Wednesday, March 20, 2013


A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson, 2003, Broadway, NY, NY
Abraham, by David Rosenburg
Adbusters No. 51, by Kevin Arnold, 2004, Vancouver, BC
An Inconvenient Book, by Glen Beck, 2007, Simon & Schuster, NY, NY
Ancient Gods,The, by E.O. James, 1960, 2004 ed. By Castle Books, Edison, NJ
Confucianism, by Thomas and Dorothy Baker, 1993, Facts on File Inc. NY, NY
Conscious Acts of Creation, by William A. Tiller Phd., 2001, Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA
Four Agreements, The, by Don Miguel Ruiz, 1997, Amber-Allen Publ., San Rafael, CA
Freakonomics, by Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner, 2005, William Morrow, NY, NY
Going Within,by Shirley Maclane, 1989, Bantam, New York, NY
Golden Bough,The, by Sir James Frazer, 1890, Random House/Grammercy Books, NJ
Gorgon, by Peter D. Ward, 2004, Penguin Books, NY, NY
Guns, Germs, and Steel, by Jared Diamond, 1997, WW Norton & Company, NY, NY
Heaven's Mirror, by Graham Hancock & Santha Faiia, 1990, Crown Publ., NY, NY
Holographic Universe, The, by Michael Talbot, 1991, Harper Collins Publ. Inc. NY, NY
In Search of Philosophical Understanding, by Professor Edwin Burtt, 1965, 1980, Hackett Publ. Co., Indianapolis, IN
King Jesus, by Robert Graves, 1946, Farar, Strauss, Giroux, NY, NY
Life After Death, by Alan Segal, 2003, 2004, Doubleday, NY, NY
Maps of The Ancient Sea Kings, by Charles Hapgood, 1966,1996, Adventures Unlimited Press,
Kempton, IL
Native Wisdom, by Ed McGaa Eagle Man, 1995, Four Directions Publ., Minneapolis, MN
Participatory Economics, by Geert Dhonolt, The New Formulation, NY, NY
Post Capitalist Society, by Peter F. Drucker, 1993, Harper Business, NY, NY
Religion of the Ancient Celts, The, by J.A. MacCulloch, 1911, Republished by Dover Publ., 2003, Mineola, NY
Secret School, The, by Whitley Strieber, 1997, Harper Collins, NY, NY
Sefir Yetzerah, by Areyeh Kaplan, 1997, Weiser books, Boston, Ma
Seven Daughters of Eve, The, by Bryan Sykes, 2001, WW Norton & Company, England
Son of Man, by Andrew Harvey, 1990, Tarcher/Putnam, NY, NY
Sons of the Goddess, by Christopher Penczak, 2000, Llewellan Publishing, St. Paul, MN
Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries, by Jonathan Eisen, 1999, Berkley Publ.NY, NY
Twelfth Planet, The, by Zecharia Sitchin, 1976, Harper Publ., NY, NY
Wars of Gods and Men, by Zecharia Sitchin
What the Bleep Do We Know ?, by William Arntz, 2005, Heath Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL
White Goddess,The, by Robert Graves, 1948/1984, Publ. Fartar, Strauss, Giroux, NY, NY
Zoroastrianism, by Paula Hartz, 1999, Facts on File, NY, NY
2012: The Return of Quetzlcoatl, by Daniel Pinchbeck, Tarcher, NY, NY

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