Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chapter Six

True Myth

            And the Doode spaketh unto me, “In the book you should include a section concerning the PAli3n version of historical myth to illustrate how Negative thinking mutated the spirit of both their culture and that of the Earth.” Then he gave me the following ideas to explore.
            On the subject of my own perspective, I grew up in a strong Christian environment and so my mental picture of the Almighty was that of an old bearded guy sitting on a throne in the clouds. In my view the God of the Hebrews, knew everything, made everything, wants everybody's love, but will punish us if we don't freely give it – yet only the Hebrews are the “chosen” people.1 When you think about it now days, it seems those qualities are quite human.
            As a young adult I regarded the Bible as being 100% accurate and relevant in every aspect. My theories expanded to include the “little books” as a law reference, probably influenced by my brushes with the law. Later in life I learned that the Torah was considered the oral/written law book for the Israelites, and was actually written in part, around 850 – 750 BC by the “J” source,2 who was probably female.3 I was unshaken when my source told me that the Judeo-Christian laws don't automatically apply to a non-Semite, any more than the laws of the USA applies to Canadians except through NAFTA. However, I admit that there is room for doubt when one considers Biblical contradictions and the arguments between the various Abrahamic religions. For instance, sources trace Biblical ancestry back to 4004 BC to the Mesopotamian “garden.” I had been taught that the time of Adam in the Garden of Eden was when all of mankind began. That date would be fine but for the sciences, which show us that other tribal civilizations have been dated to several thousand years earlier. Evidence of “cave people” have been found to be much older still.4
            Questions (?), sure, I've had them for years, but it was a little P-Ali3n hologram who gave me a mental picture demonstrating that the date of 4004 BC was claimed by the Hebrews because their oral traditions indicated a cultural memory from about that time in Sumer. The Doode mentioned that some of the groups who later made up the tribes in Palestine, and finally came to be called “Habiru,”5 (Hebrew), came from Sumer (“Shinar” in Hebrew). My source also relates that, as Sumerians, the early Hebrews to be, started their own unique traditions which were borrowed from surrounding cultures, and adapted them to subsequent Abrahamic thinking. During later research I discovered evidence which tended to bolster the story related to me by the Doode.
            Abraham was said to be born in Ur, about 2123 BC (Wars of Gods and Men, pg. 289), which was before Semitic languages were widely apparent in the record, therefore he likely spoke the Sumerian language and was – not “Hebrew.” The name Abram was of Sumerian origin (Abraham, pg. 42). He did not become a “Semite” until the age of 99, ( 293).
            Considering Abraham's Sumerian origin, it was not surprising to learn that many Old Testament Jewish stories actually stem from much earlier Mesopotamian tales, (Life After Death, pg.120 [see Chapter Two]). Abraham brought many existing laws from Iraq, like Hammurabi's Code, which likely became the basis for Jewish law (Abraham, pg. Xvi).
            The Sumerian/Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh (3000 BC), tells of a man called Ziusudra (or in Akkadian, Utnapishtim),6 who built a submersible ark to protect humans and animals from a flood. This story was written 2000 years before the “J” source rendered the Hebrew version where Noah was the hero.7
            The Mesopotamian ruler, Sargon I of Agade (Akkad), tells his own personal history in “The Legend of Sargon,” circa 2300 BC, it seems he was born in secret, then placed in a basket of rushes, and cast into the river ,more than a thousand years before Moses.8
            Whether the popular culture relies for it's philosophical theory upon a Hebrew variation, Egyptian, Eastern or otherwise, my source tells me that we must look to the conjunction at the root of all beliefs to get to the truth of spirituality. In his book, In Search of Philosophical Understanding, Dr. 122 Edwin A. Bert contends that – since worldwide primitive man was concerned with how to get natural forces to be favorable instead of hostile – it did not matter whether animistic prayer, ritual, incantation, or magic induced positive forces in his favor; just to find the technique that seemed most effective was the thing. He further relates that almost everywhere magical methods “reigned alone,”9 for a time.
            There is other scientifically supported evidence for an ancient worldwide civilization, or perhaps the common connection to other traditions around the globe is purely coincidental. Referencing Maps of The Ancient Sea Kings, I found that Charles Hapgood wrote about a series of fifteenth century navigational charts that were more technologically advanced than the cartography in use at the time. One could conclude that, because the charts illustrated “New World” coastlines prior to the actual recorded European “discovery,” someone discovered America long before Columbus. Hapgood suggests that the maps may have been copies made by much earlier traveling mariners. The Oronteus Finaeus map of Antarctica (c 1531) shows the frozen continental coastline, which is currently beneath a mile of ice, indicating the map was originally drawn when that continent was partially free of ice.10 Modern day core drilling of the Ross Sea ice produced evidence that the Antarctic coast has been ice free many times in prehistory – the latest ice free period was from 6,000 to 15,000 years ago.11
            Whether it was an ancient worldwide civilization which salted the Earth with colonists and basic beliefs, or whether tribes in every corner of the globe reached a spiritual understanding separately – The fact remains that cultural parallels do exist. Sir James Frazer wrote of over eleven hundred similar rituals and other cultural beliefs in his book, The Golden Bough; for example: There are twenty-eight references to tree worship; Seventeen references to the sacrifice of priest-kings; Almost everyone has a “Great Flood” story; and the list goes on.
            Did humans simply make up these stories and traditions? If not, where did they come from? One who thinks about such things might wonder, how two or more separate cultures a world apart, could possibly come up with near identical beliefs long before the wheel was invented or worldwide trade was established. The Doode indicated that, as tribal cultures congealed, certain creation / genealogical stories developed with a bias toward the tribe who tells the story. In short, the likely theme begins with the god or gods arrival on the scene and they perform something magical upon the sky, Earth or water. The gods then create a people and separate them from less deserving ones; giving the chosen people a unique purpose or skill; only to disappear. Returning to the above referenced book, The Golden Bough, we find 39 worldwide references to different peoples who “Make rain”; 10 references to separate peoples “Making sunshine”; 12 different cultures “Making wind” and much more. The Sumerian creation story called, Enuma Elish, chronicles the gods making man out of their own blood mixed with clay,12  with the theme of knowledge as well as food being the tool for immortality.13 The correlations with Abrahamic stories should be obvious, but at the end of the day, everything still points to a common source of information which pre-dates the popular ones.

Mainframe People

So I asked the Doode where the information came from, what is the common source of ancient myth? Doode's reply was that, ultimately the Metaphysical Mainframe is the source. Noted throughout this narrative is that the P-Ali3nz consider Earth's Collective Conscious/unconscious; Universal Mind; Mainframe, or whatever you want to call it, is the information and experience storage medium for every living thing on this planet since primordial times. Much like the animal and fruit scenario in Chapter Two, some humans can remember bits and pieces of certain experiences from the Mainframe – enough so that their beliefs can be influenced. The interpretation of the data is subject to the knowledge, personality, and motive of the one who perceives it. Since related visions are personal, (from the point of view of the viewer), the individual sometimes assigns attributes to the visions which relate to themselves and their own culture.
My holographic friend posits that ancient divine immortals or “Adamic” humans formed simple traditions from the combination of mainframe memory and other knowledge given to them by the Positive Ali3n “gods.” The divine people viewed creation itself as a sex act. An astral picture of creation is a part of the Mainframe which my source indicates, can be accessed. In Chapter Two, we suggested that this verse was the offspring of a parent universe. Earth humans saw visions of the “parent” side of creation and interpreted the black hole as female genitalia and the debris being drawn into the hole, as a phallus. And the Doode sayeth, “This is the primary reason the early humans sort of venerated and ritualized the sex act, along with fertility and the bearing of fruit.
On our side of the creational “sex act,” my source led me to believe that the “Big Bang” is remembered through the Mainframe by the ancients, as a climax between the one parent verse (as both male and female), and this one. Expanding outward in every direction from the “Big-O” or climax, are the ever moving boundaries of space in the form of waves.
I have a P-Ali3n induced vision of the circular or oval envelope of this universe. The little Doode indicated that the seers of old, who also saw this vision, generally interpreted it as a the womb or egg that encompasses the whole cosmos.14 Copulation of the universes was a bit like the biological sex act, so it is no wonder that a shaman would envision matter and energy exploding into this verse, as the seed which fertilized our own creation.
Related in Chapter Two, was that my source says the new cosmic seeds evolved into other kinds of matter through the “Survival Reflex,” and this too is recorded on the Metaphysical Mainframe. For this reason many pre-historic tribal rituals were actually fertility rites, performed to ensure a successful hunt, or abundant crops in later cultures. Very early humans believed that pregnancy was the result of some supernatural cause other than sex.
Earlier we stated that P-Ali3nz built the first immortal or divine humans on this planet. My source told me that the Mainframe also holds the essence of this part of creation, and that symbolic representations of it can be found in the old traditions. Again briefly, a divine female was artificially created at the Atlantean laboratory from natural Earthly ingredients. When she achieved adulthood, the “Eve” was artificially seeded and bore a divine male. Offspring of the first mother/son populated Atlantis with immortal humans. Subsequent “Eves” were created also, and the Doode suggests that this idea parallels the Egyptian myth of Horus/Osiris. Since the divine humans were grown directly from the dust of the Earth, many of the early tribes of mortals held the Mother Earth as sacred.15
And the tiny P-Ali3n messenger sayeth unto me, “That after Atlantis sank, yet before the Positive Ali3nz left Earth, divine humans were regarded as middle-men or priests between mortals and the 'gods'.” Due to the P-Ali3n Council's rule of “No Direct Contact,” immortal humans were used as a buffer so that the rule was observed and mortals could indirectly communicate with the P-Ali3nz. When mortals began to worship the P-Ali3nz as gods, the immortal humans naturally assumed a priestly role. Doode indicated that it was convenient for the gods to allow this behavior, so the trichotomy of god, priest, and worshiper was allowed to take its own course.
Immortal priests (hybrid human/P-Ali3nz) then utilized Psy Tech to build the necessary temple structures around the world. Psy Tech in these instances did not normally use thought amplifiers, but instead concentrated group intent combined with the Earth's natural rhythms at a given site, which was sufficient to lift and set the stonework.
Questioning my source as to why the ancient structures were not made of some high tech space material, he said that later mortal sapiens would not be able to determine when the stones were cut and shaped – thereby preserving the mystery of when and by whom they were built. Unevolved mortals would be more concerned with how to duplicate space age materials for a profit, than noticing the inherent symbols within the architecture.
Modern archaeologists find glyphs etched in stone all the time. Doode posits that the greater psychological benefits (other than the glyphs themselves,) are the coded astrology and sacred numerology that is built into certain structures. Every measurement, angle, number and type of material is claimed to possibly influence human thought on a sub-conscious level. At some point we're all supposed to “get it” like switching on a light. Correlations with these ideas can be found in Heaven's Mirror, by Graham Hancock and Santhia Faiia, where they present startling evidence of pre and post-diluvian civilizations laying out their architecture as mirror images of given constellations.16 The authors also show how the number 72 was used extensively in many of those buildings. Further, it seems that the important temple sites are located, Longitudinally, seventy-two degrees from each other, or a division of that number. The number seventy-two happens to refer to the Earth's planetary movement called “Precession.” This is the number of degrees that the Earth “wobbles” on its axis, which can only be observed over the course of about 26,000 years. Who on Earth has been able to make that sort of observation?
My P-Ali3n homie gave me a vision of the old temples being used as schools from which to train mortal initiates who wish to be priests after the gods went back into the heavens. The trainees would have learned about mysterious temple openings which were oriented toward certain star systems. Additional portals were aimed at each of the twelve Zodiacal signs. When aligned, Doode says that prayer and sacrifice was offered to the gods of that system. Priests knew who their creators were but the respect shown through a regimen of rituals was considered a small price to pay for their own existence. The temple openings were communication devices – telephones to the gods, so the real reason for the rituals was to build up psychic energy for the “phone call.”
I recall a rather surreal mental picture of several robed immortal priests and their mortal acolytes, gathered within an early pyramid with torches ablaze, and harmonizing together on some chant I failed to identify. Mr. Doode suggests that as ritual evolved into something more dramatic, the spiritual energy actually increased, as long as the intent was singular. Spiritual intent could be stored and concentrated in certain physical mediums, the most common of which are some types of crystals.
Scientific evidence of this type of idea has been demonstrated by William Tiller PHD, Walter Dibble PHD, and Michael Kohane in their book, Conscious Acts of Creation. Tiller and company implanted a certain intention onto an integrated circuit (IC) in one location. Relocating the circuit to another area, the original intent was released to effect a physical application, like adjusting the PH of a test tube of water (Chapter One). That intention, much like that of the ancient rituals mentioned above, combined the natural vibrations of the Earth with ritual to produce a focused beam of thought, which could be sent toward a recipient in another galaxy. The beam was fired through the crystal and out of the physical openings in the temple walls.
In Chapter Three, we briefly discussed the return of the Negative Aliens and their adverse effect on Earth and the inhabitants. N-Alien totalitarian rule was recalled from the Mainframe memory by people of old, as the wrath of the gods. My source postulates that the “wrath” ended up mutating into later human ideas of “evil” or the “devil”when no other explanation was apparent. Again, the ancient ideas of having to appease the gods was thought to be more effective if the sacrifices were human. Shortly after the Alien gods left Earth these practices took on a human motivation and the offerings were expected to be in precious metals or stones.
Brother Doode says the battle between Positive and Negative Aliens (Chapter Three) was incorporated into later traditions as the theory of the titanic struggle between good and evil. Although, the P-Ali3nz accept that our polar universe naturally oscillates between Positive (good) and Negative (evil), on this planet. These ideas were passed through the ages via myths and legends, individual cultures added the names of entities based on their own culturally specific perception (such as: gods, heroes, or monsters), which represented observed processes or actions, like lightning, wind, floods, etc.
As stated in Chapter Three, good prevailed and all the gods left again. The Doode sayeth that the end of this period in your history is marked by the beginning of the last cyclical Ice Age,and my mental picture of this is about 80,000 or 90,000 years ago. I should note here that I later discovered that the ice core samples which were taken from the Ross Sea of Antarctica, that tends to prove that continent was buried under glacial ice during that period.18
I learned from my source that during the next 50,000 years, the bulk of immortal priests or tribal guides had almost vanished. Some of them had accidents, or were killed by animals or mortals. Others committed suicide. Eons of time can bring many trials, and thousands of years facing the trials of life can be too much for anyone's psyche to deal with.
Lacking the inherent wisdom of the immortal priests to guide them, mortal humans retained sort of a tribal social structure that was at first, a spinoff of “pack” survival mentality. In the same way that a pack of wolves cooperate for security or to bring down large prey, the early hunter-gatherers cooperated so that the tribe as a whole might survive. The little Doode told me that even the mortal acolytes (trained by immortals) were absorbed into the mists of time. That left the way open for the Mother-Goddess cults to emerge around 40,000 years ago. Although no archaeological evidence has been found to support the Doode's claim of Earth Mother-Goddess worship at that time, Goddess figurines have been dated as far back as 27,000 years, such as in the case of “The Venus” of Willendorf, Austria.18 The old Jewish citadel of Jericho is said to have held a Goddess cult in the seventh millennium BC, as evidenced by figurines (see The Ancient Gods, generally). More Goddess figurines
dated to 4000 BC, have been found in Egypt.
            Other evidence exists which supports at least a carryover from the Goddess cults, such as:
            In Israel, Egypt, and Rome under the kings – the ownership of land passed from mother to daughter through matrilinear succession, because the females were the owners of the soil as was the Goddess. (Reference, King Jesus, Page 56-57, 119)
            The Midianites of Hezron, worshiped the Goddess Miriam, or Rahab, who was the goddess of the sea. (King Jesus, Page 54)
            Canaanites and some Israelites worshiped the Moon Goddess, Anatha. (King Jesus, Page 120)
            In Elephantine, Assyria, Jerusalem and some other places, the Goddess Asherah was worshiped as the Queen of Heaven, around the fifth and sixth centuries BC. (Reference, The Ancient Gods, generally)
            E. O. James suggests in his book, The Ancient Gods, the first ruling god on earth was the Mother Goddess. It seems appropriate to discuss what the Doode said about how the Mother Goddess concept came into being in those days.
            At most times while men of a tribe were hunting, the women remained close to the shelter preparing food, caring for the children and related duties. Some females in that situation might happen upon unknown plants in their gathering, which were tested for taste to use as flavor additives for other foods and such. Through trial and error many substances became recognized for their pharmaceutical qualities. Thus one female of a clan usually emerged as possessing a natural talent for diagnosing physical ailments and prescribing an effective remedy. If a healer chose to expand her power within the tribe, she might withdraw from food or sleep or perhaps partake of a substance in order to communicate with spirits or to “see” other visions within the Metaphysical Mainframe. Her Shamanic interpretations combined with her ability as a healer served to make the Shamaness a valuable member of any tribal social structure.
            The mysterious methods employed by the tribal healer supported an aura of strangeness about the female gender from the perspective of the males of the tribe. Women had a power which the men could not understand. This power was evident in the observation of her menses, which seemed to coincide with phases of the moon, therefore the probable male reasoning was that the eternal heavenly body (Moon) must be intimately related with the female gender. The male hunters knew that when animals bleed, they die and you eat them. Women bleed for a week and live! How can she survive this if not for her divinity? The women were also symbolic vessels of life due to their ability to give birth, much like the “Cosmic Egg” or “Womb” gave birth to this universe (See Chapter Two). Early Men feared the power of Women for these reasons, so sayeth my source.
            Mr. Doode mentioned that I should explain to you that the Positive Ali3n gods communicated amongst themselves and immortal humans, via thought projections. Already adept at psychic projection, the gods and their divine creations sent mental pictures back and forth instead of talking so much. Not that they were incapable of speech but they knew words have a power of their own, and the best way to control that power is to keep speech to a minimum.19 Anyway, a picture is worth a thousand words. Voice communication alone can be misinterpreted, but a photo can be self-explanatory so it's harder to screw up the meaning. Unfortunately, mortal humans had not mastered psychic communication skills prior to the end of the last Ice Age, so they began to sign and form primitive words independent of outside influence.
           A P- Ali3n sent projection told me that apart from simple pictographs on rock or clay, ancient tribes needed a way to preserve what little knowledge they had. My vision is that it was the tribal holy person who first realized that, to inspire an audience of believers, the rituals needed to be enhanced in a dramatic fashion. They enlisted other tribal members - and instituting chants, songs, and drumbeats, the dramatic rituals took on a greater meaning for the observers because it was more attention getting, thus was believed. Later peoples utilized costumes to enhance the stories they acted out which concerned miracles either witnessed or imagined.20 The rituals enhanced by “drama” became the method for passing down certain knowledge and traditions to subsequent generations.
            In tribes where females were feared and respected the holy woman became sort of a clan matriarch. As long as she could astound the “audience” with the dramatic rites, her power base remained steadfast. Her association to the Mother-Earth Goddess was either joined or replaced by other mythical gods, and some matriarchal leaders elevated themselves into being the priestess or sole communicator with the newer god(s). Dramatic ritual and sacrifice continued to be used to invoke the favor of the deities.
            I have, since writing this passage, discovered that Robert Graves had evidence that certain poetry was considered an invocation of the Goddess in ancient Celtic times, and the practice actually dates back to the Old Stone Age.21
            The Doode spoketh unto me, “Things in a polar universe tend to cycle from one pole to the next, that above all else, is inevitable.” The next obvious step in the attempt for the priestesses to bring greater realism into the drama, was to incorporate actual human sacrifice into the rituals. We should note here that, my source indicates the females were not necessarily the ones to invent human sacrifice, and that tribes ruled by men did the same things. In clans which embraced the early ideas of women as being the holy conduits to the gods, the natural candidates for sacrificial offerings were men. Doode says that young men were sacrificed at the times of given Sun or Moon cycles.22 In line with these ideas I noticed that Mr. Graves writes of the, “Antique story...of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of the god of the waxing year; the central chapters concern the gods' losing battle with the god of the waning year for love of the capricious and all powerful threefold Goddess...”24
            And the minute fellow sayeth unto me, “When the Ice Age glaciers receded about 13,000 years BC, new plant growth began to spring up in place of the ice. Observant humans who figured out that certain plants were edible, also transplanted some of them experimentally.” As we now know, early farmers-to-be selected fruits and seeds that were larger, tastier, and sometimes easier to cultivate.24
            Old Stone Age Hunter-Gatherer ritual dramas were finally adapted to the new farm based cultures. I envisioned that the majority of ancient peoples were already watching planets and stars, believing they had power over things on Earth – so it wasn't out of line for a superstitious culture to think heavenly bodies controlled their crop and weather activity.25 My source indicates that rituals were created with an astrological twist, and gods were named and associated with the Sun, Moon, planets and stars.
            The Doode says that in most locales (when farming was established about 10,000 years ago), certain mammals were domesticated. In fact, some say that attempts to domesticate animals preceded agriculture. I think both views are correct depending on factors like location, weather, and local culture.26 Livestock would have been important for survival of a family or tribe, that is why pastoral people would have kept a close eye on their animals. Close observation of animals brought the realization that the act of sex, was the true vehicle of fertilization which led to pregnancy. In many locales, the men finally discerned that if they were as responsible as the women for creating children, then perhaps the heretofore mysterious females were not that powerful after all. The men smartened up a bit, and the power base of tribal matriarchs' dropped a notch.
            Tribal males were still a little spooked by the female bleeding thing, and nobody could deny the various abilities of the priestesses, so as a potential leader she continued to be viable. My source indicated that in many cases the tribal secular leader (usually the stronger hunter), would decide that the priestess should have a male apprentice. One can surmise the possible reasons for this action, but the Doode sayeth that the men wanted someone on the inside who might divine the source of the female mysteries.
            In many cases, they got someone “inside”allright, as the priestess and the male apprentice became lovers. If that were to happen then the priestess would have an emotional stake in the life of her lover, leading eventually to the substitution of another sacrificial medium in exchange for the apprentice. Some clans saw the priestess and her apprentice evolve into kings and queens. Nothing in the universe is set in stone (except stone) so the cycles dictate that various cultures might “cycle” from one type of sacrificial ritual to another, and a few kings might have been sacrificed as the matriarchal/tribal rule began to waver.
            Jumping forward in history two thousand years or so, Doode says we would have found a majority of cultures had swapped the ruling class of queens for ruling kings, and queens as their subordinates. Along with this change the coed pantheon of various mythical gods was blessed with an all-powerful male god who eventually ruled over everything.27 The rulers of either sex could claim to be in a direct line of descent from this or that god, which supported the human ruler through divine right. Most of the religions we see today attach to this point in history with some traditions even dropping the pantheon and the females in general. At any rate, all of the customs have been an evolution from one general belief to another over the course of history, so the Doode sayeth.28

Which God Made It?

            The Doode informed me that the polar universe is proof of unintelligent design, because otherwise everything would be made with a polar bias toward the designer's own personal preferences. Does a battery have one or two poles? Does an atom have an electron and no proton, no neuron? In such a case, there would be only one Pole, no opposites – either positive or negative but not two (both).29 Like us, if a personified creator had our capacities for love, hate, anger, or sadness, 30 then like us, he or she (it) would want everything exactly it's way. Have you ever heard it said that a person is “set”in their ways? Like that, an intelligent creator would, after billions of years, be set in its ways. That creator wouldn't be willing to have much variation in its creation, yet we have a verse chock full of variation. Why do all the old “gods” have to battle each other to establish which one is supreme, couldn't the greatest one simply “un-create” the others?
            As it is, there are unseen vibrational “waves” all around us. These waves vary from one end of their frequency range to the other.31 Doode tells me that this polar variance is typical of this verse. He also said that if a single intelligent deity had created everything then there would be no waves, no polar variance, and no frequency. What we know as waves would be instead, flat lines. Balance would be an oxymoron because without an opposite, what do you have to measure or balance against?
            When thinking of this subject I recall a vision the Doode sent to me as an illustration. For instance, if a deity liked only the color black, then most everything it makes would be black. Even if it mixed a little red in with the black – black is so dominant that the red could never balance out the other color. If such a deity was all about hate then how could love fit in? Think of it this way, if you were the creator would you make stuff the way you wanted or the exact opposite of your own likes? Would you spend eternity sitting on a rock, or in a nice, plump recliner? If you love pizza, would you hire bakers who know nothing of making pizza? This thinking would be unipolar, unvaried, not balanced in the least. It goes against the (Bi) polar nature of the universe.
            Since this universe is (Bi) polar, if there were an original creative intelligence, then there might be at least two creators, but not only one. My source posits this as some proof that creation was here before any of the “gods”.
            According to my source, the Big Bang and all that follows was not “designed” by anybody.32 Twelve billion years ago no gods existed because nobody was out there to think them up yet. If there was anyone around to observe the Survival Reflex of electromagnetic waves evolving into particles, they would not have witnessed any hocus-pocus from an intelligent being. Like a bomb, the “Bang” was just energy expanding in all directions, there was no-one there to name it. How smart is an explosion? Can you communicate with it? The single Bang quickly morphed into many different waves which evolved into matter over time.
            Noted before in Chapter Two was that the Metaphysical Mainframe was only a force until biological life forms having brains, added a “data storage aspect” to the raw energy. Again, this may bear a similarity to computer data which piggy-backs electrical impulses as it is sent from one chip to the next.
           The super simple brains of early insects and small animals coming about post-creation, could take that data only so far. The data they offered the Mainframe lacked intricacy, because their brains were only capable of processing information on the terms of survival interactions which primitive lifeforms might be concerned with, (eat, hide, etc.), affirmeth the Doode.
            And the little Doode spaketh unto me, “As biological brain power increased with time, a greater diversity of experiences were infused into the Mainframe.” The greater diversity part was provided by the evolution of animal brains, although the fauna still was more concerned with trying to eke out a living. It was the truly advanced brains of animals (like primates) which harbored a small amount of intellect and who began to send meaningful thoughts into the Metaphysical Mainframe, so that the Mainframe itself became a “mind” of sorts. The Mainframe was the recipient “file” which recorded everything the minds of advanced creatures experienced.
           Before long, the intelligent creatures intuitively began to assign symbols to their observations, which on Earth later became sounds and names. The naming of things was in tune with the observers' culture, encompassing multiple variables. Doode suggests that much common knowledge came from the mainframe into the minds of people in the form of epiphanies, but the cultural bias accounts for the subtle differences in beliefs, languages, etc.
            I've had epiphanies that encompass many different primordial peoples. In these visions I see them give one name or another to whatever natural process that was seen, heard, or felt at the time. I also visualize other people of the same cultures respecting the natural process as well as the original name, because the sacred magic thus named was beyond their understanding. For instance, the Sun is seen the world over and it appears, warms us, then disappears every night. The probable early interpretation of this action was pretty much the same everywhere. The ancient people likely thought that there had to be someone (a deity) controlling the Sun, but that god's name, method, or reasons for action may differ from one culture to the next. The act of naming a god who operated a natural process served to imply a psychological power over something which could not be controlled.
            Obviously, one cannot alter the course of the Sun. Doode says that some things can be indirectly manipulated via the Mainframe. The ancients understood this which is the reason they continued to utilize ritual, sympathetic magic, and god naming in an effort to dominate nature. The Doode also told me that inventing a “pattern of energy,” naming and assigning attributes to it, may actually give the inventor some handle or leverage on the Metaphysical Mainframe, for that is where the godly pattern resides. My source gave me a fictional Mainframe vision to illustrate this which I will share with you in the first person, using my own unique interpretation.


In ancient mythical times, after much experimentation, I visualized a way to make a new type of metal. I was strongly compelled to name the metal iron, but did not know why. As the sole possessor of iron technology I was assured a prominent place of power within my village.
I was the world's first true blacksmith, and I was able to fashion many useful items that were very durable. My first career was as a musician but my manager wanted me to bite off the head of a bat on stage, so I changed careers. Afterward, everyone came to me, Ozwald, that I might design some metallic device to make their lives have greater meaning. In fact, I became so busy that it was necessary for me to take on apprentices. My helpers learned a trade and I earned a little free time. It was a good balance overall however, the trade was about to evolve.
Making good use of my free time one Sunday evening, I was having a yard of ale with my friend, Butch Andhouser (not to be confused with the brewing brothers who have a similar name, brew piss-water and race chariots). From Butch's perspective he was the world's best beer maker. As I finished my drink, I felt inclined to agree with him. I believe his motive to be one of advertising, because my endorsement of his products would bring many new customers.
Who remembers why, but this particular night our conversational topic drifted toward spiritual matters when Butch said, “I worship Hop, the god of fermentation, what god do you pray to?”
Not wanting to be outdone, I hesitated a moment because I really had no god to pray to. Staring at the soft orange glow of the coals in my iron forge, and as I felt the warmth on my face (or maybe it was the alcohol) a name invaded my reverie, “Ironman, the god of the blacksmiths.”
Apparently Butch was satisfied with my answer because he replied, “And hou” (Pronounced “how” and is the way everyone in his family expresses their assent, and thus the reason for the pronunciation of their surname), “tell me more after I return with another round.”
Thinking quickly, I blurted out, “Bring extra because this is Ironman's holy day and we should offer some as a sacrifice.”
Butch returned posthaste and breathlessly asked, “What... you'd waste my quality brew on an invisible god? (The usual custom dictated that gods would be represented with a statue or other icon, and I had not made one yet)
 I quietly agreed that wasting a quality ale from Butch Andhouser would be a crime, but what could I do – I was on a roll so I countered with, “My good sir, usually I offer to Ironman, someone’s firstborn child... but being as your ale is the sweetest in the land and no doubt prized by your god, then Ironman The Great should accept it.”
Mr. Andhouser contemplated this for a heartbeat or two. My flattery of his brewing prowess must have been persuasive because he handed me some ale and said, “Very well, the sooner we finish the sooner we can party!”
Just then a few virginal babes from the local village stumbled into the clearing. From the giggling group of hotties, the boldest one spoke, “Did someone mention party?”
At this development, Butch apparently saw more than an opportunity to expand his customer base, so he told the ladies, “My friend Ozzie is the master blacksmith and priest for his god, Ironman. We're about to sacrifice a pint of my personal brand of ale to the god.”
As I was at a loss for words I nodded stoically while Butch went on, “The ceremony cannot be attended by non-worshipers so if you ladies would like to be honorary priestesses, after the offering we will have an initiation that includes dancing naked around the fire and drinking ale in the god's honor.”
Without hesitation our new-found virginal priestesses began disrobing. I was dumbstruck but, seizing the moment I turned to the east, (it seemed like the thing to do at the time),and I spoke in an ominous voice, “O great Ironman, creator of iron and teacher of blacksmiths... Hear us! On this day and in honor of the power held in your great forge that is the sun, we offer you this divine substance.”
Feeling more drama was appropriate I raised the pint over my head and walked a clockwise circle around the fiery forge, stopping when I faced East again. I then bowed my head and poured the liquid over the white hot coals. The Ale popped and sizzled before changing into a gas. Still holding the attention of the mesmerized group, I looked to the heavens and watched the fragrant steam disappear as it cooled, I said, “As the spirit of our sacrifice rises to meet you, grant us prosperity and...” I mumbled something unintelligible for effect and turned to my wide-eyed acolytes then announced, “Let's party!”
Omitting the “R” rated part with the naked maidens, I'd say it was a night to remember. After Butch and I got over this nights' festivities we discussed the need for a physical Icon to worship. Using my own likeness, I later wrought an iron statue of Ironman to be a symbol of the cult I had just invented. The former virgins used their feminine charms to lure young apprentices into the fold under the pretense of learning the trade.
Ironman's flock grew at an alarming rate, and all journeymen blacksmith's who set out on their own were required to bring me a periodic tribute. Gold or silver worked fine. The materials to be used as burnt offerings were purchased with the tribute money. The monetary surplus bought luxuries for the priesthood, and as a scheme to make more money, each journeyman set up shop with a priestess, or ritual prostitute. The promise of sex in exchange for an “offering” and/or as an initiation rite was a very alluring incentive for future apprentices. More apprentices, more followers, and more money would make the cult a guaranteed success.
From the very first ritual we established that the Sun was Ironman's forge. Sun-day was his holy day of the week, and was useful for maintaining local public relations due to the high frequency of close contact with the people (once a week). Naturally embracing the heavenly motif, major rituals and offerings to Ironman were timed to follow the Sun and Moon cycles. The Sun's solstices and equinoxes, and phases of the Moon, so happened to conveniently coincide with the planting and harvesting of crops. Since the blacksmith's who were loyal to Ironman created farm implements and the deity blessed the bountiful harvest, we got bigger tributes.
I became sinfully wealthy and all my associates wanted for nothing. Mr. Andhouser sold vast amounts of beer. The people had all the iron-wrought goodies that they could use, and the “spiritual pattern” called Ironman got more energy from the collective intent being sent from the physical world. In this way the cycle was complete with all participants having their needs met, and then some.
Management of the Ironman cultus mandated so much of my time that I tended the forge less and less. Following my example the subordinate “smith's” also neglected the forge – so, by proxy we were neglecting the very reason for our prosperity. As further results of our neglect no new tools were
invented. That was a signal showing the peak of the trade, and at that point there was no place for us to go but downward.

Ripple Effect

We cultists drank our profits, and in our inequity, we no longer held the seasonal mass rituals. Without semi-constant political activity community support waned. Back in those times it seems, people needed to be led or at least entertained, or else their attention wandered. I was too elderly to tend the original shrine and nobody else cared to do it. Following suit, the satellite shrines and statues at each blacksmith temple, were corroded from a lack of maintenance. Along with the rusting of Ironman's physical presence (statue) the cult itself began to oxidize.
After my death, nobody worshiped Ironman and the tributes ceased to come in causing the god called Ironman to become entwined with other legends or folklore. The independent blacksmiths no longer shared trade secrets nor took on apprentices, so there was no unity - the community of blacksmith's and their technology faded away. Creativity gave way to dissolution.
Lacking the former great numbers of people to uphold the spiritual god-pattern we called Ironman, and without his spiritual energy reciprocating positive energy back into the trade, the beneficial cycle was broken. Missing the inventions and resourcefulness of the venerable blacksmith, the people were unable to advance. The culture itself regressed into negativity, further decay, and finally extinction.


In the foregoing fictional narrative, you witnessed a theoretical invention of a deity and the unnecessary cycles of positive spiritual intent necessary to sustain both the figure and it's followers. Those who offered energy in any form toward worshiping the entity reaped certain rewards, however indirectly. Positive maintained positive. The Metaphysical Mainframe got positive energy through the receptacle of the Ironman-as-a-spiritual-pattern. Ozzie received wealth, apprentices, virtually anything he desired. The helpers learned a trade and opened their own shops with cultish spinoffs. The people in general were able to purchase useful products, and their own enterprises were “blessed' by Ironman. There was plenty of beer, partying, and other vices for everyone else.
My source of information has indicated that all deities are invented and sustained in this manner. Of course a god does not physically exist in this dimension, that is why you don't see them at all. The place/time where they “live” (in one sense) is way beyond 3D physicality.
As indicated in Chapters Two and Four of this book, intention or spirit has a measurable power, and that is what invokes a deity or godly pattern. The creation of the deity goes this way:
1.      Intelligent thought originating in a complex brain of a living being pushes or intends the thought into the Metaphysical Mainframe.
2.      The resulting pattern of energy possess qualities which are imbued by the originating thought.
            As said above, some of Ironman's qualities were: His alter was the forge which was hot like the Sun, therefore his holy day was Sun-day. He was the teacher of blacksmiths.
            Ironman was worshiped first by the smith's who traded in wrought metal, making them the primary recipients of the god's grace, or positive spiritual energetic output. By keeping Ironman's attributes in mind, the tradesmen sent greater quantities of positive energy back toward the deity which perpetuated the cycle.
            Ironman as a created non-physical pattern, had its own innate “survival reflex.” My projected source revealed that it is this reflex, not true intelligence that was able to induce subtle energies within the Mainframe. Doode says that the trickledown effect of spiritual energies served to influence a physical outcome in relation to the intent of the worshipers.
            The worshipers and outside observers who received or witnessed a post-offering benefit, would likely perceive said benefit as coming directly from the deity – although the Doode indicates strongly that the benefit from the earlier intention is related more to the originating thoughts and actions than to an intermediate godly pattern. The mentality of, “If some is good, more is better,” in this case gave the god-pattern a greater energetic influence on the Mainframe, sort of like a handle or lever on a mechanism would – the longer the lever the greater is the potential of applicable pressure.
            In the story of Ironman, the positive feedback cycle of benefit to benefit – over time – sent way too much reflexive polar energy toward the positive side. The extreme unbalance of power brought about a counterbalance of extreme negativity. From order to chaos to order again, the slate of former worshipers was wiped clean, and the next generation of people could later move into that area to start anew.
            My P-Ali3n generated source of information gave me the vision over and over, that the Survival Reflex of a thought generated energy pattern (whether a deity or otherwise) works like this:
    1. The pattern responds to creative energy (either positive or negative makes no difference) based on the qualities given to it when the pattern was created.
    2. The response seems like a craving or an actual conscious need, but the response, however subtle, is only a “cause and effect” reaction to an initiating thought.
After writing The Word of Doode in 2006, my research revealed that thought, intent, imagery and symbolism is the cornerstone of all magic reaching back into the Stone Age.33 Others have found non-magical evidence explaining the relationship between physical and non-physical involving this type of phenomenon.


Doode says that what we might think of as the food of the gods, is exactly that intentive or spiritual energy we've been discussing. As the human body needs food, or a fire needs fuel, the nonphysical body needs all the psychic power as possible directed towards it.
Exemplified in the Ironman story, many old traditions offered actual food to a deity. Food is a form of energy. Burn that food and it changes forms, crossing to another non-physical plane. The little Doode indicated that, in the case of a burnt offering – the converted energy plus the intent serve to “power” a particular godly pattern. The unconscious return, based on Reflex Law, is that the deity, through its own Survival Reflex, attracts energy and data from the Mainframe, much like the way a computer program works with the CPU to achieve some applied purpose.
The Doode sayeth that spirit energy is needed by a deity for its theoretical survival. The more energy directed toward that deity the stronger its impression upon the Metaphysical Mainframe. He also gave me a vision of a spiritual pattern, based on the example of a photograph. The “picture” would be clearer as greater amounts of energy are pushed towards it. Following that logic, when Ironman was in his heyday, the god had more power so his picture or presence upon the Mainframe was more substantial than when he was on the decline.
Further concerning ourselves with the model of the god Ironman, the decline of his following caused his “photograph” to become blurry, dissolving his hold or leverage on the Mainframe. In taking this paradigm into account, your more revered spirits would be “clearer” and therefore more energy pathways would allow more intention to flow into the Mainframe than your less respected or forgotten spirits. I have a vision that the Mainframe has sort of a membrane which separates it from the physical world. When a portal (from the physical to the non-physical) in the form of an energy pattern is created, a section of the “membrane” is tenderized (for lack of a better word), around that pattern. The pattern/portal reminds me of the analogy of internet connections where a weak pattern is “dial-up,” and a stronger pattern would be “broadband.”
My temporal source also mentioned that a Metaphysical pattern of energy is incapable of influencing forces to i's own benefit. To begin with, patterns on their own are unintelligent, therefore they cannot cut out the middle-man who has a physical brain, so it can't think about its own survival. The motivator behind a spirit pattern in the sense we are talking about here, is the “Survival Reflex,” which as we've indicated is such that the pattern indirectly helps another entity first, such as the human who thought it into existence. True, that when the cycle of energy give and take is complete, that pattern's survival may be assured – but the effect is in-direct and only mirrors instinctual activity.
At the end of the day, if a deity could power itself it would not need “food.” Doode says that if a god could command the world to worship it, freewill would be unnecessary along with the duality which is the polar nature of this verse, not to mention the other established laws. If a deity could power itself, the positive or negative would no longer exist. Doode sayeth that the fact that antithetical poles exist in direct opposition, and the fact that we can choose between them is proof of his assertion that a created god-pattern can't act for its own benefit.
Naturally the above principles operate on the negative side as well. Things perceived by anyone as evil or diabolical, didn't exist until humans thought them up or simply interpreted them in that way.34 Demonic patterns of energy were introduced to the Mainframe by negative thought and actions, and like their positive counterparts they too can produce an indirect effect in this dimension.


The Doode mentioned earlier that the roots of our traditional offerings to deities originated from Negative Aliens who “sacrificed” humanoid beings about 200,000 years ago. What was then perceived by many as a human sacrifice was really just an egotistical want by the N-Aliens, to hunt an intelligent prey – because thinking humans could unexpectedly try new ways at evasion and attack. The following is what my source told me about how this type of thinking in relation to sacrifice came about.
The Negative Aliens released their quarry with a small head start. Hunters made common use of different types of hybrid-animal mutants to track the terrified humans. Everything about the hunt was very exciting for the N-Aliens.
Once found and cornered, the prey was killed using various methods. N-Aliens gained prowess among their peers from their creativity in dispatching the hunted. Over the centuries a multitude of various weapons, including attack animals were set upon the two legged prey. Great sport was made of watching a man being hacked or otherwise torn apart.
 Reptilians were the most prevalent species, they looked like velociraptors but were intelligent enough to use stolen electronic weapons. One of their favorites was a gun that heated the quarry from the inside out until they burst open, entrails spewing everywhere. There was a species you may call insectoids, who look like a praying mantis, and are subservient to the reptilians. Insectoids could devour a man from head to toe in seconds. My feeling is that other Negatives were not as powerful or as numerous as these two species.
Humans who were not killed on the hunt were brought back and butchered or roasted alive in sight of their comrades. At times, the captives themselves were made to choose which of their companions would be hunted next. For amusement the Negatives would sometimes force captive people to eat the “sacrificial” humans. If my source is correct there would likely be an unimaginable emotion burning itself into the Metaphysical Mainframe.
My later research bared evidence of sacrifice and cannibalism in many early cultures,35 even to the Bible references of such practices.36 One author even indicates that human cannibalism in Europe was accepted after the Ice Age mammoth extinction, due to a lack of available protein.37 Whatever the reasons for cannibalism and human sacrifice, it is the word of Doode that mankind found ways to ritualize those actions in order to justify them – and the example of the same practices of the Negative Aliens, taken from folklore and shamanic visions – relieved some of the guilt by heaping responsibility for the atrocities on the “gods.”
In a later epoch, the N-Aliens must have been in the grip of laziness because, upon their return to Earth (Chapter Three) they were less interested in the hunting of humans. They were then herding their captives like livestock. Doode says the Earthlings were compelled to search for rare stones, minerals, or plants. Negatives had set up various locations to collect whatever the people “offered” to them. In return the N-Alien gods granted the people another day of life.


It has been said that resurrection is the returning of the life force to a physical body that has ceased functioning. Traditionally – as in the Egyptian, Greek, Zoroastrian and later Christian beliefs – this condition is brought about by a godly being. This type of thinking comes from the much earlier times of extra-terrestrials and immortal humans. Doode says that P-Ali3n “gods” and their divine offspring were immortal. The only ways to kill one was by dismemberment or utter destruction such as fire or explosion.
Occasionally an immortal would sustain an injury that, to a mortal would have been immediately fatal. However the immortal would survive. Combine this action with the professed PAli3n ability to heal most ailments, and any mortal witness might think resurrection was possible. Gossip then turns into legend and myth.

Messiah Theory
Ancient traditions within certain cultures promote that a messiah or anointed one will come to single-handedly rescue the people from whatever hardship they face. And the Doode said, “Most often the messianic idea came from a mental vision projected to the seer from the Metaphysical Mainframe, after first being initiated by the seer via a natural substance.” The resulting prophecy may be interpreted to manifest in different ways or at different times depending on many cultural factors. However, like many theories that are a part of the human “Mainframe,” this type of vision originates from the collective memory of long ago – the rescue of the divine humans from the clutches of the Negative Aliens, by the Positive Ali3nz.
The idea of a divine rescuer evolved along with the evolution of the Mainframe itself. Most recorded history shows that the plight of common people usually comes from an elitist oppression, someone who imposes their will upon you whether you ask for it or not. The root of this thinking in relation to a messiah, is that in response to a collective outcry a single soul is sent with the power to remove said oppression. My source indicates this type of thinking is not only defeatist, but irresponsible as well. If someone else is going to “save” you then you don't have to save yourself. Besides, while you are waiting around to be saved, those in power continue in their corrupt ways without fear of reprisal.
The flawed belief is further promoted by the people who think their messiah is to be a leader in a violent rebellion. The cycles of history show that there is a point in every age where the common people become fed up with the oppression and are ready to revolt. If their anointed one existed to free them, yet they remained in chains,  was their leader really a messiah? Rebels and their leaders can be caught or killed, becoming martyrs who are not as powerful as a living messiah who can go on promoting chaos within the elitist hierarchy.
It is the word of Doode that traditional messianic interpretations given to the people by the ruling class are flawed. He postulates that messianic visions are more properly based on a theory that many rebels would act, not in groups but completely independent of each other – every single one being a “messiah” unto themselves. I found some correlation for this “unto themselves” part from the most well-known messiah himself in the unadulterated Gospel of Thomas, at Logion 61: where Jesus replies to Salome, “I am he who exists from the undivided.” And also in John 10:33-34, Jesus says, “Is it not written in your law, I said ye are Gods?” Quoting from Psalm 82, “I have said ye are Gods, and all of you are children of the most high...arise o God, judge the Earth...” The Author Andrew Harvey, in The Son of Man, page 59, postulates that according to Jesus, every human being has a secret divine identity and reality that must be realized. And if it isn't realized the horror of oppression that characterizes humanity will continue.
My source spaketh unto me that, in a practical sense, a number of independent “messiahs” acting at random times and in various locales – but in absolute secrecy – would be impossible to stop. There would be no organization, no other people to discuss plans with, nobody to tell on them. A single anointed soul would perform a series of rebellious acts. Other lone actors would see the results in the news and apply the model to their own targets. None of these messiahs would seek public recognition, or martyrdom, only results. The idea of “messianic” action is offered by the Mainframe as a foolproof means by which to balance the human condition via thinning out the population. In today's world, terrorism carried out by this type of messiah would be capable of inflicting massive blows to the machine of oppression. We'll review the ways and means of the messiahs in the next chapter, so sayeth the Doode.


Folks who see possible future events may indeed possess a gift or at least a more developed sense that all of us have hidden beneath our ego's. Prophets may have a natural or induced ability to gather information from the Mainframe. When we dream, our subconscious minds are plugged in to the Collective (Mainframe) and we may catch a glimpse of some crucial future event. The drawback with bonafide visions is that, like a dream, those visions are not always coherent. While it is possible to control ones dream (I can!), we can't control a true vision, it just flows through us.
Visions do not come stamped with a time, date, or location. This is why prophecy may seem rather aloof (I offer for example, the Quatrains of Nostradamus). Where religion is concerned, this “aloofness,” can be very convenient in that, post-prophecy, one could stumble upon a historical event – and being aware of the prophecy – might claim the event is included in the pre-cognitive story. Thus, credit would be falsely claimed although the claimed event may not be the right one, or involving the right people, etc.
Over the course of milennia historical events may be observed as cyclical processes. The faces and places change but the spirit of events tends to re-occur every so often. My source offers a for instance: If one has a vision of a massive flood killing all it covers, think about how many times a similar event has already happened over the ages.
Events occurring after an earlier like event could be re-explained as the “true” event in order to take further advantage of related prophecies. Additionally, if the prophecy was known in advance, interested parties could actually alter some events to guarantee the prophecies are fulfilled. Even Jesus did this. In a bizarre twist the Doode told me that even engineered Hollywood film effects are copied onto the Metaphysical Mainframe. Who knows if an ancient shaman witnessed a vision of a future movie, but what if he or she came away thinking the “movie” was an actual future event? How would they know the difference?
Again, my little P-Ali3n generated source told me that one may look to the Metaphysical Mainframe for the answer to any question. That realm is holding knowledge concerning all things past, present, and future, which is there for the viewing. The trick is approaching the sought after goal with the correct spiritual intent.
In summary, the Positive Ali3n version of events as related to me via the little Doode has shown that it is possible the universe evolved through its own “Survival Reflex,” and that movement was initiated by the “Big Bang.” The resultant light and dark energies evolved further into a data storage medium that held only the essence of the universe because that was the only data available at that time. Thinking beings with a conscience, through their intent, added yet another quality to the universal energy (as a storage device). Earth's own hive mind, Collective Unconscious, or Metaphysical Mainframe is primarily that creative energy that powers everything, but that also stores a past, present, and future copy of this planet and everything on it. Like a file on a “Mainframe” computer but existing out of phase all around us, we are sort of astrally connected to this mainframe just as modems and other peripheral devices are physically connected to the other kind of mainframes most of us are familiar with. All this existed before any gods were thought into existence by intelligent beings. Even the Positive and Negative alien “gods” added their own versions of polarity to the verse through an induced dichotomy that was acted upon the Mainframe and evolved into the later archetypical “good or evil.”
So if my information from Mr. Doode is correct, then all deities, as we imagine them, are made up by us – but they take on spiritual form as a pattern of energy in the non-physical plane. If a culture or individual has to put a name on the Mainframe spirit they have created, and endow that spirit with certain qualities in relation to their traditions, then so be it. Those deities are all a part of the larger whole, as are we. And like a computer network which relies on a Mainframe to function, none of us, nor the deities would be possible without that collective energy that is the Metaphysical Mainframe computer.
Keeping in mind the above model, then what is regularly called “god” does actually exist on the Mainframe - ever since whoever originally thought it into existence – but, so do all the other deities, limited only by the human imagination. Here's the thing: Since these deities are all part of the whole Mainframe and the Mainframe seeks a collective balance, then so should you and I as individuals seek a balance – because we are also a part of the whole as defined here. On a very basic level all the original myths taught a balance, but most traditions have been manipulated by power hungry humans to support the fortunes of the few, so sayeth the Doode.
Take away from traditions, the purely human motivations and you would find the absolute core beliefs of each religion, which are only perceived through a balance. The Doode suggests those beliefs are that the natural verse is bi-polar which coincides with the theories of a dichotomy. However, what they're all trying to say initially, is that each and every intelligent being has the ability to extend themselves and their species, beyond positive and negative – and becoming the ultimate one, or unipolar. The bi-polar universe sprang from a singularity didn't it? We exist in one galaxy, in one solar system, and on one planet don't we? Didn't two parents create one of you? So there is some limited evidence in support of a supernatural model of two roughly opposed forces seeking a balance to become a united, stronger, one.
Looking at most all the archetypical deities from around the world, don't most of them embody two or more opposing principles? And didn't we see the Abrahamic Deity Yahweh begin to encompass qualities of all the other gods into a single power? We'll suggest more on this later, but for now, consider the concept of two or more of anything becoming one. See it in atoms and molecules that make up one body, in a body politic that makes up one state or nation, or in many galaxies that make up the one universe. This thinking may be alien to you, but it is necessary to calm the human Survival Reflex, so sayeth the Doode.

Chapter Six End Notes

1.      For some reason the rest of us weren't good enough to be “chosen” therefore we must be “alien” to that faith.
2.      See, Life After Death.
3.      Reference, Abraham, Page xiv, 43.
4.      The Dragon-bone hill caves in China remains, dated to 500,000 years old. Guns, Germs, and Steel, Page 40 – 49.
5.      Abraham, Page 170.
6.      See Abraham, Page 145.
7.      Again found in Abraham, Page 142.
8.      See, Wars of Gods and Men, Page 247.
9.      Infra, Page 166.
10.  Maps of The Ancient Sea Kings, see Chapter 4, generally.
11.  Maps of The Ancient Sea Kings, Page 235.
12.  Life After Death, Page 72.
13.  See Life After Death, Page 74.
14.  For egg or womb similarities, see 2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl, Page 238.
15.  Graves suggests the correlation of the Mother Goddess cult in, King Jesus Page 54-57.
16.  Found on Page 95. As an example, the layout from above the Giza Plateau in Egypt, mirrors the exact position of the constellation of Orion on the spring equinox of 10,500 BC. The temple of Angor-Wat in Cambodia, from overhead is a duplicate of the constellation of Draco during the spring equinox of 10,500 BC, Page 133.
17.  Within the time between 40,000 to 130,000 years ago, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings.
18.  Mother-Goddess figurines referenced in The Wiccan Way, Page 10; and Our Troth, Page 9.
19.  That is the reason that “spell” casting was considered magic, The Wiccan Way, Page 84.
20.  This theory is supported in The Golden Bough, Volume 1, Page 102.
21.  The White Goddess, Page 24.
22.  The Golden Bough, generally.
23.  Reference, The White Goddess, Page 23 – 24.
24.  See Guns, Germs, and Steel, Page 116 – 121.
25.  Cohesive evidence for this may be located in, The White Goddess, Page 11.
26.  For a detailed discussion on this subject, see, Guns, Germs, and Steel, throughout. 11,000 BC for crops, and 8,000 BC for animal domestication.
27.  Patriarchal claims to kingship supported by all powerful male god, Son of Man, Page 31,37; King Jesus, Page 56; The White Goddess, Page 61.
28.  Parallels to this idea are found in In Search of Philosophical Understanding, Page 167-168.
29.  An Atom has “poles”, A Short History of Nearly Everything, Page 140.
30.  As evidenced in nearly all the ancient texts, no matter the culture.
31.  For information on radio frequencies,see Chapter Five, this book.
32.  “Life occurs for it's own sake,” A Short History of Nearly Everything, Page 336.
33.  Evidence for this idea can be found throughout the following books: The Wiccan Way; The Golden Bough; The White Goddess; Sons of The Goddess, et al.
34.  This is in the sense of time after the Negative Aliens left Earth.
35.  There references to this found throughout, The Golden Bough, and The White Goddess.
36.  See Life After Death, Page 108.
37.  From Guns, Germs, and Steel, Page 149.

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