Saturday, February 16, 2013


Alan Nunnelley has no business writing a book on any subject. I want to make it clear that I am totally under-qualified, because I do not possess a requisite degree in a discipline like: Archeology, Astronomy, Genetics, Sociology, or Theology. Nor am I experienced in literary ventures. Yet that is the point... the fact that I've gotten this far is remarkable.

As of this writing, yours truly, is an inmate in a Texas prison. Lost in a Gulag that is the world's largest penal system, my access to research material is restricted. We don't have internet capability and many books we would enjoy are either outdated or censured. Radio and television is limited to the local stations, and the group decides the programming which is more often, fiction.

Without impressive credentials or a vast array of research material, one might wonder what it is that qualifies me, Alan Nunnelley, to write about controversial subjects like: The origins of the universe; The realm of the spirit; Or how to make a better world. My answer is simply that, I am not qualified! I did not ask for any of this, it just sort of came to me, an epiphany I suppose. This ordinary man stumbled across a little revelatory information and was impelled to write about it. The source of information will be revealed in Chapter One.

First though, I'd like to share with you a few things I have either experienced myself, or feel to be true. These things have relevance to this narrative.

The spirit world exists in my opinion, maybe that means only in my mind. In the early nineties I had the occasion to use a Ouija Board with some people I know. Time and again, the board “spirits,” predicted the future; answered secret questions; or performed a measurable feat. We witnessed the dimming of the room lights by request, and wisdom from the spirits of our grandparents. Weird I know, yet even the pets seemed to be affected in some way, they seemed to have a heightened sense of awareness.

It appears that thoughts have their own power or energy. Have you seen the guy on TV who can bend spoons with his mind? Once, my family traveled to Costa Rica. At the Port of Quepos one evening, we ordered Lobster in a restaurant overlooking the bay. Five adults and three children needed to find a way to coexist while the dinner was being prepared. The problem was, I think there's an unwritten rule in that country, that a restaurant must take two hours to serve a meal! Kids will be kids and it wasn't long before they became fidgety and argumentative. We adults desired to have a grown up conversation, which was not possible at first but I had an idea. While enduring some questioning expressions, I explained to the children about the “spoon bending” thing I had seen on the Tube back home.

I suggested to the kids that they should try to bend their forks (we had no spoons) with their minds in order to defeat their boredom. I said, “Take your forks and concentrate on nothing else in the whole wide world except your forks.” The ruse was working so I continued, “Now imagine them bending.” One of the kids mumbled something which I took as disinterest, so I told them, “Don't talk, just whisper to your fork, “bend, bend, bend.” They did it and it worked. Our waiter brought new forks.

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