Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chapter Four

Soul Circuit

          One may notice that the English words, “Soul” and “Spirit” have been used just about interchangeably in many writings. Personally, I have always sensed that there are important yet subtle differences between the terms. My source tells me that my feelings on the matter are pretty close, then he told me why.
           I asked the little Doode why that, saying the following phrases the way we say them, just feels right.
        We Do say :                           We Do Not Say :
“Holy Spirit”                            “Holy Soul”
“American Spirit”                     “American Soul”
“Christmas Spirit                      “Christmas Soul”
“I'll be with you in Spirit”          “I'll be with you in Soul”
            The above phrases point to the deduction that there really is a difference between soul and spirit Doode agrees too, he says that, “A Soul is a singular energy, hence the term 'Solitary Soul'.” Mathematically, a soul equals one. Etymologically, the word soul is an Old English word derived from the Germanic – Saiwalo; which is something fleeting and mercurial.
            The word spirit comes from the 13th century Latin, 'Spiritus' meaning 'breath'; derived from the verb 'Spirare'; 'I Breathe' which is the source of the English , aspire, conspire, transpire. So a soul is just there, existing while a spirit actually does something, right?
            Doode answered, “By its usage, the word spirit indicates a collective energy, greater than a single soul.” He then referenced The Bible where I found that you first have the Father; or the son; then the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit will be “sent” to “comfort,” there is an action or intent involved.
            The Holy Spirit did not exist without the collective energy of one or both of the other two:
Father + Son = Holy Spirit; or
Father + Intent = Holy Spirit; or
Son + Intent = Holy Spirit
            To further emphasize the subject differences, my source explained to me that, “A soul is associated with physical life, whereas a spirit may have a non-physical life of its own.”1 Soul energy actually causes a physical body to animate by its very presence. Remember, a spirit has intentive energy attached to it, where an action is intended to be performed. From the last paragraph, the spirit was 'sent' to 'comfort' – both are actions intended to be performed outside or sent from the thinking entity, in this case the thinker was Jesus.
            Doode indicated to me that in the equation of spirit, “intention” is all important. He said one should ask what is meant by the question, “Where’s your team spirit?” The general idea is that a number of individuals “intend” to be a part of a team, to act together concerning a particular purpose, or to focus all their collective energies in a single direction for a time, (intent + intent = spirit). A practical example of this energy is the cheer, “We got spirit yes we do, we got spirit how about you?” The team along with the cheerleaders, push their intentions away from themselves, and toward accomplishing the goal.
            Etymologically, the English word “intend” comes from the Latin verb intendre; the prefix – in, means, “towards”; and tendre which means “stretch to form a plan or purpose; from earlier “direct” or “stretch” ones thoughts towards something' and the adjective intent – looks back to the earlier, “Direct ones mind toward a particular thing.”
            My source explained that, “With either soul, or spirit there is a need to be fulfilled. In either case someone or something feels a pull, and they may direct the intentive energy or push needed to accomplish the goal or need – by simply thinking about it – and this creates a “circuit” of energy if you will. The positive or negative polarity within the energetic circuit is what causes the spiritual patterns of energy to flow.
            Knowing my interest in practical application of the subject terms in relation to the human organism, I received from my temporal pal, information suggesting that a human soul is created at/or about the time of physical birth. In clarifying, he told me that when the newborn human brain forms a controlling “circuit” for the heart and lungs, a certain pattern of energy that we call a “soul” is actually pulled from the Metaphysical Mainframe.2 In this case the spirit made a soul. Important to note is that a single ethereal soul cannot affect three dimensional (3-D) mass by itself. The soul, being a singular energy can't act alone. Doode informed me that this is because there is no direct connection, no “circuit” allowing energy to flow from the dimension of soul to the dimension of physical mass (like to a body with hands), then it can act directly in this physicality.
            Take a soul by itself and you have a potential energy. That energy is just there, existing, it is not actually doing anything yet because it has not been invoked.3 Like a battery stores electricity, a soul's energy is stored until it's needed for a purpose. In a simple electric circuit you might have a battery with one positive and one negative pole(s), a switch, a light bulb, and a wire connecting these components.4 When the switch is thrown or turned on, a battery's energy is needed or pulled by what is now a completely5 connected circuit, which can perform work by lighting a light – thereby affecting a possible mass.6 Likewise, the soul must be pulled, invoked, or if one prefers, switched into a circuit of a living body to perform its purpose, like animating a meat suit (body).
            So I thought, “What is the purpose of a soul?” My psychic buddy replied that “A soul on this plane connects with a body and a brain, so the combination of the three can experience life.” That combination will transmit a copy of the life experiences to the mainframe through a “spiritual wire” so to speak. In 2007, I read about strings of vibrating energy that oscillates in eleven dimensions, called superstring theory.7 If Superstring theory proves correct, would that be evidence of a spiritual wire?
            To review, we look again to the battery example, where the need is created by tripping a switch that closes the circuit or loop of electrically conductive material. Notice a circular pattern. This conductive circuit allows electrons to flow from one pole, through the components and into the other pole, completing its purpose.
            Doode would be the first to tell you that that collective energy, or Metaphysical Mainframe, which created (or rather, is the universe), manifests in many forms all around us. That energy is the origin of all matter. As mentioned earlier, in response to invoked need, a piece of the creative energy (spirit) becomes manifest as a soul within the needy locality (a body). This is true on the astral plane as well as the physical. Our consciousness concerns itself with 3-D physical matters. As a simple illustration we'll follow the “soul circuit” when it animates a new human life.
            It is the Word of Doode that a human male and female, as opposites, come together in what may be called the, “spirit” of love, lust, sport or whatever reason. Their seeds unite in the “spirit” of life, making one whole out of two opposites. A need is satisfied by the existence of a (potential) new life, and the cell grows. The non-physical energetic vibrations involved so far, (originating from the Metaphysical Mainframe) continue to power the physical cell.
            Within the womb a human cell “intends” to survive so it continues to grow. Although the original intent (love, lust or sport) of the parents, began this process, now the “spiritual intent” comes out of a Survival Reflex, but not thought, because the human cell has not formed a brain, and cannot think. However, the Doode says that, “The cell actually feels the creative spirit within that is assisting its' own survival. The cell is simply responding to its' surroundings out of a need or reflex to survive, and in doing so, absorbs the nourishment from the mother for life.”
            Here again is the first part of the new human soul circuit; a need was felt by the Mainframe. In response, some spiritual energy was pushed from the Mainframe. That spirit was pulled into a living cell, and in this way the many (spirit) become one (soul).
            My source sayeth that, “As the human brain develops prior to birth, the tiny infant becomes semi-aware on a sub-conscious level.” He says, “This is why that, under hypnotic regression, some people may recall their pre-birth experience.
            The positive-negative or polar balance of the living body/brain connection locks the soul within. The astral soul is sort of held in suspension around or interspersed with the biological tissue. A combination of invoked spiritual energy and a physical body with a brain, serve to change the spiritual energy sent from the Metaphysical Mainframe into a single soul and also into that soul's mind. Considering Frankenstein's monster alongside this model – even though the body of the monster had a newly installed brain, it was soul-less because the whole organism had been dead. Doode would say that when lightning struck the monster, a spiritual energy was invoked from the Mainframe. About the time the good doctor said, “It's alive!” that spiritual energy mingled with the stolen brain, then converted into a soul.
            So, if my source is accurate, the physical brain acts as a controller between the non-physical soul and its' physical body or “circuit.” Expressed by the mind, through the connection to the brain and also the body, the soul has a means of close proximity, physical interaction with 3-D Earth which it would not otherwise have. By this I mean: My soul feels it needs to send out a message – but has difficulty doing so without enlisting elementary spirit (or if you prefer, thought/intent) – and together with my brain, my mind works out a way to accomplish this (by thinking), in a way for other souls in the 3-D world to get the message. In this case I write, or try to.
            I received a vision that demonstrated the mid brain atop the spinal column transmits the voluntary life sustaining functions of the body. It seems this part of the brain is not directly connected to the soul, however, the soul (also a mind at this point), is directly connected to the “left” and “right” brains. Should the mid brain cease to function, the other two brains might also die, thus releasing the soul from the body.
            Noted earlier was that the polarity of the brain/body connection (as living consciousness), licks the soul within it. Doode says that the key to the lock is sort of jointly held by the left/right brain(s); conscious/subconscious mind(s). He also said that the human soul needs all three brains attached and working in the body in order to achieve a full experience, besides you'd be dead without them.8 The ability to choose to experience life allows a soul to become the greater energy of spirit by choice.
            Speaking of choice, I'm told that the soul can “temporarily” leave the body, through meditation or when you sleep.9 The traveling astral soul is still attached to its' body.10 In this way the soul uses its' brain to effect stuff on the astral plane. Also, the soul's experiences are stored within the brain and a ‘copy’ of those experiences goes to the Metaphysical Mainframe.
            Everyone knows that the physical meat-suit is covered with local environmental sensors. These sensors enable the body to touch, see, smell, and hear your 3-D world. Sensory information is sent to and stored within the brain, and the Doode would say that input is also stored in the Mainframe. That information is interpreted and discussed between conscious and subconscious minds, which help you to make appropriate decisions on a good day.
            My source explained that the conscious mind (left side) is that thinking part of the brain/soul, which can intend to perform actions on Earth. The left side of the brain deals with thoughts like food, shelter, reproduction, and other practical stuff necessary for survival. Once the survival needs are met, thoughts naturally gravitate to concerns of want or greater comfort. Even Animals have the capacity to seek comfort. A pet is a good example. I can't tell you how many times I had to wrestle my Great Dane for a spot on the sofa. Her desire to be on the furniture had nothing to do with survival, but everything to do with comfort; she 'wanted' to be more comfortable.
            And the little Doode submitted in a whisper, “The subconscious mind (right side) is that 'feeling' part of the soul/brain, which intends to influence the conscious mind through symbolism and emotions.” Using a computer as an example, we can equate subconscious thoughts to files in a hard drive. In the subconscious ‘storage’ systems, the information is basically permanent, while the momentary thoughts of the conscious mind are similar to a computer Random Access Memory (RAM). In the 'RAM' case, memory is used to handle data which is quickly overwritten in favor of new data.
            Whichever mind it is that dominates a given thought, an impression of that thought is infused upon the Metaphysical Mainframe or Universal Mind. “Infusion,” affects the Mainframe in a positive or negative way, depending on the polarity of the originating thought. The polar balance (positive +; negative -; good, bad, etc.) of the planet can be affected by disproportionate thought (too much of either +, or -). So sayeth the Doode.
            Human actions as we know them (usually) begin with a thought. Other things may have to occur in order to manifest the action, but thought energy is a requisite nonetheless. Doode has said that a thought-form (when sent), carries a certain emotional charge with it. The intention now has its' own energy and can possibly perform the physical action by itself. Recall the “spoon bending” story from the beginning of this book, evidencing that flatware can be altered with intent alone.
            Earlier I said that a soul is one (1), and a spirit is greater energy (two or more). Take a soul plus that soul's intentional thought and my source tells me you would have, “spirit,” ( soul + intent = spirit = action).
            Two souls “intending” as one spirit will amplify the original intent: Soul A + Soul B + Soul C = Team + Common Intent = Bigger Spirit = Bigger Spiritual Action.
            Likewise, an entire “team” of souls concentrating on a single intent, further increases the chances of a perceived action reaching fruition: Soul A + Soul B + Soul C = Team + Common Intent = Team Spirit = Win Game?
            Amplified intention does not always guarantee the outcome, as evidenced by any common football game, but it does up the odds.
            My source would tell you that one can amplify spirit by charging it with other energies. Adding words, some visual icon, or work to a thought, is common in many rituals. How many traditions invoke the help of a deity? Consider when a minister invokes God or Jesus, is he “amplifying spirit?” How about the tribal chanting or the use of talismans in a pagan ceremony? Do you see any similarities here?
            We'll further illustrate the circuit of the soul by emphasizing the process of bodily birth and death.
            The Metaphysical Mainframe is inert for a moment. On physical Earth you have a female human and a male human. The Triad of each set of senses, brain, and soul is here symbolized with a numerical value of one (1) each, with a total of three (3) aspects for each person. The number three equals an embodied individual. One (body) + one (brain) + one (soul) = three. When the male and female mate, their union itself is symbolized by the number six (6): three (3) + Three (3) = six (6). In this model, a child is formed from the union. The total sum of the action is the divine outcome of a new life on Earth. The actual conception is symbolized here by the three souls combining to form the numerical nine (9) of divine completion.
            As examined in this chapter, the soul and spirit are related but also different in some ways. Within the above model, the infinite cycle of soul creating spirit, and vice versa is represented. Again, the two souls unite in spirit. The new soul is pulled from the Mainframe into a newborn body or birth process. A life is manifest, how much more divine can a thing be?
            On the other end of the life cycle, Doode suggests that, “A body dies... in a way the soul sacrifices the meat suit so the soul can evolve into something greater, like a spirit.” Some believe that such an evolution takes three souls joining in order for them to move to the higher plane, or return to a new body.11
            Continuing the death model, each soul is again symbolized by the number three. In this example, three souls have sacrificed their bodies and combined as one. As a divine or “nine” spirit that's formed from the combined attributes of three souls, they can perform a higher function when embodied. They are called a divine spirit because their purpose is to perform an action above and beyond that of ordinary spirits. Normally, upon death, a divine nine spirit contains a lot of experiential qualities, (from a full life) so that as it mixes with the Metaphysical Mainframe it increases the cosmic data base to a remarkable extent. Actually, my source indicates the spirits do proceed to a higher plane, it's the character or personality traits of a soul that can “go back,” or which may “reincarnate.”
            A divine nine spirit can affect the world like so: On occasion the world is unbalanced. More often than not, the unbalance is due to too much negativity (as determined by the negative effect on overall survival). Under certain conditions, the character attributes of a “9” spirit12 are pulled back into this world by attaching to a new soul as it animates a new body. This highly spiritual child has great potential to be a positive influence, similar to a Jesus, Gandhi, etc. Such positivity may bring some equilibrium for a time. My source claims that, “This is all caused by the planetary Survival Reflex via the Mainframe.
            It's the Word of Doode that I have not adequately explained the foregoing process, so let me try this tack. A brand new soul begins on Earth without any three dimensional intimacy. Impressions of thought and feelings from the experiences are meshed into the soul and also onto the Metaphysical Mainframe. The organic brain portion of the mind may forget, but the soul retains all data. In this way, experiences are carried into the next plane of non-physical reality.
            The said life inspired and infused experiences serve to polarize the Mainframe, according to whether the experience was true positive or true negative, as tested in the crucible of survival.13In the astral or non-physical plane, humanity's Survival Reflex is seeking the greatest amount of quality energy (as information). The sum of quality information will be fed back into the physical world, through psychic foreknowledge and the aforementioned spiritual personality traits – ensuring human survival.14 That's the plan anyway, according to the Doode.
             Obviously if a soul spent most of its' physical life as a couch potato, it wouldn't have much positive experience to offer the Mainframe. That soul won't be of any more help beyond life than it was in physical form prior to death. Indeed, if a generation of couch potatoes contributes nothing to this 3-D life, and by extension, the next life, then the greater collective survival burden falls on the succeeding generations.15
            Remember that, my source would say that, “A soul doesn't have a real brain beyond death, so it cannot think in the classical sense.” A soul's brain is however, copied onto the Mainframe along with its' memories of life in the physical world. Everything recorded prior to death holds an eternal energy pattern. With this in mind, Doode says a soul/spirit can react to the astral environment based on the Survival Reflex and limited life memory.16
            Now consider a situation where a specific energy pattern is invoked by a psychic or through a séance type event . In many cases, that spirit-pattern can “think” enough to answer questions concerning past, present, or even the future. The spirit is sort of “plugged in” to the people who are asking the questions. The medium of connection or intent is the method of connection to the other side. Through that connection the spirit utilizes the physical brain of the person seeking contact. That is how the spirit can interact with the physical. This is much like two computers sharing a network hard drive – the subconscious brain connection may search the files of the Mainframe. The file “search” follows the qualities of that particular spirit or energy pattern, like application software.
            Doode indicated to me that a disembodied spirit consists of the soul itself; that soul's character from 3-D life; and that soul's Survival Reflex.17 That's the application software if you will, which determines the method of a spiritual “search” of the Metaphysical Mainframe “files.” The search can be conducted in both directions, physical to non-physical and back.
            The transitional soul/spirit may be tied to the physical plane for one reason or another and remain between the physical and non-physical worlds. One foot on each side of the border is one way to put it. Some consider this ghostly hang out to be a purgatory of sorts.
            As Doode mentioned earlier, “When a spirit essence is drawn towards a new life in order to become a living soul within a new meat-suit, it may brush against a traveling soul/spirit going the other way (beyond physical life). The 'brush' for lack of a better word, may endow the new soul with the personality traits of the traveling spirit. Induced attributes can carry a natural memory of the former life or lives with it into the newborn child – but that is not true reincarnation as we've seen it presented, because the older soul itself has blended into the new non-physical plane. The meaning here is that, it is a part of the greater set of Mainframe files, and loses some of individuality. While the new energy pattern or soul actually originates from the one Mainframe, even though it may seem like the old soul reincarnated, it is just a new one randomly endowed with traits and memories of a former life.

Psychic Cell Phone

I would now like to share my interpretation of the P-Ali3n dissertation on how the non-physical Mainframe, and the individual soul/body communicate with each other from their respective planes of reality. Who doesn't have a cell phone? Those who do not may be familiar with a remote telephone; wireless internet; or a walkie talkie, and may understand the concept of wireless devices. These “wireless” devices are so called, because they remotely transceive (send/receive) signals upon a beam of energy. A message is coded and attached to a carrier wave (radio) at a given frequency, then sent or transmitted.
We'll refer to the properties of radio as being the nearest analogical example of spiritual communication, according to my source. Recall the above traits and memories that sometimes are attached and spiritually transmitted between energy patterns within the Metaphysical Mainframe.
One property of radio is that sending and receiving sets operate better if they are in sight of each other. Considering possible obstructions, signals may be reflected off of an object like a tower or satellite. The bounce or reflection enables the signal to get to places which would be otherwise unreachable. Obviously, if the receiving set is out of ‘sight’ of the sending set, and there is nothing to bounce the signal off of, then the receiver will not pick up the signal. This limiting factor is evident when using your unit in a tunnel or low spot. You lose the signal because the sets are no longer in 'sight' of each other.
Another limiting aspect of radio is related to power. If your cell phone only transmits to a maximum of five miles, and the tower is ten miles away, then you won't have a signal no 'bars' regardless of the provider you subscribe to. Hold that thought.
Our bodies communicate with the physical world through the five senses. That body/brain connection isn't 'wireless', but is instead sort of hardwired via nerves and neuro-chemicals. Across those wires flashes a signal which the body/brain/and soul equally share on a frequency unique to that person. Attributes of the individual signal most resemble radio, and thus our comparison.
My source placed visions in my head to help in my interpretation, and for the sake of a hypothetical model, let us say that my body, brain, and soul (bbs), operates on a frequency of 101.00 megahertz (MHz). That means one hundred and one million cycles per second, of emitted energy waves. Like ocean waves these non-physical “waves” have cycle from each peak to a valley, up and down, over and over very fast, in this case, 101.00 MHz.
While we are fantasizing, my friend, Dixie's (bbs) might operate on a frequency of 102.00 MHz. In order for me to send her a spoken message, I first must think about what to say. Based on the spiritual formula that is the subject of this chapter, I'd intend a thought toward Dixie (in the spirit of communication), and she eventually hears that thought with her audio receptors, providing the thought leaves my lips. Additionally the thought or intent resonates from me in all directions, on all planes of reality at my personal frequency of 101.00 MHz. That is true in this model whether the thought is actually spoken.
Not to confuse, but I'll briefly note here that my outer space inspired buddy, mind-melded to me that the Earth's own Metaphysical Mainframe also has a unique “frequency range.” Following the wave model, we'll say that, in the hypothetical, the Earth Mainframe frequency range is from 100.00 MHz to 199.99 MHz. Given the parameters of radio frequency, and power – my thoughts can be picked up, stored and even transmitted through the Mainframe. I may not be hardwired directly to the Mainframe, but my thoughts resonate to that plane as bleed over, like stations on a radio.
One might think that Dixie could hear my thoughts thru the Mainframe without my speaking, but she can't do that easily because her (bbs) operates on her own frequency of 102.00 MHz. Nor is Dixie “hardwired” to me. Due to the fictional frequency range of the Earth's Mainframe, in this example (of 100.00 MHz to 199.00 MHz), and that our (bbs) frequencies are within that range – if Dixie had a bit of psychic ability, she might be able to read my thoughts as bleed over from the Metaphysical Mainframe. Some of you might remember the old dial type of radios, you know the non push button kind? When attempting to dial in your desired station or frequency, you'd invariably reach points between stations where they “bleed over” each other, so what you heard was incomprehensible. Most of us with a weak psychic ability would receive thought signals in this way, screening them out as useless. A true psychic is able to make some sense out of the garbled noise, they can tune better.

Psychic Space

You might ask, “Why can't those psychics on Earth receive thought energies from other planets? (Providing of course that other planets host thinking entities.) Some would say that zero interplanetary thought reception supports the assumption that no extraterrestrial life exists. I've received some thought energy from the little Doode which otherwise suggests, so we'll continue with the wireless radio analogy.
Remember from earlier I mentioned the limiting properties of radio signals (line of sight, power, and interference)? Most inhabited worlds are so far away that without amplification, their thought energy would not reach us. Their limited power is suited to the planet of origin, so the distance is problematic. The same is true for the Earth's Metaphysical Mainframe 'thought power', as other planets would have difficulty picking up our thought energies, due to the hyper-spatial distance alone.
Even if there was an adequate boost of power for a thought to overcome the distance, the “line of sight,” transmission would still be a problem. Celestial bodies and other space debris, isn't arranged by a giant hand to line up in a neat pattern, so without a thought signal rebroadcasting satellite (on the order of a cell phone or other transmitting tower) the space stuff would block a signal. If one planet is not in sight of the other, you're limited if you can't transmit around the stuff. This argument excludes the obvious element of time that it would take for the signal to travel over light years and the relocation of the receiving planet within that time and space, as spoken by my source.
Celestial bodies like planets and stars and moons are not the only space related stuff that would effect radio type transmissions. Dark Matter, magnetic fields, radiation and other unexplainable or undiscovered things within or without the electromagnetic spectrum – would be an interfering factor. You know how sometimes you can wave your hand around a radio and cause a station to fade in and out? That is somewhat akin to the kind of interference I'm talking about.
Take away the above limitations. If another world was very close and there was not any other distorting causes, our psychic mediums on Earth still might not be able to collect thought energy from out there. The reason for this is because other worlds (and their own collective Metaphysical Mainframes), vibrate on their own unique frequency.
For instance, in this example, the “other world” vibrates in the frequency range of 200.00 MHz to 299.00 MHz which is outside the range we earlier assigned to Earth. Since Earth and its' inhabitants transceiver psychic signals in the hypothetical range of 100.00 MHz to 199,00 MHz, the other world cannot pick up the Earth signal clearly. They are out of tune with each other, or on different stations so to speak. This is not to say that it is absolutely impossible to psychically communicate thoughts with other inhabitants of other planets. Considering the inherent difficulties involved, Doode says such communication requires a technology or knowledge that is Ali3n to Earthlings.
 It may be apparent to you by now, that Doode led me to believe that each planet has its' own version of the Mainframe, each a subdivision of the larger Mainframe of the entire cosmos. One can observe the cycles of the universe itself – seen in contradistinction from the atom to the galaxies and everything in between – The small is a part of , and is supported by the large and vice versa. The Metaphysical Mainframe of the universe is comprised of the combined “Mainframes” of the clusters of the many galaxies, and so on. Some Mainframes are simple versions due to the lack of any thinking entities on local planets, like Windows 95 would be to us computer geeks today.
The largest of all the Mainframes, initiated by the “Bang,” supplied the seed power for the rest of creation and beyond. As each planet grew from clusters of particles, it developed its' own collective energy, separate from the larger energy but at the same time, a part of it.
The far out Doode would tell us that data from everything on Earth is infused upon Earth's own Metaphysical Mainframe Computer. The contents of our Mainframe, along with combined data of other planets, is also copied or connected to the largest Mainframe of creation. Consider that the whole system is like a bunch of directories and sub-directories of a giant Mainframe computer made of pure energy.
So, if the Doode is correct, then on one level it is possible to access everything there ever was, or ever will be. All information can be found in the spiritual realm, if you have the right P-Ali3n knowledge.

Chapter Four End Notes

1. Kabbalists believe this, Kefir Yetzirah, page 60.
2. The spiritual plane.
3. In this model, there has been no cause that requires an effect in relation to a soul.
4. Reference, Chapter Two.
5. Technical term: “Closed Circuit.”
6. If light is truly made up of particles, that is.
7. For more on Superstring Theory, see, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 166-167.
8. The Doode mentioned that this is one source of the sacred three – Triad, Trinity, etc.
9. The ancient Greeks believed this, see, Life After Death, page 208.
10. In a Metaphysical sense.
11. Does our ancient reverence for the numbers three and nine originate, at least partly, upon this type of scenario? What about the ancient thoughts about sacrifice? Could it be that the old ones recognized a soul as sacrificing its' meat suit, releasing the soul from the physical into the nonphysical?
12. Not the spirit itself but the characteristics only.
13. This viewpoint is perspective based, but we generally take it to mean that “positive” enhances planetary survival while “negative” does the opposite.
14. Here's the thing: Doode says that since the potential for all knowledge was created when the universe “banged” into existence – then when life-forms with brains (like us), think about
solving a problem, the Metaphysical Mainframe “computer” responds by, in effect, opening a file to the imagination that may be used creatively to find a solution.
15. A physical manifestation of this idea which we can all relate to, is the National Debt, because you are spending your children's inheritance.
16. Spiritual patterns can “react,” which is to say that they can respond to some stimulus such as the intent of a thinking person.
17. All three elements associate to compose the greater element of “spirit.”

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