Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chapter Seven


Throughout this book we have discussed that polarities all across the cosmos naturally seek a certain balance. On the other hand, egotistical humans on Earth seek a disproportionate increase in their own personal power. This human desire opposes natural law because, as Doode relates, it's unbalanced. Our class relatives, the wolves, form groups and work together to bring down prey larger than a single wolf could do and to better fight off enemies. (See Chapter Eight) Strength in numbers equals a “collective” power. The wolf pack also has a hierarchy wherein the leader sort of sets rules necessary for survival of the whole pack. The alpha dog is still only a dog, just a little smarter, fiercer, or stronger than the other individual dogs. That is a balanced or moral system in that context. In human terms, a minority (in numbers,) or even an individual – by whatever means – can sometimes wield so much power over so many living things that it seems almost godlike. Doode says that power of this nature in only the hands of the few, is so disproportionately biased or out of balance as to negatively affect the Collective/Metaphysical Mainframe and subsequently the Earth itself on many different levels.
 In my quest to find credibility for the above revelation, I turn to In Search of Philosophical Understanding (pp. 158-159, 216-217;) and The 48 Laws of Power (throughout the book;) both of which support the contention that it's basically primal human nature to seek power (see Ch. Eight,) some, way more than others. How they do it is the big problem we're concerned with here. My source reveals that for many thousands of years on this planet, humans have known that to exercise the most power one has to control the most people. This is usually done by influencing the will of the masses, usually by some form of trickery. The goal for the self-ordained power-hungry elitist is to invent effective methods of control. Unfortunately for the masses of common people, “control” means in part, that the preferences of the controller must be observed, otherwise the consequence is something  negative or undesirable. How else is one able to have everyone else do one's bidding?
It happened in the Eastern hemisphere that pre-historic rulers realized that dramatic ritual such as that observed in mythological practice would reinforce their quest for power. If used correctly, the drama was a means with which the will of the people could be influenced. First the religious beliefs would be manipulated, and second, the monarchy would be established on the back of religion. (see Chapter Six)
 In the West, the remnant of Atlantis observed how animals used dramatic acting to attract mates or discourage rivals, although they refused to utilize drama in the political arena. You may recall that Doode said some of the divine humans migrated to the Americas when Atlantis sank. (Ch. Three.)
As far back as the civilization of Sumer we find that people would act out daily dramas alongside statues of their gods.1 Ancient Eurasian history records the Greeks' writing plays, some of which conveyed a political message. The dramatic readings were so effective that amphitheaters were built so the orators' words could be heard by a larger audience. What would otherwise have been mundane public speeches were heard there also, and many of those speeches were written with a dramatic flair by the playwrights. Basically, politics had evolved into a big show.
The later Roman emperors used the primal method of blood-lust to sway public opinion, ensuring events at the coliseum became addictive to spectators. Graphic carnage is at first difficult to witness, but soon the attention naturally gravitates back to the blood. Then the spectators can't get enough and, confident in the safety of their seats, may be unable to pry themselves away from the action. Reference today's contact sports.
Making no mistake, the emperor was in complete control but he might allow the crowd to “help” him to decide the fate of a gladiator. The Caesars' gesture of thumb up or down, influenced by crowd hysteria, gave his subjects a false sense of participation in the ultimate power over someone's fate. A shrewd political move indeed. After all, how else would a lowly peasant be able to wield such power? They hardly had power over their own lives, but pretend power was the next best thing.
While the crowd was captivated between bloody events regular announcements were made regarding the generosity of the ruler for providing such rich yet “free” entertainment. Mr. Doode says this whole bait and switch routine was nothing more than a way to sell a bill of goods to the masses by deception. The bill of goods was the fact that the citizens were distracted from real-life issues. The gift of drama from the leadership of Rome not only ensured fan loyalty, but misdirected their attention as well. A citizen might say to his wife, “I wish Caesar would build us a better sewer system.” The wife, a drama queen herself, might then respond with, “Who cares? Let's go to the games!”
 Are things so different today? Sure, there are a lot more “emperors” and the tools of control have changed, but the people are still given distractions in HD and Blu-Ray with Dolby surround sound, so the elitists may conduct their power plays without interference. Like Caesars' games, but without so much real death, today's news, sports, movies, commercials and the like are “given” to distract you from pursuing or even wondering about the motivating truth behind world events.
My source related that elite factions dominate our world. Since ancient times many of the same basic groups have toyed with politics, education, religion, money and other stuff for the benefit of themselves and their immediate descendants – not yours. Elitists risked screwing up their own gene pool through incestuous unions just to maintain a “pure” bloodline. Just as we mentioned the game of chess in Chapter Five, where the pawns, rooks, knights, and even kings and queens, are moved by the game players – world events are “moved” by unseen hands. Don't think for a second those hands have your best interest in mind. They see you as an asset or a liability, nothing more.
The authors of “Freakonomics” contend that contemporary elitists (or their lackeys) control information by keeping it in the hands of experts and only allowing the media a sugar-coated amount of info to be broadcast.2 Writer Herbert Marcuse wrote that people are “indoctrinated and manipulated”3 by the media and industry and that democracy appears to be an efficient system of domination.4
Most of you have heard one or two of the conspiracy theories about the powers which control governments - volumes have been written so I won't list them here. I think it's enough to let you know the Doode tells us those powers actually exist. He says certain families and organizations are at the supreme top of the pyramid. Somebody had to be up there, right? Most of the elitists you see in the news are a step or two below the real players. For instance, ex-president Bush didn't invade Iraq on his own, besides, my source told me would-be King George isn't smart enough to think of such an idea himself. President Franklin Roosevelt was “instructed” to remove from circulation the gold-backed currency. The extremely powerful are truly a numerical minority, one percent of the population by some estimates. Who they are may not be as important as who they control and the methods of control. Doode says that to find the “who's” of elitism, follow the money trail. Whoever controls the money controls the world, and they all crave the type of negative power they can buy.
The advent of electronics allowed for a much larger audience than ever before to become deceived by drama. Historically, radio and then television was given to the public for “free,” and the dramatized presentations enticed certain responses from the individual because the stories are told in such a way as to promote one belief and limit another. People come to believe that one laundry detergent cleans better than the “leading brand” or the advertised brand of cigarette will make the consumer seem more sophisticated. The masses are compelled into given beliefs. The bonus for business is that products are sold to a larger market by means of this technology. This is accomplished by the ingenious application of sound, light, pretty colors and symbolism swirling about in such an eye-popping way that the resistance of the viewer is broken down to the point of being zombieish. Did someone mention HULU? And there is a virtual army of experts who are so skilled at creating this magical world of wonder, that they can predict the way the average viewer will react.
Product advertising pays for all the information the elitists want you to have, and nothing more. In the mainstream media, certain truths are kept from the public because those in power won't pay to have them presented. That's why you'll hear lip service about the supposed rising value of the dollar or the mythical success in the War on Drugs. What you won't hear about is the true meaning of the deficit or what happens when we can't “pay” it, or where the dollar gets its much touted “value” from, nor will you be told the real reason for a “just” foreign invasion.
My P-Ali3n source has shown me that drama for the sake of commercialism, to the benefit of non-living corporations, carries unseen side-effects that the mainstream hasn't addressed. For instance, problems like Attention Deficit Disorder may be brought about in otherwise healthy kids by TV, radio, and even video games. Most unhealthy children in the U.S. tend to grow up where a television is their babysitter. The parents may be overworked or engaged wherein they're too busy to be the best parents possible. As a child watches a TV program, her attention is interrupted time after time by the requisite commercial breaks.
The long-term effect of a TV sitter is that a young person's attention is persuasively directed from one subject to another in rapid succession. It's one thing to watch a single story unfold, but then attention is drawn to the shiniest, best, least expensive, most desirable products, all in sixty-second sound bites. Doode relates that over time the child is trained to have a subjective, uncontrollable attention span. The brain of the human being raised by the TV will actually become “wired” for the short attention span as surely as if they had taken a pill to alter their brain chemicals. Widespread mental health disorders are the result. I can't support Mr. Doode's view with current statistical information due to my current situation (see the Introduction,) but I'd be willing to bet there are a higher percentage of ADD symptoms in households with TV than without.
In short, the Doode avers that over the course of several generations the media causes a genetic dispensation in the people exposed. The negative effect to the general population is that there are entirely too many people who can't function well in society unless they're buying stuff. In this way it can be said that just about everything surrounding the media violates natural law.
Another side effect of constant mass drama is mass desensitization to issues that perhaps we should remain sensitive to. If any of you have a tattoo then you know how once the art pattern has been traced on your skin with the needle, the subsequent perforations aren't as painful because the skin becomes numb. Today we are desensitized through mass numbness because harsh language, sex and violence are commonplace in fiction and reality as compared to ten or twenty years ago. Americans my age might recall when the FCC would not allow the word “bitch” on the air or backside nudity on TV. We can certainly view more carnage on the news today than we used to, however we aren't shocked by it any longer.
It's April 27, 2009 as I write this and I'm listening to several different talk radio programs. I'm thinking it's funny how most of what the conservative show hosts have to talk about is how inefficient they think President Obama is. Don't they have anything better to do? Continuing to listen, I find that these radio talk geniuses use language that reflects what I have written here, stuff like people are “being manipulated” or are “becoming zombies,” etc., and it's all Obama's fault. Switching the channel to a more liberal show, I find the same thing being said by them too, except it's Bush's fault. Maybe it is safe to say that all those in power should be blamed for the negative stuff, and maybe some of those whining talk show hosts should try doing something productive instead of spreading propaganda as far and wide as their lazy asses, so sayeth the Doode.
Acceptance of the graphic stuff hasn't been immediate; if it had been, the public might have protested. Elitists have always known this and constantly use the gradual methods to promote ideas that desensitize the populace to whatever bill of goods the elite wants to sell. You are so artfully influenced on a subconscious level that you impulsively buy goods you don't need while discussing meaningless ideas that aren't yours either. The shock is gone and the amount of induced crap is so overwhelming it is accepted as passé' because it would take a huge effort for the individual to sort out. If that isn't desensitized, then what is?
When thinking of this scenario, I can't help myself from equating it with the book The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells which has been transformed into at least two movies. Those of us familiar with adaptations to Well's classic may recall how the human race evolved/devolved into two separate species over the course of several thousand years. Journeying forward (in the book time,) the main character discovers that the carnivorous humans who live underground (the Morlocks,) have resorted to cannibalism as their only food source.
The Eloi, who are humans essentially like us, live above ground and happen to be the food supply for the Morlocks. How was this accomplished? Why did the Eloi submit to their fate on a plate? The main character finds that civilization had been pretty much destroyed by war. Apparently, citizens had sought shelter underground from bombs and missiles whenever the air-raid sirens were employed. It should be no surprise then to learn that the Morlocks used a siren to lure the Eloi into seeking “shelter” underground – becoming the main ingredient in Eloi stew. It seems that what was once considered helpful and safe by the earlier humans during wartime finally became the mechanism of their demise. This was because over generations, the people had been programmed to act a certain way after hearing an audible trigger (siren). Later generations were so desensitized to the whole process, they automatically walked zombie-like to their doom. Do you see any correlations with that story in the world today? Are we the Eloi? On the other hand, the Morlocks' main concern was eating, and no doubt sex – much like animals. They too could have chosen to live above ground and remain humans. It seems the Morlocks had some inherent negative traits which contributed to their devolution. Any way you look at the story, both the Eloi and the Morlocks were equally mindless on different levels. But someone took advantage of both species, in the story the brainiac-Morlock spinoff character who controlled the minds of pretty much both sets of people. Ain't that what it's all about?
As we've discussed, throughout world history the self-appointed elite have used war, religion, economics, and education as tools to control the vast numbers of common people. Pissed off commoners could possibly overthrow the tiny number of elitists if the people could band together and organize. In America, around the year 1776, “The shot heard around the world”signaled the revolution of common folks against the elitist British monarchy. Since that time, it's taken less than 300 years for those in power to again sink their teeth into our collective backsides with the determination of a pit bull terrier – drawing our civil lifeblood from us. Doode told me that the U.S. Constitution has been the last barrier between liberty and blatant worldwide slavery. When America falls, it's over.
Due to the protection provided by the Constitution (until the Patriot Act one through infinity,) some Americans still have a right to own guns, for now. My source says that the elitists realize that while the population remains armed, there are certain policies that can't be implemented for fear of armed resistance. As things stand now, even people who own guns are afraid to actually use them, especially against the powers who control the police and military. The elite know this too and are setting up events to declare martial law so the Constitution and the writ of habeas corpus will be suspended (Lincoln did it during the Civil War). Then guns can be collected by force. Since assets – like America with everything and everyone in it – can't be liquidated unless the creditors can physically seize the assets, the tools of dissent have to be removed.
The Doode revealed to me that the first successful contemporary experiment put toward achieving the elitists' plans, was the desensitization of people via the mass media. This was done so the human reaction to certain events could be predicted and manipulated. Moving forward, the second experiment has been to take the knowledge gained by experiment one, and to engineer anomalous events like the drug war, high crime rate, Ruby Ridge, Waco, and 9-11 so that civil rights may be eroded through legislation. The Brady Bill, Patriot Acts, mandatory minimum sentence enhancements are just scratching the surface of unjust laws that are to follow.
Since the experiments have worked so far, Doode related to me that the next series of engineered “attacks on U.S. Soil will be orchestrated by the elite in an effort to unite the public toward solidifying the commitment for all our “terror prevention,” and “mitigation of global warming effects,” “energy issues,” and “pollution control.” New legislative acts or amendments to old ones will completely nullify the Civil Rights Act. Then, laws will be manipulated in this fashion in lieu of an immediate Presidential Emergency Declaration which the public might interpret as the implementation of a military state. It is what it is. Again, the elite do not want the problems associated with the premature awakening of an armed populace.
The influential rulers and their lackeys are increasingly blatant about their intentions. Enter the actions of ex-president Bush. Owing to the success of the first experiments, they upped the ante and a series of baldfaced lies was made public to see if the people would accept them.
In the aftermath of the 9-11 tragedy – and allegedly to prevent further attacks and catch those responsible – U.S. Troops were sent to the Middle East seeking the terrorist leader, Osama Bin Laden, allegedly in Afghanistan at the time. The media reported that bin laden was dead or in hiding. Somehow forgetting him, the people were given a new villain and troops were diverted to Iraq. Bush's reasoning for this absurd act was that the Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein was assisting the Al Qaeda terrorists who were responsible for the 9-11 attack. Almost forgot, Saddam was making Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's) to give to all haters of democracy or some BS, then, “surprise!,” no WMD's were found, but uh, we removed an evil dictator. By the way, we have to stay in Iraq “for the good of the Iraqi people.” Forget the fact that non-existent terror cells and non-existent WMD's are a convenient excuse to invade a sovereign country.
There is room for hope that at least some Americans can only put up with so much bull. I'm referring to the November 2006 elections when the conservative regions responsible for the gazillion-dollar debt, the lies, etc., was replaced through the election of a Democratic majority in the legislature. Mr. Doode indicates that we shouldn't count our chickens before they're hatched because the new majority is the other side of the same coin. I hope he is wrong about that. The Doode also mentioned that the collective action by the people's vote in that election is a positive thing, and may yet postpone the forcible removal of weapons in the American private sector, for now.
For centuries, elitists have supported their own institutions such as families, and secret societies, which allowed their groups to operate like corporations, much longer than the lifespan of one person. As corporate entities, the rich and powerful groups have experienced drawbacks in their plans before in their own histories. They know there are many ways for a bloodline, business or government to achieve total world domination, using various strategies of winning the “chess game.”
Not many Americans realize that we have been “slaves” to wages since at least the 1930's. Those who do realize it generally choose to ignore the facts, likely out of fear of what it might mean. There are inherent inevitabilities that the nation's founding fathers had warned against. History shows that when one nation owes a debt to another nation, war ensues and the loser is forced to carry the debt of both nations.5 Doode tells us that, at the urging of America's creditors, the medium or tool for citizens to pay off their debts was removed. Gold backed currency ceased to be exchangeable for actual precious metals “on demand.” Previously, an individual could take a “dollar” of currency to a bank and trade it for a certain weight of gold or silver.
Nowadays, non-redeemable currency or Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are no more than a promissory note. The legal definition of “note” is “debt”. Federal Reserve Notes are only exchangeable (at banks) for more notes, or more debt. A debt can never be lawfully satisfied with more debt. The privately owned (by foreigners) Federal Reserve Corporation charges a usury on the notes, or; put another way, interest for extending the debt. How much interest? Well, lately the prime interest rate has been very low, but that isn't how the elite make their real profit.
The true money of account for the U.S. Is the dollar, which the first Congress defined within the U.S. Coinage Act of 1792. The “dollar” is and always was 25.8 grams of gold or 412.5 grams of silver coinage. Look it up at 1 STAT 246. I did, and after “Sheppardizing” Section 20 of that act in Sheppard's Citations,” I found that the statute had been “omitted” from later codes. Now, this is significant due to the fact that Section 20 mandates that “All debts and all accounts in the public offices shall be kept and had in conformity with this regulation.” Since it was only omitted, but not repealed, reversed, or overruled, then it seems that debt everything, even debt incurred by the government has to be paid in precious metals! Historically, America and most other nations originally used precious metals with intrinsic value – and in an even trade there was no debt left over, therefore no interest could be charged. The question arises, without the ability to trade precious metal dollars for products or to settle debts, how can we “pay off” anything?
The answers to the above questions are complicated for a reason. Much like the aforementioned acts of desensitizing the populace, complex issues are conveniently presided over by the learned members of elite sub-organizations so that regular folks don't have to bother themselves with truth seeking. Complicated issues are “left up to the experts” to solve, and anyway, the everyday life struggle keeps us busy. Mr. Doode says the compelled pursuit of money (or what passes for money) is our prison, and due to the nature of FRNs, none of you are very far from the poorhouse.
There have never been enough available precious metals to pay for everything produced in this world – nor enough to circulate through the vast numbers of hands that make the products. This is why the elitists invented finance. Since there wasn't enough gold - as an example - a businessman, country or other entity could borrow the credit necessary to purchase whatever commodity was desired. Usually, interest could be taken in the form of a purchased commodity, but to actually satisfy the entire debt, only gold was to be paid back to the creditor. As great as it might be to possess all the world's gold, we can't eat, wear, drive, live, or copulate with it. So it's the products, the stuff that gold can buy that's most important. Finance evolved pretty rapidly to a place where promissory-notes-as-money could be borrowed into existence with land, people, and products themselves put up as collateral on the loan. It's the same in the U.S. Today as it always has been.
We have all heard the terms “national debt,” “trade deficit,” and “Gross Domestic Product” (GDP), but what do these terms really mean? The national debt is what the U.S. Congress owes the owners of the Federal Reserve Corporation for the privilege of allowing us to use their FRNs. Congress owes it, but your Representatives have managed to obligate the citizens to be the ones to actually pay the debt. Now, I don't know anymore how many trillions in debt Y'all are, but I'm sure that Congress would rather have three hundred million Americans with an equal share in paying off the trillions than a few hundred Congressmen sharing that debt by themselves. Something tells me that if the reverse were true, there'd be no debt.
Moving forward, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total value of goods and services produced by the American People. As a user of FRNs, your part of the GDP is the portion you are personally owe of the national debt, which is said to be somewhere between about $32,000 to $45,000 (depending on the estimate cited) per citizen. Since there is no more Constitutional money (gold or silver coin) left in the U.S., it is the GDP that actually services the national debt on a worldwide scale. The GDP itself as measured in FRN “dollars” is what is traded worldwide instead of real dollars.
The trade deficit is the difference of products traded (bought or sold) from one country to the next. The Doode says that America buys more GDP from other countries than it sells which creates a “trade deficit.” Since I work for a livin', I can't be an economist, so I'm not sure what all this means, but I get the feeling that a trade deficit somehow adds to what the U.S. owes her creditors. The contemporary job of the lackeys who work for the elitists (government or corporate heads) is to ensure production by whatever means. Since it's a nation's production that's traded worldwide and not money, your collective labor value is tracked through the banking system. If nothing is produced, nothing is exchanged and the value of the FRNs drops and the machinery of the banking system breaks down. When the system breaks down, the elite rulers lose “money” - (they don't really lose money because there is hardly any gold-backed money left), but they lose their measurement of power over the lives of others, or their milennia-old worldwide “chess game”.
The P-Ali3n emissary indicated that in this way you're already a slave of sorts. You have no choice but to purchase goods with FRNs, but the goods aren't actually paid for. FRN users are charged interest by the Federal Reserve. The nation (and alas, the world) is sort of obtaining products with an IOU, because the “notes” are only debt which is financed, then your labor only pays the interest, or maybe not even the interest but perhaps just extends the deadline for repayment. In this way our descendants are obligated to work to pay on a loan that will never be paid. The Doode also wants you to know that your immediate limited liability or responsibility for paying on the loan is divided among everybody who uses the FRNs. Because all notes-as-currency are traded worldwide, all people who use these notes are subject to international law. I'm not sure of the nature of such a law in each country, but in the U.S. It is called Admiralty, and it interprets U.S. Trade issues worldwide. It's commercial law.
The ruling elite, as creditors, continue to “loan” to governments by issuing more notes because, in the example of the U.S., Congress guarantees that the citizens will provide payment through your production. The surety for the loans are basically the whole country plus the future labor of your children and grandchildren. More reserve notes are issued based on projected future population growth and production, thereby obligating future generations to the slavery of “wages”.
Earlier we said that the elite didn't make their profits from their charged interest rates but through another method. Here's the thing: FRNs have the debt-exacerbating problem of having the word “dollar” printed on them. Bearing in mind Section 20 of the Coinage Act, the indication is that a one-dollar note, from the creditor's point of view, is worth – or is to be bought out of circulation by – real gold or silver coin as defined by the first Congress in 1792. Depending on the market value of those metals, you may owe a lot more on repayment of the debt than your paper dollar has in purchasing power. Here's an example:
The Constitutional dollar is 25.8 grains in gold, which translates to 1.06 ounces if my math is correct.
For the sake of simplicity and my embarrassing aptitude for math, let us say the spot market price for gold on a given day is five-hundred dollars per ounce ($500.00 / oz.) Then to buy that dollar-FRN out of circulation, you'd have to pay the Federal Reserve Bank in Constitutional money consisting of 25.8 or 1.06 ounces of gold. That would theoretically translate to over five hundred dollars in gold to replace one single Federal Reserve Note.
To put it another way, let's say you either have now or wish to buy property – either real estate or personal chattels – and you want to hold the absolute highest title over that property. To do this you'd need to pay for the property in real Constitutional dollars. Should the price of the property be 10,000 FRN dollars, then at $500.00 per ounce, you'd have to pay over five million dollars’ worth of gold, theoretically, to hold a completely free and clear title.
Even if we had real dollars in gold coins, we'd still be unable to pay the debt. If an FRN-dollar is an IOU to repay over $500.00 in real money (in this example) and the national debt is listed at some ungodly trillions of dollars, then, well, you do the math. This whole thing is giving me a migraine.
So you see, that's where my source indicates the elitists make their profit. They do make a grand show of generosity by reducing the “prime lending rate,” which is in their best interest anyway due to the tendency for people then to borrow and spend more. This recirculates more FRN debt among more people. The elite is content in the knowledge that they themselves and their descendants will wallow in the perpetual bliss created by the fruits of the labor of the common man. I guess this makes some sense if you consider that the world's inflatable currencies are devalued every year against the gold-backed franc of the Swiss. The result is that it takes more and more gold to pay off the growing debt. And since you and yours will never be able to pay off the debt, your ongoing ability to produce something of value is the main concern. That is the reason that your rights can be eroded and your privacy destroyed. Wouldn't you want to know where your own property was or what your livestock were up to? In the long run the elite have to keep tabs on you in order to ensure continued production. This is being done through implementation of the world government and monitored with high-technology – currently the bank accounting systems and government policies.
Back in 2004 when I began taking notes on Doode's revelations to me, he sort of predicted a strong mainstream push toward the use of all kinds of plastic cards like gift cards, credit and debit cards, etc. In 2009-2010 there seems to be a higher number of advertisements that not only promote the use of the plastic, but also cast a negative stigma on the use of currency. Doode relates that the card thing is another experiment which will lead to the next step in global domination.


Also in my notes of 2004, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags were in limited use. With RFID, anything can be tracked anywhere around the world around the clock – perfect for keeping constant tabs on one's property. Doode revealed then, that within the next few years, (the numbers 10- 20 come to mind,) everybody will be RFID tag implanted. He suggested that pets, livestock, children, and the elderly would be the first to receive a voluntary chip so they aren't “lost.” Inmates who want parole will sign a contract to be implanted or their parole won't be granted. In fact, most of this has come to pass and some hospitals use a scanning system to make sure each patient gets the “proper treatment” as monitored by computer. Some states such as Florida have implanted their sex offenders who are granted parole (which I think is not a bad idea,) but if that is accepted, then who's next?
 It's funny that question comes up because my source tells me the next group to receive the implants will be users of credit (formerly plastic users). The chips will be promoted as “convenient” or “safer than money or plastic.” there is always at least some truth to the claims; in this case, even the “smart cards” with integral chips of their own can still be stolen or hacked from a distance. Indeed, identity theft is the vehicle that will compel the majority of good credit users into the contract of implantation. As I write this paragraph in May of 2009, there is scuttlebutt in the mainstream, discussing that all illegal aliens in this country should be given amnesty. Doode said it first, but what do you wanna bet that aliens (the kind from another country not outer space,) will be next in line to be chipped in order for their citizenship to be granted. In my own experience, I've seen where people who are arrested for alleged crimes, (whether they're guilty or not, I might add,) are offered deals to plead guilty in exchange for lighter sentencing. Doode says that future alleged criminals will be forced into a “deal” to accept the chip in order to either avoid prosecution completely or to get a lighter sentence such as probation. That scheme is not so much about actual guilt, but the probability of being convicted anyway and getting an eternal sentence regardless of the facts. But I digress.
Doode says that anybody who does not voluntarily take the offered implant will feel increasing pressure to volunteer. “Homeland Security” will be cited because we need to track potential terrorists which can't be done effectively until everybody is chipped. Your politically correct neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Goody-two-shoes, will attempt to shame you into volunteer implantation. Inevitably, mandatory chipping will commence and may be a door to door thing – then whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
My source reveals that once the majority of the world population can be tracked, the next step will be to completely outlaw and remove the currency. This action and reaction will be sort of like the discontinuation of Confederate money after the Civil War, or the devaluation of the Ruble in the former USSR after the wall came down. Just last week, the companies holding bonds on the Chrysler corporation, may only receive five cents on the dollar for their investment in that company. We're seeing the media referring to the current financial climate in the new terms of “deep recession” – like the word “depression” will bring on the bread-lines or something. Doode, we're almost there, how about the value of the dollar now? My Aunt says her 401K retirement plan is more like a 201K.
I have this vision of everyone in line to exchange their currency, which will be added to an account that's attached to the RFID tag. Holdouts who don't accept the chip will lose their ability to buy anything, and their on hand FRNs will be worthless. Does any of this sound familiar?
Here's the kicker, Doode reveals that all these actions are leading to the ability of someone to track the movements of everyone else, which will facilitate the confiscation of any potential tools of rebellion. They'll be able to drop in on you anytime, anywhere, looking for guns; two way radios; optical devices; computers; video cameras; lathes; milling machines; etc. Personal computers will be reprogrammed with remote monitoring software, and returned to the owner. Cameras will be installed everywhere. How many stoplights or tollbooths have provided a snapshot and a citation in the mail of alleged “offenders?”
Guns, radios, and optics are of obvious use to potential rebels, but why video cameras? Remember the Rodney King beating by police in L.A.? Well, the elite don't want that kind of publicity jeopardizing their progress, need I say more? Doode suggests that, when all this takes place in America, the elite will bring on the global government in full force! In other words, one will no longer need to speculate concerning the arrival of the one-world government.
Those who say, “That won't happen” probably thought a black man would never become a U.S. President. Others who've said, “They can't do that,” likely said the same thing when the mandatory seat belt laws were enacted. These reality deniers might consider the “what if” in regards to their access to supplies should these events come to pass.
The Doode relateth that a one-world government takeover will (spiritually) unbalance the planet even more than it already is. Too much negative spiritual energy may destroy the human race by forcing the Metaphysical Mainframe to seek an equilibrium. Discussed in Chapter Five was that a planet – via its own collective consciousness or Mainframe – can effect mechanisms which may throw off the planetary negativity, like a dog might scratch off fleas. Revelations show that Earth's vibrations will eventually cause a reduction in negative energies by “shaking off” the parasites at the source. Cutting down the human population automatically equals less negativity or at least a reduction in total positive-negative conflict. A subtle example of population reduction can be found in the increasing number of de-closeted same-sex relationships. Since same-sex relationships can't bear offspring without outside help, those who “come out” automatically reduce potential population growth. Some would say (not me,) the bonus is that the defective genes of those people will not be passed to future generations. In this respect the Mainframe Survival Reflex seems to work.
One revelatory vision I've experienced has shown me that the “survival reflex” of the Earth (via the Mainframe) will effect vibrational changes causing an increase in the number and intensity of natural disasters or “acts of God.” Doode says it's true that disasters are generally cyclical, but as the negative energies rise, so do the negative effects. Shortly after I first wrote this, we witnessed the Pacific Tsunami, hurricane Katrina, and a rise in global-warming issues. Just to be clear, Doode indicates that global warming is cyclical, but your fuel emissions and other pollution make it far worse, and more difficult to predict or to reverse.
 As if that's not enough bad news, the hologram indicates that as the elements strike at you, so will other humans. Has anyone noticed an increase in violence throughout the world? What started as anomalous school shootings for no apparent reason will morph into full blown domestic terrorism! He says the majority won't even be Muslim or communists.
 My source further indicates that a number of unstoppable terrorist factions lurk over the horizon. These terrorists will consist of men, women, and even young people from all walks of life. They'll not be organized as such, but will act alone like special agents of government spy agencies. Their actions will be planned and executed by themselves, independent of assistance, with their soul experiencing a feeling that they should participate in removing negative energy from the face of the Earth – an impulse driven by the Mainframe. The individual is its own terror faction, but taken collectively, the effects of hundreds or even thousands of solitary individuals performing random terrorist acts will seem sort of organized. Look at the numbers: If you have one-hundred terror “cells” of five people each, that's a combined force of five hundred people. But if just one person out of one “cell” is captured and turned, then his particular cell will be caught. Now consider that, if there is any communication between these cells, the potential for capturing the five-hundred people increases significantly. However, the same number of self-appointed ones with no intercommunication has a greater damage potential because they are less likely to be caught. It could take five-hundred completely separate investigations to catch them. Hence, each one could act again and again and again.
 A terror “cell” of a solitary soul will just switch on and spring into action. He or she will personally justify the acts of terror as necessary to achieve a positive goal in the same way that police, military, or the elitists justify the crimes they commit. The new terrorists will believe they're saving the human race in the long run through chaos. They'll simply feel it in their bones that the acts they are performing are necessary to accelerate the inevitable.
When I asked my source by what name would this new brand of terrorists be called (?) His response was “Messias.” He said that when responsibility for the acts are claimed, although anonymously, the individuals will state that they are “anointed” to perform the tasks. I looked it up and messias is the Greek word for the more familiar “Messiah” which also means “anointed one,” and thus the name. “One” as in solitary, “anointed”, as in chosen by some higher authority.
One might ask the question, what authority besides the elite or other extremist would choose acts of terror to accomplish a goal? Well, the power of the Mainframe for one. Still seeking equilibrium, the collective, or Metaphysical Mainframe acting on the spiritual “Survival Reflex” of this planet, will do what it has always done – maintain the cycles and to bring order from chaos. Messias are merely a tool for this just as are the makers of HAARP, the sprayers of chem-trails, or the engineers of the swine flu, ad nauseum.
The Doode suggests that as long as vibrations collectively emanate from sapiens on negative frequency patterns, the Mainframe will respond in the unseen dimension and cause a subtle response in this physical dimension on the “Planck scale.” The minute particles will carry this vibration from the micro to the macro realms causing the Earth's natural elements and humans like messias to respond, and the results won't be kind or gentle.
Messias will initially come from those groups of people who may be disenfranchised from society - the poor, homeless, hungry. Of course, the alphabet agencies will profile and begin neutralizing those people, then the other classes who have more to lose will begin to act. One doesn't have to be poor to become disgusted with corrupt politics, pissed off at corporate greed, furious at pollution or the current 10% unemployment rate, etc. They'll be the ones to finally snap and begin to add legitimacy to revolutionary ideas and actions. Elitists have foreseen this, (what, like I'm the only one having visions?,) which is another reason to implant everyone. After all, what if a terrorist acts but can always be found? A little water-boarding and they will spill the beans, just as the Bin-Ladinites have.
Question for Doode: “What can one person do to force a change for the better?” (see Disclaimer7.) He says that one way is to hit them in the pocketbook. Make it so expensive to operate in the present negative manner that they have to change for the positive. In order to destroy the power of the elite, you should remove their measurement of power – money, or what is claimed to be money, but it should be done early. How does one remove the money? Well, the Doode says that hacker messias will perform a series of cyber-attacks, dropping viruses into computers that handle finance. That won't work for long without a combined physical attack on property such as communication transceivers, telephone systems, and power lines. There are many ways to short out electric or electronic systems which I won't cover very specifically for fear of being accused of endorsing “messian” actions – but I think it's fairly common in certain counter-cultures that those humongous transformer stations you notice everywhere can be overheated and shorted out by draining the oil out of them (or maybe that's an urban legend). You can guess how that's done but the metal is thin and you don't see much in the way of security around this equipment.
Another method that will be used to devalue the money is attempts to bring production to a halt. The reasoning here is that no production means that there's no more value to the money. Some methods of reducing production are:
  • Any refinery or chemical plant is vulnerable to high-powered rifle fire with armor-piercing bullets.
  • The transportation system supplying industries can be stopped. Trucks, planes, boats, are all vulnerable to bullets, timed explosives, or collisions.
  • Decapitation of those in charge. Some messias will take the fight directly to the home of responsible politicians, monarchs, CEO's, or other elitists. It is impossible to protect every single one of them, twenty-four hours a day, indefinitely. What about their families and friends? Wouldn't the C.I.A., K.B.G., or Mossad do the same thing? At some point you might run out of people to remain in charge of things; the supply is finite after all.
  • If that doesn't revolutionize a change, some messias will attack workers who are responsible for production. Some workers will be targeted, then an internet announcement will claim something on the order of: “From this day forward, anyone working for – this company – is subject to death along with anyone you care about.” Not everybody would have to be targeted, it's the terror of the situation that does it. Then of course, the government resources would bog down further trying to feed, house, and protect people who are afraid to work.
      Being skeptical, I naturally questioned the ability of any one human to do these things. The revelation I got from the Doode made me realize as I look out my cell window, how a single 'messia' might exploit some vulnerabilities in a prison system. As an example, I'm going to expose some of them here only because the prison systems are not viable terrorist targets.
       Prisons are nothing if not uniform. Many have buses to transport prisoners, tractors, forklifts, vans or other support vehicles, and a fuel depot. The aforementioned rifle, (suppressed and sporting armor-piercing bullets, of course,) could be used to pierce engine blocks or vehicle fuel tanks, or even the larger tanks at the fuel depot. Or, timed explosive devices could be surreptitiously planted on said items. All of this type of property carries a replacement cost with it, and budgets are only so big.
       Nearly all prisons have a Warden's house, guest officer's quarters, guard towers, a roving guard, and an armory. These also can be assaulted in ways mentioned. Then there's the employee parking lot. How hard would it be to drive by and photograph the cars there? One could do a search on the license plates to find home addresses for the car owners. It would then become a simple matter of selecting how much the work-force should be thinned-out. Speaking of work-force, aren't inmates a working force too? In this model, if one could discourage inmates from working, which might shut down the prison system too. So the question in this fictional scenario might be, “How many inmates should be fired upon before they all refuse to work?” Never mind the fact that a supply of arms could be “dropped” onto the recreation yard. I wonder if armed prisoners would continue working, or if they'd even choose to remain behind bars.
       Those are just a few vulnerabilities inherent in a system that I hope is never targeted by terrorists. Gosh, I hope nobody reads this and decides to carry out these scenarios, 'cause the authorities might suspect my involvement, which is absurd, because I totally oppose violent or destructive means, as I have already declared to the world via the internet (the pen is mightier than the sword and all that). It's on my Facebook page, and my blog at:, check it out.
       Other messias may use less lethal means to accomplish the end goal of balance, such as lawsuits, lobbying, or picketing. Still others will use electronic methods like hidden cameras and the internet to spread the truth, although these methods will be largely ineffective.
 Considering all the forensic tools available to criminal investigators, I figured that terrorists will always be easily caught. My little friend answered that, “So one messia is caught, Big Whoop!” A captured messia can't lead authorities to others because they work alone. Most professional assassins aren't caught for the same reason – they work alone, dispose of their tools, then disappear, and talk to nobody.
One might think that due to CSI's and their gadgets that there's no possible way that such things can go unpunished, but ponder this point: It can't get any more secure than a prison, right? In a prison kitchen, a main concern for the officers is the theft of food. I'm not sure what that has to do with security unless obese prisoners tend to form a special type of threat group, like excessive methane emitters. Within this environment, some of the security measures used to prevent food theft are quite formidable. There is always an officer watching the food and there are locks on everything. Supplies are measured and checked out, yet a significant amount of food continues to disappear. The point I'mtrying to make is this: No matter what, there is always a way around security. That is why terrorists like the messias will not be stopped, but neither will trafficking in drugs for that matter.
You're likely thinking as I did, of the probable government response to this type of domestic terror. The Doode suggested that, most likely, a police state would emerge to control the resulting “civil unrest,” but over time, that's another step toward chaos. We've shown you how, if production were to stop, the dollar de-valuates, and it's obvious that at that point the U.S. Corporations can't trade with corporations in other countries. If the elite know what's good for them, they should have at this point, retired to their fortified bunkers or whatever, but what do they do when they run out of champagne and caviar? Doode recounts that the elite will order the police and military to force citizens to work without pay for reasons of national security. After all, the nation of elitists can't be secure without commercial production (as long as the value of the debt-currency is tied to it). They'll keep you alive so you can do stuff for them. For a while, but there is always a situation where the police or military will mistakenly neutralize innocent people in their confusion over who the terrorists really are? Do the '60s ring a bell? That would certainly fan the flames of revolution.
The little Doode detailed that on several possible time-lines, the common people will become weary of the extreme cold or heat, hunger, poverty – below subsistence level, and collectively rise up in rebellion against those who, for no other reason than their station, have not experienced poverty by that time. When this occurs, the Americans who have remained 'chip' free will likely still own guns. If so, a revolution has a chance to succeed then.
In Chapter Five, you learned what the Doode had to say about how your Positive Ali3n cousins (Nordics) went through similar trials of chaos before they finally had the foresight and courage to handle things differently with their reduced planetary population. They all had to help each other in order to survive, which they should have done when they actually had a choice. As conditions eased, the Nordics reached an agreement which relied on ancient tribal principles as applied to the higher society that was to be rebuilt.
Doode recounts that the planet Earth, and the Mainframe that powers it from another dimension, seek a balance through what you call “natural law.” This law isn't interpreted in a courtroom. This law is beyond imposed whims and man-made morals. It is active, intuitive, and – well - “natural.” Misapplication of natural law can have severe side-effects, such as the possibility of too much TV in someone's life in relation to other life aspects, which is unbalanced and may cause A.D.D. or other disorders. Should you neglect to observe natural law and fail to achieve certain goals, then you may become disheartened, and stress resulting from low self-esteem may cause your health to become damaged. Your immune system may suffer. This condition resonates to and affects people around you in a negative way. Natural law is in the best interest of all species as it was here long before Homo sapiens. Doode asks that you please observe this law by seeking a balance between any opposing forces.
For humans to continue on the current path invites the cycles which facilitate societal destruction and rebirth that will persist until we are totally extinct, or until we gain a collective equilibrium, sayeth the Doode. Natural law must be observed; the problem is that sapiens have the brain power to outpace evolution and natural law. Planet Earth's natural evolutionary cycles consist of growth to destruction about once every one hundred million years. That's plenty of time for things to adapt, mutate, and possibly survive.
We brainiacs exceed the speed of evolution and short-cut the natural cycles because of the uneven application of technology, usually in the context of gaining some kind of power over others. Humans advance at surprising rates in one or two endeavors and remain in the Stone Age as to other aspects of our existence. Case in point: We can go to the moon, but we can't get along; we quibble over mundane intricacies from the same basic theologies; and hunger remains prevalent.
In response, as we've said, the Earth itself is already using chaotic means in an attempt to clear the elite chess board. When I originally wrote this paragraph, we had seen the destruction of the tsunami in the Pacific, as well as hurricanes, rampant fires, floods, and earthquakes. Then there was the hundreds of reported birds, frogs, elk or deer found dead for no apparent reason. What about the observance of “near miss” asteroids? Do ya think the Earth could be attracting them?


Since this chapter is on revelations given to me by my animated source of information, I'd like to change gears for a moment and talk about the year 2012,a date foreseen by ancient seers as significant. What's the hubbub lately with this topic? Surely you've heard some of it, mostly brought on by discussions concerning the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar. Unfortunately for us (and them,) the Mayan civilization isn't around for us to ask about the calendar thing. Is December 21, 2012 the end of the world, sort of coinciding with many other (not just Christian) ancient traditions (I've read about other specific dates in that month, but all agree it's on or near the Winter Solstice in that year.) Some believe that a “new age” of enlightenment will ensue. Doode reports that, depending on the timeline, many of the predicted actions could be manifest on the subject date, including nothing at all.
My source further declares that the most probable event to occur, considering the current state of the world, is that 2012 is the metaphysical “deadline” for us humans to balance the polar energies on a planetary level in order to avoid a later species extinction subsequent to the inevitable future cataclysmic events. He further told me that 2012 is the time foreseen by many ancient seers that the Metaphysical Mainframe will be invoked by the greatest majority of living souls that has ever collectively “called out” before. The spirit of the world itself, along with spiritual intent from millions of people, will give such an outcry for help and balance at the physical level – and the Mainframe will answer. Exactly how and when it will answer is the 64,000 question.
And the Doode spaketh unto me, “When invoked by the millions, the Mainframe will bring extreme change by destructive means.” My vision is that, if current world events were a car, then today the car would be in first gear. After 2012, we'll move into overdrive. The numerical majority may very well disappear in the future and perhaps all life as well. In short, 2012 is the deadline for all of us, not just me or you, to get some “act right” if we want the species to have a fighting chance of surviving the future.
The bulk of ancient holy people who “saw” 2012 as a new beginning couldn't fathom our technology, but snapshots of the technology were likely a part of their RASC/RISC visions (see Chapter Six.) Where inconsistencies occur, those shamans were simply interpreting those visions to the best of their ability. Anything high-tech would be seen as something magical by the ancients.
Doode recounts to us that prophecy in general is no guarantee (of events) because a shaman did not know what he or she was actually viewing, due to not being acquainted with future “stuff”. Also, prophecy may not be exact because time is fluid – we can choose to alter the future events (to some degree) by our actions today. Also indicated is that, due to the fluidity and and constantly changing conditions, a perceived event may conjure up numerous possibilities. So don't expect any or only one version out of the bulk of all prophetic visions to become manifest more than any other. The original visions from long ago were more likely to be pure, it's the later interpretation of original versions that may be tainted – usually due to some egotistical motivation.
            Another thing about Doode's version of 2012 is: Due in large part to the internet, the possibility exists for governmental disclosure of secret knowledge that affects us. Who – besides me as I sit in a Texas prison cell – doesn't have a digital video recorder camera, or cellphone? The potential is there to catch officials with their greedy little hands in the cookie jar of corruption. Would we able to leverage the threat of exposure into full disclosure of other truths? I don't know but it's obvious that the internet may provide the means to obtain the kind of knowledge that you just can't get from mainstream sources. I'm talking about the kind of knowledge that you've picked up over time somewhere that perhaps you feel may be inaccurate. I offer as an example the significant evidence which shows that several anomalous parts of old Hebrew legend were actually borrowed from earlier Sumerian stories (see Chapter Six.). Take a moment to think about different things you've been told (from whatever the source) is one way. Intuition may tell you that something about what you think you know just doesn't feel right.
            Disclosure of secret or otherwise taboo subjects would shock even mainstream skeptics. Who signs their checks? Elitists cringe at the thought of “John Q” possessing any truth, that's why they've always complicated things like law, medicine, finance, and religion. Many common folks who are still asleep to revelation will justify continued denial, like they did when they blindly supported the Bush- Iraq war (for false reasons.)
            The Doode sayeth that, should our species as a whole finally choose to remove their blinders and actually seek out the truth that their repressed intuition compels them to find – perhaps implementing a new system like “Ali3nizm” - then the coming catastrophes will have a lesser effect in the long run. Here's the thing: The more people who are seeking equilibrium and are prepared for survival – then the greater chance there will be for species survival after the apocalypse, or whatever bad things are coming. These “balanced” souls will be spiritually prepared to bring the remnant of humanity to the next level.
            My source stresses that we must prepare for what is to come by securing unconventional knowledge, weapons and other necessary supplies and materials in safe places. But, preparation must be complete before you are forced to accept the RFID implant and your methods and tools of survival are taken away from you.
           Within this framework of malleable time-lines – if the populace is RFID chipped, and currency and firearms are taken away from Americans – the Global Government will be imposed prior to events which Doode tells me would “thin out” the population of elitists and their pet “sleepers” - then there will be too many people going through the tribulations (for lack of a better word – no certain prophecy is supported here,) with no food, water, or shelter. Global warming will intensify and accelerate along with disease, pestilence, famine, and extinctions. There will be a point when the only supply of food available will be – each other!
            It has been said that these conditions will persist for years until there are very few people on Earth, and no usable resources. The human species will likely go the way of the Dodo,and perhaps the planet itself will die, too. The only surviving entities will be the corporations, and the occasional wind swept bits of weathered green paper with faded denominations printed on them, none of which is alive anyway.
            You-know-who reveals that, if terrorists like the messias, who through their actions compel a police-state response from the powers that be, then elitists would have to accelerate their current plans to compensate for the actions we've covered in this chapter.. If events proceed in this manner, then the common people may become pissed-off enough to rise up against the oppressors prior to the mandatory RFID tag program – then rebellion would precede the cataclysms. More enlightened people now equal a greater chance for species survival later.
             Elitists and their supporters have the ability to cause a balance of world energies right now. Through the vehicle of astronomical wealth, every belly in the world could be filled which would be a great start. Where is the kind of generosity we witnesses in 2004 in response to the call for tsunami disaster aid? If the Positive Ali3nz continuously provide this type of help to others, why can't we? Perhaps that's the only major difference between the P-ALi3nz and us.
            My projected source reasons that we can choose to increase our chances for survival. The Ali3n information is that what Earth astronomers call entropy is the expansion of the universe. This “expansion” is quickened due to the increasing number of negative thinking intelligent beings. The negativity causes dark energy to create dark matter from another dimension – which expands so rapidly filling the spaces between cosmic bodies that eventually all matter would be replaced by dark matter. This is why the Positive Ali3nz promote constant positive intent – to slow down or reverse entropy – if not, the entire universe will eventually dissipate into emptiness. Since nobody wants the Earth to be pushed out of sight of the sun, maybe all of us should try to balance out our own lives, and encourage others to do the same.


            I wrote this section as an “afterthought” to the Word of Doode, but it turns out that “Ali3nizm” is quite the different book. However, before we continue with a philosophy of what Ali3nizm is, I'd like to share with you my original afterthought.  
            The reader can choose to believe the preceding information or not. One may think that my narrative is merely the ranting of a lunatic. I can neither confirm nor deny that. Others may believe that everything you've just read is all made up, a fantasy concocted to lure innocent souls away from popular thought. The truth is, any narrative of this type (without supporting evidence) could be made up. If you want proof of my sincerity, all I can say is – polygraph me! I'd be glad to if you'd remain open to the ideas discussed.
            I have covered the foregoing subject matter specifically because my source indicated that the subjects promote contention in people, keeping us divided, and that shouldn't be. Doode says that an alternative view is needed. Made up, coming from a lunatic, or not, who cares? What if the Word of Doode is right? What action would you take? The good thing is that you can choose your beliefs and actions, and in doing so, your intent is what matters. As for me, (when this was written) I need proof of the above subjects, either way. Writing that, “In the future, I intend to look for evidence wherever I may find it.” And I did – some of it I've added as bibliographic references in support of a lot of the Words of Doode. The questions stand: What if Doode is correct? What action will you take? Hopefully I've included enough references to allow you to analyze this report and make informed choices and perhaps ask some questions of your own, like: “So if Doode is right about this stuff, what else could he be right about?” With that in mind, let's find out.

Chapter Seven End Notes

1) Abraham, pp. xv xvi.
2) Freakonomics, pp. 67-70, 91.
3) One-Dimensional Man, p.6.
4) One-Dimensional Man, p. 52.
5) War Cycles / Peace Cycles, pp. 8-10.

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