Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Appendix A

Whether originating from “Nature or Nurture,” the following traits may be exhibited by people under the influence of Negative energy.

Serial attributes that may be constantly observable in the Negative individual:

A Thinking only of themselves, narcissistic.
B Minimizing their role or responsibility.
C Attempting to intimidate others.
D Blames others.
E Quick to argue.
F Denies the need to change.
G Presents themselves as the victim.
H Builds up self by putting others down.
I Selective attention.
J Lying.
K Quick to act on anger.
L Generally acts like an asshole/jackass

Taking Negative people as a group, the traits below may be observed en masse. Also, behaviors of these people may still split into polar extremes within the sphere of negativity.

1. Food - Quantity most important, quality, not so much.
2. Education – Revered as an abstract not reality; in the other extreme it is necessary for making
social and business contacts.
3. Language – Casual register, based on survival.
4. Time – The present is most important; decisions are momentary and based on survival driven
5. Family structure – In the one extreme it is matriarchal; in the other, depends on who has the
6. Money – It is for spending; or in the other extreme, used as leverage for power.
7. Worldview – Sees the world in terms of local setting only, on the other end of the spectrum,
those would seek to conquer it.
8. Motivators – Survival, relationships, entertainment.
9. Love – And acceptance is conditional and related to social standing.
10. Fate – Believes in fate, cannot do much to mitigate chance, religion very important.
11. Religion – Either believes because ancestors did or because they feel like a victim who's only hope for the future rests upon divine intervention.
12. Cannot follow directions – To follow a sequential procedure is considered too difficult,
therefore avoided, taking the easy way out.
13. Their hands are always on others – They prefer to communicate in non-verbal ways due to a lack of effective reading or writing skills.
14. Laughs when disciplined – As a way of saving face in a matriarchal culture.

Situations which demonstrate the inequities between the global elite and everyone else :

War – The common people fight and die on both sides of a war and the elitists do nothing
except profit from the conflict.
Less Freedom – In this sense, is the ability to move. There are many places the elitist may go,
or places to participate in exclusive events, yet the serfs are barred from entering.
Inadequate Healthcare – Or in some cases non-existent Healthcare, while the elitist always
gets the best.
Unfavorable Education – As if making the grades aren't hard enough, the anomic individual
who can't afford the better education must beg, borrow, and jump through government hoops to qualify for even mediocre schooling. The elite will make certain their own kind will obtain higher learning, no matter the lack of effort displayed by their students.
Inadequate Shelter – For the proletariat, this is pretty much anything from having to live in a
van down by the river, to staying with the in-laws. The elite couple... well, why would they need a chateau with 27 rooms and a summer home in Florida?
Injustice System – One has to look no farther than to the beating of Rodney King by police or
to the high rate of wrongful convictions, to realize that, if Mr. King was an affluent elitist the police would have protected him. Also, how many elitists have been wrongfully convicted?
Official Access – The alienated masses are only important to officials during election time,
whereas through either social or capital connections, the elite may have an official audience at any time.
Unemployment – The current unemployment rate of ten percent is one indicator showing how
the Joe the Plumbers of the world depend on elitist capital. The affluent (?), not so much, because they are affluent and don't have to work anyway.
Sustenance – Elitists have access to all the organic food they could want, water purifiers, and
can even pipe in pure oxygen into their homes. The rest of us can buy a Brita.
No Profit Sharing - The countries which utilize a debt currency, manage to divide their
National Debt(s) among all their citizens equally. However the profit is held by the elitists, shouldn't they be responsible for the payment of a greater amount of National Debt? Why is it that the debt is equal but the profit or other benefits are not?

Appendix C

The following is an assortment of values found in several traditions :

Seven Deadly Sins
Dante's Inferno

Ten Commandments
Honor Parents
Don't covet neighbor’s wife
Don't covet neighbor’s property
Don't lie
Don't kill
Don't steal
Don't blaspheme
Keep the Sabbath
Don't commit adultery
Don't worship false idols
Holy Bible

Ghandi's Seven Social Sins
No politics without people
No wealth without work
No pleasure without conscience
No science without humanity
No commerce without morality
No education without character
No worship without sacrifice

Five Virtues of Confucianism
Correct behavior
Benevolence, humanity
Faithfulness, integrity
Honesty, uprightness

Mayan Virtues From Quetzlcoatl
Seek wisdom
Be virtuous
Be humble
Be peace-loving
Be compassionate
Heaven's Mirror
Nordic Nine Noble Virtues
Our Troth
Druid Three-Fold Maxim
To worship the gods
To do no evil
To exercise courage
The Religion of The Ancient Celts
Toltec Four Agreements
Be impeccable with your word
Don't take anything personally
Don't make assumptions
Always do your best
The Four Agreements
Zoroastrian Virtues
Good words
Good thoughts
Good deeds
Three Steps to Turn Around Government
Abandonment of the things that don't work
Concentration on the things that do work
Analysis of the half-successes
Post Capitalist Society
Six Values of Participatory Economics
Equity, fair outcomes
Solidarity, mutual respect
Self-management, have a say in decisions
Efficiency, no waste
Sustainability, environment
Diversity of outcomes
The New Formulation
The Ethics of Permaculture
Care of the Earth
Care of people
Set limits to both population and consumption - gives away surplus time, labor, money, information, and energy to achieve the aims of Earth and people care
Introduction to Permaculture

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