Psychic apparatus. The built in fail safe mechanism, is that the machine will not operate unless pure thoughts are emanating from the crew. My source suggests that a crew member thinking about something negative like crashes or explosions might actually cause one. If an alien goes crazy or otherwise has impure, negative thoughts, it is automatically screened by the system and is shut down.
Just noted was that the Psy Tech equipment has a built in fail safe. This for emergencies only, because, under normal conditions, the P-ALi3nz are so positive in spirit, that the fail safe is unneeded. Positive Ali3nz have all but completely evolved away continuous negative thought patterns, therefore they are less likely to screw up. However, the anomalous event can present itself, like an unevolved human could unexpectedly have access to the Psy Tech and, well it has happened before and the experience was negative.11 That is the reason for the precautions relates the little Doode.
Speaking of humans, you probably won't believe this, but the Doode told me that humanoid type aliens dominate the universe, numerically speaking anyway. They may not look like, or act, or even have the same needs as we do, but they are usually anatomically correct. Some are immortal. A few of the most ancient P-Ali3nz have evolved beyond a known physicality, sort of into spirit itself. Perhaps that's where we are supposed to end up. The ancients, who are considered “The Originals,” or the first race of beings in this universe, no longer need thought devices to move matter. By the use of meditation and mental concentration, their spiritual intent has evolved to the point where they can accomplish the seemingly impossible without external assistance. Over the eons, the Originals learned to use positive intention to transport themselves great distances without a ship. They're now able to move inter-dimensionally. What do you think, is it magic or angels, or...?
My semi-substantial friend bestowed upon me the idea that non-humanoid species exist “out there” too. Certain types of these developed some bad habits, although that's not to say that humanoids cannot be negative as well. A slight negativity in any species is possible and is but one side of the polar nature of this verse. By this I mean that some aliens would develop negative habits regardless of their outer circumstances, because of their genetics. However, any intelligent life form can choose to transcend negativity.
Some other types of N-Aliens were products of the first genetic experiments gone wrong. The original Positive Ali3nz (prior to their own collective evolution), performed all kinds of genetic experiments millions of years ago, long before they knew better.
N-Aliens like what you call, “Reptilians” and others that I call,” Ant-heads” are prime examples of the old manufactured monsters. These N-Aliens are smart, cunning, whimsical, and just plain dangerous. In the end, the experiments which produced the monsters only served to accelerate Negative devolution of the universe itself – due to the negative nature of the beings. Devolution brings greater
chaos, or more decay.

The Council

Way back in the days of the early development of “The Originals,” when they were just a little further along than you Earthlings are now, they began sharing their higher knowledge with the lesser life forms they either encountered naturally, or with the life forms they created. However, giving such dangerous technology to everyone did not work very well. Negative Aliens who benefited from the knowledge assimilated from the P-Ali3nz, used it indiscriminately, causing damage to innocents. Doode says that soon after the N-Aliens appropriated first generation Psy Tech, they rebelled and abandoned their creators (P-Ali3nz). Although the N-aliens weren't slaves or prisoners, N-Alien opinion was that, going away unchecked by the meddling Positives, the N-Aliens could do whatever they wanted to do without repercussions.
Positive Ali3nz did not try to stop the N-Aliens at that time because both factions possessed the same destructive first generation Psy Tech, and the resulting destruction would have been too great. The “Originals” had already distributed first generation Psy Tech to other species of P-ALi3nz, who turned out to be very positive in spirit. They were responsible with the technology and did not destroy themselves or others. In order to curtail repetition of their earlier mistakes, the different “positive” species agreed to form a council. “The Council” would work as sort of an environmental monitor for the universe, taking a hands-off approach to evolving biology and intervening only in emergency cases after a majority vote. Doode says the existing Council is similar to the “Federation” of popular Earth fiction.
The Council was made up of Planetary Representatives who were selected by lottery, from a pool of qualified individuals from each planet. Qualifications were determined through various tests, such as: Intelligence; General knowledge of other planetary customs; Expertise in specialized vocations; Along with a general peer or community opinion of each candidate. Each Representative served only for a short time (so that the power would not go to their heads), then their planet of origin would conduct another lottery to randomly select another qualified representative to go to the Galactic Council.
Advisers to the Council were selected in the same way. They would conduct studies based upon data returned from interstellar exploration. Majority vote would decide which course to take, however that wasn't necessarily the last word. A single majority from a solitary planet in opposition to the Council vote, could form a challenge. The “challenge” would be settled by the aggregate majority from each planet represented in the Council.
Initially the Council itself was motivated into action by feelings of guilt over their earlier irresponsible creation of Negative monsters, and other things we have not listed here. The primary goal of the Council is to prevent or repair any damage to innocent planets, or other life forms, done by their earlier N-Alien monster creations. The Council subsequently determined that there should be no more transfer of technology between life forms who are not evolutionarily equal. One way to assure this maxim was followed was to pass the rule of NO DIRECT CONTACT between unequal species.
The No Contact rule is important to the P-Ali3nz because, as Doode says, “The Positives naturally share what they know, like a child who might talk to anyone without regard for the intentions of the other. Positive Ali3nz have evolved beyond deception, beyond suspicion. To them, knowledge is truth, and to share truth with those in need of it is the same as sharing food with the hungry.” Simply put, if a P-Ali3n is asked by another being to reveal a secret then the Positive cannot resist the urge to disclose the requested information.
It may be obvious by the foregoing that, not all species are capable of handling high technology in a responsible manner, i.e. you don't give a loaded gun to a three year old. Psychic Technology is very powerful. The potential is limited only by the mind of the user. Herein has been a short list of the capabilities of a power that, in the wrong hands, could endanger the entire universe!
My source told me that the possible destructive power of Psy Tech is the main reason for the rule of No Direct Contact. He said that, “Unless an entire species has reached a certain level of positive spiritual awareness, they can't be trusted with the great responsibility that comes with Psy Tech and other P-Ali3n know how.” Guess What (?) Earthlings are not even close! A minority of us may be close, in the P-Ali3n ballpark as it were, but Doode says that “the whole planet must reach this level of conscious intent at once, or the P-Ali3nz will not share what they know with us.” In other words, they won't park their ship on the White House lawn and say, “Take me to your leader.”
This is not to say that the as yet unexplored reaches of space, doesn't have life forms who could show up with their own brand of knowledge. The Council does not claim to have exclusive authority over the universe. However, they do try to intercept unknown aliens from premature contact with peoples on their “watch list,” such as you and me.
You know who, directed that I should here enunciate why the planets who are Council members do not use a conventional currency to facilitate interplanetary trade. We'll cover some of these issues later as they relate to Earth, but for now we want you to know that the P-Ali3nz - who happen to be spiritually evolved enough to possess Psy Tech – are also evolved enough to trade products with other planets, based not on the value of the product, but on the intent that produces the product . By this we mean that each planet had its own set of specialized items which its inhabitants produced, and that those goods would be allotted to the other planets in trade.
In the beginning, to implement this system turned out to be a nightmare, because old outdated systems of value had to be overcome. Methods of calculating a person's effort were devised using Psy Tech. Like an electronic crystal ball, this technology allowed partners in trade to measure the effort and intent that went into a given product.12 That way the inhabitants of Planet A that made Product #1, would be assured that the inhabitants of Planet B who creates Product #2, had put about the same energy into Product #2, as did the makers of Product #1. No matter what the product was, it was the effort which made it worth exchanging. These days most members of the Council are responsible, and as a result, trusting enough so that the “electronic crystal ball” is no longer needed.

Nordic P-Ali3nz

At one point I asked the Doode how is it that P-Ali3nz became so collectively responsible, so “positive” that any of them can be trusted to use Psy Tech. After all, they did not start out that way, right? Doode gave me the example of what Earth Ufologists call the “Nordic Aliens” because of their close relations to Earth humans.
My source asserted that if we were to classify P-Ali3nz on a socio-evolutionary basis, the Nordics would be like middle class Americans. They have now become spiritually and intellectually mature enough to act responsible in all things, and they're also members of the Council. Like any form of biological intelligence, they had to learn from their mistakes in order to advance. The fact that they are still here is proof that they've learned something. The Original P-Ali3nz wouldn't have invited the Nordics into Council membership had they not reached a higher level of maturity. We will briefly cover some of their history to illustrate the point.
Nordic P-Ali3n history closely resembles the history of Earth. They just have the advantage of about a million year’s head start, and over time, finally conquered their inner demons. Nordic evolution has passed through many phases, just like we are still trying to do (some of us anyway). And just like us, the Nordics have gone through many cycles in their history where large portions of their population was eliminated (in one way or the other), and the remnant has had to begin again. Such evolutionary cycles are the nature of this verse. That is partially why the Nordic's early history so much resembles that of Earth, but also because their genetics are directly linked with ours. You may recall from Chapter Three, Doode's story of genetic seeding. Excluding the mutations caused by the N-Aliens, most of your positive traits were donated by the Nordic P-Ali3nz.
About the time Earth was experiencing what is called, “The Age of Mammals”, Nordic planetary history was plagued with war, prejudice, greed, hate, and growing negativity. Where you are going they have already been.

The Game

Way back in the day, developing “cave” Nordics were barely surviving. While they were Hunter-gatherers, we were still apes. After the Nordic P-Ali3nz developed agriculture, metallurgy, and other skills, the resulting leisure time allowed the population to think about things other than mere survival. Nordics holding the most wealth in the form of crops and livestock, wanted to be godlike because the power of wealth went straight to their heads. Doode says that one of the first ambitions of affluent Nordic peoples, was the desire of power over their own life and death. When you think about it that kind of power would be pretty cool, right?
Ancient Nordic P-Ali3nz were unable to achieve power over their own lives or death, so a substitute was found. My P-Ali3n apparition indicates that the stronger or smarter P-ALi3nz began to control the lives of their tribal members, establishing a strict pecking order. This left those on the bottom of the hierarchy in the untenable position of a slave or serf. While having other people as slaves was amusing to them, the ability to control more property and even other tribes was a better game. In the absence of power over their own lives, control or some type of power over the lower classes was an acceptable substitute. It became a wealthy Nordic game sort of like our Chess, only their “game” is addicting as well as for real – power being the ultimate drug that motivates.
Chess players know that the structure of the game requires pieces ranging from pawns, up to royalty in the style of our middle ages. The Chess pieces beneath the royals will be sacrificed to protect the king; however, the real power in Chess belongs to the players who move the pieces.
In reality, the power of life and death over others was the original goal of the Nordic “player”. Taking someone's life was considered decadent, while allowing one to live was benevolent. Either action helped to fuel the ego powered adrenalin rush. The display of power through property ownership was an indirect offshoot of this concept. “Pawns” consisting of common Nordic P-Ali3nz, along with land; tools; crops; livestock; and money is included in the concept of property ownership.
Following the cyclical nature of – nature- from time to time rebellion would ensue. The inequities between the Nordic classes cause pawns to overthrow the kings. The constant polar struggle for power compelled the “Kings” to devise new methods of exerting their will over the “Pawns,” with the broader object of the game being total control over the “Chess Board” of that world. Nordic PALi3n history shows that force breeds force in the form of rebellion, therefore in an effort to remain in power, king sponsored religion was invented as a softer means of pawn, (or lower class) management. Royalty could easily declare that they were divine descendants of a godly power higher than anyone else. The resulting oppression in the form of further class related division would be claimed as the will of whatever deity the king was bound to.
The Nordic priests had enough sense to make religiously inspired promises to the common people, but the promises were empty because no hero ever came to save them; no god ever took them to the heavens; nor did planetary life improve beyond a given limit. All things being cyclical, one could have predicted that the Nordic religions would lose their grip on the people. Realizing the conceptual nature of the religions, Nordic pawns became restless. Eventually, the tool of economics was implemented by the monarchs as the newer method of control, cites the Doode.
Barter or the trading of products was being done, but the Kings needed to bind everyone to a medium of exchange and through that medium, they could assert precise control over the people. Doode gave me the sense that, on any planet that uses money, that money brings the “root of all kinds of evil.” He also told me that money is the universal tool for measuring the power over the “game.”
Whatever Nordic pawns there were who did not have much money, spent all their time earning it. With no spare time, poor folks weren't able to contemplate the motives of the royalty, much less organize to do anything about it. Monarchs promoted all kinds of economic based activities designed to keep the pawns busy, confused, and somewhat pacified. The Doode would tell you that on the Nordic P-ALi3n planet, a profit motivated media machine of propaganda, reinforced the “mass” confusion. Elite Nordics owned the media so they were able to easily control every piece of news that the poor Nordic people had access to. In this way, common folk were forced to leave the Elitists to their devices.
            My source of information left me with the impression that money was the universal tool used to measure ones power over the Nordic “Game”. Players were able to calculate who had the most money and then determine who was in the lead. In their system, whoever held the most money wields the most power, and is therefore more able to create or destroy a greater amount of lives or property than the other players, like a god. A side effect is that the Game is never over. Someone else is always pursuing the ultimate drug, power.
            P-ALi3n communications and news media was at that time dominated by product advertising. Their system of measuring power using money created the necessity to implement ad-based economic control. Product advertisements distracted the Nordic pawns from learning the truth about important issues. Nordic P-Ali3nz have very human desires, and so immoral values were promoted to catch the eye of the consumer, to entice them into buying unneeded products. Sex used to sell there too!
            The Doode relates that the constant Nordic advertising was naturally distracting to consumers – it had to be in order to accomplish the goal of selling the products and also to control the minds of the masses.13  Over successive generations, the “distractions” caused chemical mutations in the brains of Nordic P-Ali3nz. As a result, greater numbers of Nordics were less able to concentrate on necessary tasks, making the planet less economically productive.
            The individual became more subjective toward the symbolism included within the advertising, which made them easier to manipulate in any setting. Derelict generations of Nordic pawns readily accepted further distraction but this wasn't done against their will because they had no more will.
            Nordic Elitists who controlled the money would only invest it if a guaranteed large profit could be made. Delinquent commoners with no ideas for new products became poorer, hungrier. Doode further relayed that, once the power of the industrial dynasties were solidified, the poor found it harder and harder to climb the economic ladder, because the majority of the wealth was held by the few. As a matter of fact, greater numbers of the population had no legal method to provide for themselves, and many reverted to crime as a means to obtain the necessities of life.
            My P-Ali3n informant suggests that the Nordic “Kings” and their agents established separate business entities, similar to Earth corporations. The business conglomerates insulated their biological operators from liability because, if a corporation violated a law or moral value, it was the invisible company doing it not the employees. Doode would tell us that corporations are not alive and don't breathe, but they survive off money as a byproduct of employee effort, and the companies devour whatever stands in the way of profit.
            The tendency of Nordic P-Ali3n corporate focus on growth, by any means necessary, was damaging to planetary health. An “out of sight out of mind” approach to industrial waste management promoted the widespread dumping of toxic waste. Much of the planet's water was poisoned and suburbanites had to wear masks just to breathe the dirty air. Necessary plants and animals approached extinction at an alarming rate, and environmental related illnesses claimed many lives.
            Greed compelled political figures into blatant corruption. Companies paid lawmakers to look the other way when they substituted cheaper labor and substandard materials, for the former higher quality in their goods and services. Usury on money imposed by the finance industry served to compound these problems, because morally challenged Nordic people were able to get something for nothing. A few sleazy deals proved more attractive than actual work, that is: trading substance (labor) for substance (gold). The population did nothing about all this because for generations, they had been desensitized through the media deception, and besides they were too busy trying to make ends meet to participate in their own communities.
            All across the Nordic planet was what you might call an, “Industrial Society”. The Doode posits that, “Since the population had been forced into cities, they knew not how to grow their own food and such. The unfortunate masses depended on their jobs and the monetary system for their sustenance.” That system was imploding upon itself, causing joblessness to run rampant throughout the lower and middle classes. Common goods became too expensive for even some of the affluent to afford. The energy or effort of each individual was expended on way too little return. All these effects were taking a major toll on the moral fiber of the Nordic people. In every walk of life there were more criminals than non-criminals, because the have-nots were desperate to survive. Hope became a four letter word, and the threat of legal repercussions ceased to be a deterrent. Finally, wars were fought over the last of the pure natural resources, while poor civilians began to use their numbers to physically strip the wealthy of their ill-gotten gains.
Some say that “like attracts like,”14 and on the Nordic planet, negativity begot more negativity. Very little positive energy was felt anywhere or at least any positive intent was simply overwhelmed by the negative. They should have seen it coming, but their own destruction was eminent. The little Doode tells us that order breeds chaos and even prophecy relies on that cycle. Just as a dog will scratch, shake, and bite itself to remove parasites, so did the Nordic planet “shake” to remove the negative energy makers from its surface. Everything in nature seeks a balance, but of course a dog cannot remove every single flea by itself, a few usually survive.

Nordic Destruction

Doode tells us that some Nordics remember a planetary cataclysm while others recall an artificial apocalypse, but I was misled to believe that it doesn't matter because the results are the same. Almost everyone and everything on the planet was destroyed, or messed up to a degree.
Nordic survivors had the advantage of previous knowledge and experience, so they were not restarting completely from scratch. They used that experience to focus on restoring some form of order. With the infrastructure wiped out they all had to pull together in order to survive. Left without the trappings of their high tech toys, money, and politics – a spiritual awakening began. Parts of this concept can be seen on your TV network reality game shows, where otherwise dissimilar people have to pull together to have even a chance at winning. Remove the factors of network inspired drama and the rules of the games (where the main issue is surviving the game), and you might see the spirit of cooperation come out in the people.
I was under the impression that all the Nordic P-Ali3n people were reduced to the same level after the planetary purge of negativity. Social classes no longer mattered because every single soul worked side by side just to survive. A group working together with the combined intent focused on a single project is more effective than one or two.15 The solitary wolf may catch a rabbit, but a pack of wolves can take down much larger prey.
Moving on, the old Nordic arguments over property, jealousy, or whatever ego related games they formerly participated in – were not important to the people anymore. There were no more “Kings” or “Pawns,” no worldwide “Chess” game. Everyone realized that there could be no single “winner,” and that the perpetuation of the Nordic species was the only win. Winning on that level requires cooperation and participation among everyone.
Nordic survivors of the destruction managed to retain some useful technology. Besides having their own previous memory and expertise, they were able to find intact many devices such as: information resources, and industrial systems. Some structures were a total loss, while others remained untouched. While their conventional means of transmitting power and communication, water and sewage were in disarray, the Nordic survivors understood that such systems were better off being replaced by smarter methods. Decentralization was the thing. What if there were more storms, earthquakes or war? Small, scattered systems which functioned independently were less likely to become a total loss where possible future destruction was concerned, besides, previous centralization of infrastructure was done so that businesses would be able to charge money for the services.
As a group, it was decided to saturate one problem at a time with an abundance of minds and hands. This method of utilizing every available person to attack a problem together, we might call “Tribal.” That is to say that it is tribal in the sense that it's similar to Native American Indian Tribes, where everybody pretty much works to further the interests of the tribe as a whole.
The Nordic thing worked like this: A person or family needed a place to live, so either they occupied an existing structure or everyone pitched in to build them a place. When finished, their place would have it's own food and water supply, as well as it's own means of power generation (think “Green” methods).
In return for assistance from the tribe, the Nordic person or family which earlier benefitted would pitch in to help any other tribal members with similar projects. In this way, the Nordic humans were able to rebuild a viable infrastructure for the whole planet. A tribal social system necessitated a sense of close association and extensive cooperation. Life in general became simple again, oriented more towards family and community than a narcissistic idea of self alone. They just helped out, not expecting any payment and Nordic needs were met.
Money no longer existed on the P-Ali3n planet of Nordic humans. Even if money were still available, the planetary damage was so extensive that no amount of capital would ever pay for it to be rebuilt. Besides, who would the “debt” be paid to anyway? What if some would-be Nordic financier announced that he would “finance” the Nordic version of Halliburton in order to rebuild the infrastructure? Whether he gathered all the old money or if he waved a magic wand and created money out of thin air, who ultimately would be responsible for repayment of the debt incurred on the interest and principle of the money financed?
Like the money on Earth, Nordic money (before the cataclysm) had no value by itself – it was the guarantee of the people to pay debts with products – that was the real value behind the symbol of money. Keeping the fallacy of monetary value in mind, the Doode informed me that, “Money was outlawed on the Nordic planet. With conventional commercialism removed, the resultant problems associated with advertising and other corporate ventures were not experienced anymore.”
My source related that there was a time in Nordic P-Ali3n post-cataclysm history when everyone's survival needs were met. The people were clothed, fed, housed, etc. All of it was achieved through cooperation. Then began a transitional phase where they desired things beyond the stuff of survival alone. The popular view was that they could no longer allow the uneven distribution of money or property, because that whole pursuit of “wants” (with money as leverage) enabled further power struggles. There had to be a better way. Still, there remained the question of the Nordic people's labor and what, if anything to exchange in transactions.
Forward thinking Nordic P-Ali3nz promoted the “exchangeof personal energy, based on the ability of the individual. That is, the energy measured by a person's “effort,” “intent” or “spirit” going into the product. After all, is the effort of a scientist or a doctor greater than the effort of a carpenter or a farmer? Presuming that each of them are performing to their own personal potential, from the individual perspective the energy expended is the same – only the work product is different. The Nordic P-Ali3n race collectively agreed to value the effort over the product of that effort. That whole thing brings to mind a number of questions about human nature that we'll address shortly.
As for the energy, consider the analogy of “steps” you might take in your lifetime. It is the Word of Doode that if you were to count your footsteps from birth to death, the number would be finite. If you began walking unimpeded at birth and continued until death, how many steps would you take?
Similar to fingerprints, every mortal human is genetically allotted with their own potential for a specific amount of steps. I later found information indicating that an Earth human life is about 650,000 hours long.16 The number of specific steps one might take in that time will vary with the chosen lifestyle and other factors, but the fact remains, footsteps are finite. Why would your steps be worth less than mine? Such steps, or more elementally, life energies which are evoked toward a particular job, are essentially deducted from a mortal human's total amount of potential steps over their lifetime. The mortal, Nordic P-ALi3n or otherwise, cannot get back those steps.
For these reasons, the Nordic people no longer wasted their “steps” or energy in pursuit of things which in the past, proved to have a negative effect. There is enough bad stuff occurring naturally on any planet to satisfy anybody's morbid sense of negativity. Commercialism was the second victim after money, to get the axe of positive thinking dropped on it.
Based on the above, the Doode painted the psychedelic picture for me that, collectively, the Nordic people traded energy and nothing else. That environment was highly conducive to group spiritual growth. They all wanted to help each other because they found that it made the helper feel as good as the helpee. Good feelings are addictive in a positive way, like exercise can be. Through selfishness (the desire to indirectly make oneself “feel good”), Nordic positive action fostered further civic activity.
Surviving Nordic criminals who were incarcerated, may have died from starvation if their jails were made of iron and concrete like ours. However, Nordic offenders were implanted with chips which rendered them helpless if they went beyond the electronic “Dog fence.” After the destruction, the power was interrupted and the dog fences were down, so the ex-offenders were able to vacate the prisons. As it turned out the ex-prisoners were a lot of help to their respective communities. When it came to rebuilding infrastructures which they sort of stumbled into, it seems as soon as they left the institutions, they began to assist in the search for other survivors buried in the rubble.
Criminal pasts were ignored or forgotten and the ex-offenders were given a clean slate. The exprisoners now had a positive purpose, and would not have to commit crimes in order to survive or to make themselves feel powerful. As positive contributors to society, their self-esteem improved exponentially. My source would say that the positive attitudes of Nordic ex-offenders were reinforced by the positive response of those around them. This cycle is self-supporting.
Going back to the pressing question of how to place a value on people's labor vs. the value of goods, and the like, Doode said that, “In the workplace, the Nordics circumvented human nature in the following ways:
Pre-existing methods of testing were used to gauge the potential of every survivor on the Nordic planet. A combination of what we might term psycho-social tests were employed, which measured intelligence; personality traits; skills of all types; as well as DNA testing in order to determine various genetic propensities. This is how the Nordics were capable of assigning a measurable potential to find what each person was capable of in a social, economic sense. In this way, nobody was expected to perform their primary duties outside of their own ability.
Human nature logically dictates that people will become angry if they perceive their co-workers as “freeloading,” or not performing as well as the one who perceives (if the perceiver is getting the same compensation). Nordic P-Ali3nz agreed to a peer graded review system, where workers anonymously graded each other based on their performance in the workplace. As you might expect, disputes sometimes ensued over the results of the grading system, but were settled with a machine something like your polygraph.
Within a given organization every qualified worker participated for a time in each specialty after a period of training. Nordic research indicated an average time for most workers to become complacent and bored in a given position, which tended to reduce one's overall effectiveness. A periodic rotation from one position to the other reduced the chances of boredom, as well as assuring that diverse knowledge was evident throughout the workforce.
With any individual, if a career felt wrong, one could re-train in a different field. The only requisite was to put forth an honest effort. Based on individual capabilities as determined through several testing methods, qualified workers were encouraged to seek diversity in other careers. If the adage, “Do what you love, the money will follow,” is viable, the Nordic P-Ali3nz surely found a method to achieve a certain level of viability.
Another way to discover a new career field is to volunteer in fields which interest you. Nordic P-Ali3nz began their regrowth by volunteering and cooperating on large projects, and the Doode revealed to me that it is still common for Nordics to volunteer for jobs they are overqualified for.
 Based on established norms, Nordic survivors had designated the average time in which each individual job was most effectively performed. As long as the individual performing that job did so within these parameters, they had no worry from the peer review system. Willing participation guaranteed a person an equal share of total products.
The obvious question of what to produce was answered by the unanimous decision to abandon the production of goods that were naturally unneeded, or very difficult to manufacture.
Each community of whatever size was made capable of producing a given majority of their own basic needs. Everyone was expected to grow their own food, or most of it – but in addition, pre-existing tooling was cannibalized from larger factories and either redistributed to or duplicated for the smaller communities to use.
Products that required the operation of giant size factories were operated by “nomadic” communities. Usually, a gathering of volunteers would take turns migrating to the specific factory for a while. They would manufacture enough widgets to supply the entire planet with an individual share of widgets, plus replacements. When the job was done, they would migrate back to their home community or another job if that was their collective wish.
The Nordic “Tribal” system had another distinguishing aspect that contemporary Earthlings might find foreign: Post-Destruction, there weren't any schools in operation, nor were there any retirement communities, so home schooling for the young and interaction with the old was done out of necessity. In a culture where there was no more fierce competition over money, the Nordic P-Ali3nz were able to realize the hidden benefits of “tribal life.” It is good to work fewer hours or days and to spend more quality time with family and friends, so sayeth the Doode.


            The Doode revealed to me that on the Nordic planet, the government was also redesigned. In the past, government officials were elected by special interest groups who's “special interest” was increasing their own profits. Commercially biased governments basically ignored the common folks because the poor were too capitally challenged to “pay” officials for whatever they needed.
            Post-Destruction, there wasn't an immediate need for a “government” in the classical sense because everyone just sort of “chipped in” where a need arose. But as the debris was cleaned away and a new paradigm was forming, a limited method of day to day direction was desired. Collectively, the Nordic P-Ali3nz in each small community agreed to designate a “pool” of individuals from which a short term management team would be randomly selected. Originally the pool consisted of eligible persons and, it seems, those willing to serve. If the community thought a person was capable of performing the job then that person was submitted to the pool of candidates. Electing the public servants was performed by lottery, so as to be a completely random process. Terms of service were extremely limited too. This process eliminated the possibility of another ruling class of incumbents taking control of everyone's lives again. A side benefit is that no further resources were wasted on political campaigns after that time.
            We said before that money was not used, yet our P-Ali3n cousins continue to own personal property. You didn't think their tribal life was without at least some perks, did you? “Stuff” isn't free but the the 'collective effort' pays for it. The market isn't “profit” driven, because there is not any more monetary profit. The “Administration by lottery” was largely concerned with the even distribution of products. Nordic P-Ali3nz were allocated stuff in the following ways:
            Property was divided among everybody based on actual need first;
            Secondly, stuff was given as long as a person actively participated in some type of work, education or some other viable effort – mitigated by their own mental, physical, or emotional abilities and;
            Thirdly, the persons' capability to maintain that property. This discouraged Nordic survivors from accumulating a bunch of stuff they didn't need.
            In this instance, the term “need” means shelter, food clothing, and some form of transportation for the entire population. After everyone's basic needs are met, the P-Ali3nz agreed to work on methods to provide for all Nordic “wants,” or even some luxuries. The word “participation,” means that a property recipient was expected to put forth an honest effort of pitching in with whatever the community needed. The “capable” part means for example, that a child would not be allowed her own helicopter because she is unable of safely operating or maintaining it.
            My source indicated to me in pictures mostly, that the Nordic “lottery” picked administrative body would ask the population to choose what products should be produced. Everyone would suggest something, then they would vote on the most popular products. The best way for me to explain the process is to offer a hypothetical : Let's say there is just enough material to make two products. In this example everybody voted to manufacture Widgets, and nearly everybody voted for Gadgets, then the smaller minority voted for Thingamajigs. Because Thingamajigs were in last place and there wasn't enough material to make all three items, the Thingamajigs just were not made. However, even the folks who voted for Thingamajigs were allotted their share of Widgets and Gadgets if they wanted them.
            My far out source led me to believe that a Nordic P-Ali3n family of four as an example, got to claim housing and food adequate for their needs, based on accepted norms. This was not a situation wherein the Administration had stuff produced or whatever, then doled it out to only those whom they chose, but a society in which every soul participated in every aspect of community equally benefitting each other.
            Other goodies or wants like widgets and gadgets were addressed to the population after they all received the basics from one another. A little P-Ali3n lady doesn't need the same amount of food, cars, or housing that the family needs. Nor would Grandma be able to maintain the family sized home, cars, etc. What would Granny do with a fleet of cars and trucks anyway?
            To keep all this in perspective, Nordics could elect to vacation in decadent luxury, keeping in mind the above parameters. The P-Ali3n “timeshare,” allowed for a family to stay in a fifty room castle for instance. The catch is, they would have to maintain it during their stay. Another illustration might be, say you desire a car collection. Sure, you'd get to drive them, but mix driving with tune ups, cleaning and restoration of one hundred vehicles, and well, even Jay Leno would have problems doing all that by himself. One might better appreciate what they had after the “vacation.”
            Doode says that all the old , broken, or otherwise useless products were recycled, and additional overstocked versions of items were re-manufactured or re-distributed as updates after older versions were turned in. Things that were constructed of superior materials could be updated without going through the full re-manufacturing process (from obtaining new raw materials).
            My temporal friend suggested, “No more money, means the Nordic P-Ali3nz had no money related problems. All of them had a right to the best health care. Anyone who elected to have cosmetic surgery could have it done, their societal participation paid for it. Products were made with the best materials and workmanship, because manufacturers didn't have to cut corners to turn a profit in capital. The stuff that one might want to last forever, practically did, and most things were also indestructible to a degree.” I'm having a vision of cars that do not bend, yet they incorporate some Ali3n form of energy absorption which keeps passengers safe.
            Schools and research labs on the Nordic Planet wanted for nothing. All knowledge was (and still is) shared with whoever wants to know, and the seeker may choose what to do with the knowledge. Truth works. There still is full disclosure at every level. Do you see any advantages with the P-Ali3n system?
           Currently, every Positive Ali3n Species, including Nordics, has apprenticeships in every field or specialty. If a specialist in one field wishes to try another one, he/she becomes an apprentice. Subject theory and procedure is now uploaded directly to the brain via Psy Tech. Hands on skills are taught by masters in the given field. For thousands of years, there has been no excuse for the average Positive Ali3n to fail to be productive.
           The little Doode says that I should also point out that Nordic values weren't automatically utopian, they're human after all. There remained the few power hungry or mentally challenged individuals who might have continued to spread negativity, flies in the ointment so to speak. The Nordic answer to this was first, to demonstrate how to make a cognitive change, addressing behaviors as symptoms of underlying issues. If that method didn't work then a genetic therapy was developed wherein a subject who was willing to change actually could, with medical help. Those Negative Aliens who refused the therapy were expelled from all positive communities, never to be heard from again. Even Nordic humans could not be “forced” to change; it had to be their own choice.
            I was given a vision of so many people standing on an island that there was scarcely room to move. Doode told me the picture was given to me so that I may understand and effectively illustrate that everything physical has limits. He went on saying that, “A given planet can only effectively support a given amount of life.” All Positive Ali3nz in the council choose birth control so to prevent overpopulation. In their view, less people meant less overall stress on the planet as an organism. Combine that with healthy diet, exercise, genetic manipulation, and they were able to live much longer lives. There are not many P-Ali3nz who are overweight, which is one reason that only a minimum amount of health care is warranted any more ( on their respective planets).
            The expansive benefit of this Positive Ali3n activity is that negative stuff is minimized on the macro scale of a species. If there is a danger of increased planetary negative energy due to population growth, then space exploration opens new possibilities for colonists, who move off planet in order to relieve the overpopulation that is induced by the negative pressures. Volunteer colonists take with them the proven Positive methods to build infrastructures and civilized societies.
            On the whole, P-Ali3n needs are fulfilled as we've postulated here. There is little for them to be jealous or angry about. Doode indicated that over time, suspicion and the need to express egotistical emotions like anger, are actually evolved away from the species. The P-Ali3nz have found that the higher vibrations of positive intent and behavior actually promote an evolutionary change. My source induced vision of this is best expressed as: In response to positive vibrations, the creative energy which powers all matter, actually forces a polar shift on a subatomic level. As a result, later generations are born with less negative potential than their ancestry.
            In the history of the Nordic P-Ali3nz – there was a time when they had begun their spiritual evolution as the Doode has presented, that the Positive P-ALi3n Council contacted the Nordic people. Positive Ali3n technologies were passed down to the Nordics, such as Psy Tech, and the ability to alter genetics. The Nordic P-Ali3nz were from that moment on, treated as equals by other Positive Ali3nz, and they were all members of an exclusive club because they became immortal.
            And the Doode projected onto me that, “Like the Nordics or any Positive Species has done, Earth humans must collectively change – as a group, to become something greater than human.” However, to do so, the old ways of thinking will have to change.

Chapter Five End Notes

1. Reference Chapter Four.
2. Like the team plus intent example in Chapter Four.
3. Because we could not pronounce their word for it.
4. Which was the precursor to Ali3nizm.
5. For more on gravity, see A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 126.
6. Did recollection by ancient man, of this early travel by P-ALi3nz, translate into the reason ancient man began to look to the stars as sacred?
7. Which may be one reason the N-Aliens move from one planet to the next so frequently.
8. Reference Chapter One.
9. See chapter Three.
10. My astral source of information disclosed to me that gravity usually pre-exists in relation to our experience of it, because, wherever one goes in the verse, one can nearly always detect some gravity or related field.
11. Reference the N-Alien genetic manipulation, Chapter Three.
12. This measurement was taken from the workers themselves, but also from the actual product sort like Kirilian Photography.
13. A related local analogy is that we are exposed to an average of three thousand Ads per day. The average household has 2.24 TV's, and 66% have over three. Parents spend a weekly average of 3.5 minutes in meaningful conversation with their kids, whereas children spend 1,680 minutes per week in front of TV.
14. Or birds of a feather flock together, but Doode suggests that effect originates in the
Metaphysical Mainframe.
15. For more on focused intent, see Chapter Four.
16. See A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 2.

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