Saturday, February 16, 2013


     There is a lot of unexplainable stuff in this world and I for one, have questions that need answers, yet many questions cannot be answered by conventional means. Within these pages I have taken a chance, by stepping out side the realm of orthodox thinking. Believe me when I say that it isn't easy for a middle class American from the Bible Belt to even think outside of the norm.
     My entire family is composed of devout Christians of one brand or another, who will be shocked when they learn of the subject matter of this book. They may disown me, however, I am writing this from prison so that's already a mark against my otherwise good name. So, to keep it real – translation – to prevent the possibility of my being declared an orphan, I must present the following disclaimer:
     This work is based in its entirety on information gleaned from my revelatory source. Consider it a report that is offered for the possible informational, educational, or satirical value. My own interpretation of this data as an amateur journalist combined with experiences and intuition is not a negation of the conventional teachings I received at the hands of loved ones. With that said, I'll attempt to shed light on mysterious issues such as: 

· How did the Universe begin?
· At what point did it evolve from a “Cause and Effect” universe to include the “Quantum?”
· Where did Humans come from?
· Who made God?
· Who really built the pyramids?
· Do Aliens exist?
· Where does Good and Evil come from?
· Why is Prophecy not exact?
· Why can't Psychics on Earth communicate with beings on other planets?
· Who really runs the world?
· Will the Human Race Survive itself? If so, How?
     Additionally, I'll note here that, in relation to Ali3nizm, I began journaling in 2004. Not until 2006 did I finish writing what I considered then to be a finished manuscript titled, “The Word of Doode.” Between 2006 and the end of 2009, information which confirmed very many of the ideas which originated from my “Source,” seemed to magically appear. As a result, I have re-written “The Word of Doode, and added a Bibliography of the supporting evidence. The revised version is before you and renamed, “Ali3nizm.” Should any of what you are about to read, later prove to be untrue or inaccurate, then I reserve the right to place the blame on my source of information.
     Whether the contents of these pages finally prove to be true, accepted, or even coherent, I am compelled by unseen forces to publish the Words of Doode. If not, intuition tells me that something terrible will happen because – while journaling, I felt like a dark cloud hovered overhead... some weight remains upon my conscience, pressuring me to end it.
     By the way, I do not recommend or promote the same dangerous method of getting information which I used... unless you're SUICIDAL!

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