Saturday, March 23, 2013

Letter to INFOWARS Magazine

Infowars Magazine
P.O. Box 19549
Austin, TX 78760

March 3, 2013

RE: Prison Planet Warning from the Gulag

Dear Alex,

Here it is MARCH and I don’t yet have by FEBRUARY issue of INFOWARS. It is not your fault Alex. By its recent actions of delayed delivery of the publication, it appears that at least one Texas agency must feel your magazine is a threat to its security. While it is true that the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) may have a certain security interest I almost every aspect of the lives of the people within its custody; the only reason agency officials can give for delaying my Right to Freedom of Speech, is that INFOWARS, “is not o the approved list,” whatever that means.

Before you write off this complaint as maybe some bad guy getting his just desserts, I offer the following for consideration from deep inside the Prison Planet Gulag that is TDJC.

What if the things now happening to prisoners in Texas could be a foreshadowing of thing to come, Outside of the Gulag? Are you thinking it can’t happen to you, because your fellow uniformed Texans just wouldn’t take advantage of their official capacities? I regret telling you that even this lower level of government, filled as it is, with many (but not all) employees who only took this job as a last resort; power corrupts more so when character suffers.

The worst part of it is the prison unit law libraries – where we are to have available law to research; thereby ensuring access to the courts; have recently removing law books from their shelves. When asked about this upsetting and unprecedented move, officials state: “The books are no longer on the holdings list.” In effect, incarcerated Infowarriors have been arbitrarily denied entire sets of law books such as: The Supreme Court Digest, the Annotated Federal and Texas Constitutions, The Annotated Federal Codes (U.S.C), and the Texas Business and Commerce Code.

Who cares, right? So what if some bad guys are no longer able to find a loophole for early release! Besides the fact that around 95% of people in prison will be released at some point in the future anyway, a foreboding question looms among those with eyes to see…If the missing law books were here as mandated by court decision and statute, what happened this year to warrant the change in agency policy? Our fear is that the absent books represent law and remedies, but how long before the rest are gone? What will you do if you should need those remedies in the future?

My logic in relating these points to you is not to invoke sympathy, I put myself here and accept this fate, but the info is brought in the spirit of caution. I pray it is well received.

To INFOWARS Staff, you have my permission to print this information; and I request that if posted/printed, please include my contact info in the event anyone care to discuss what I perceive as a combine Prison Planet future!

Thank you.


Eddie Alan Nunnelley
c/o #1186691 Neal Unit
9055 Spur 591
Amarillo, TX  79107

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Table of Contents




                Funnel Effect
                Unintelligent Design
                The Mainframe

                Origin of Humans
                Atlantean Sink

                Soul Circuit
                Psychic Cell Phone
                Psychic Space

                Psychic Technology (Psy Tech)
                Space Movement
                The Council
                Nordic P-Ali3nz
                The Game
                Nordic Destruction

                True Myth
                Mainframe People
                Which God Made It?
                Ripple Effect
                Messiah Theory


                Former – “ism’s”
                Animal Instinct
                Sapient 2.1
                What is Ali3nizm?




A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson, 2003, Broadway, NY, NY
Abraham, by David Rosenburg
Adbusters No. 51, by Kevin Arnold, 2004, Vancouver, BC
An Inconvenient Book, by Glen Beck, 2007, Simon & Schuster, NY, NY
Ancient Gods,The, by E.O. James, 1960, 2004 ed. By Castle Books, Edison, NJ
Confucianism, by Thomas and Dorothy Baker, 1993, Facts on File Inc. NY, NY
Conscious Acts of Creation, by William A. Tiller Phd., 2001, Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA
Four Agreements, The, by Don Miguel Ruiz, 1997, Amber-Allen Publ., San Rafael, CA
Freakonomics, by Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner, 2005, William Morrow, NY, NY
Going Within,by Shirley Maclane, 1989, Bantam, New York, NY
Golden Bough,The, by Sir James Frazer, 1890, Random House/Grammercy Books, NJ
Gorgon, by Peter D. Ward, 2004, Penguin Books, NY, NY
Guns, Germs, and Steel, by Jared Diamond, 1997, WW Norton & Company, NY, NY
Heaven's Mirror, by Graham Hancock & Santha Faiia, 1990, Crown Publ., NY, NY
Holographic Universe, The, by Michael Talbot, 1991, Harper Collins Publ. Inc. NY, NY
In Search of Philosophical Understanding, by Professor Edwin Burtt, 1965, 1980, Hackett Publ. Co., Indianapolis, IN
King Jesus, by Robert Graves, 1946, Farar, Strauss, Giroux, NY, NY
Life After Death, by Alan Segal, 2003, 2004, Doubleday, NY, NY
Maps of The Ancient Sea Kings, by Charles Hapgood, 1966,1996, Adventures Unlimited Press,
Kempton, IL
Native Wisdom, by Ed McGaa Eagle Man, 1995, Four Directions Publ., Minneapolis, MN
Participatory Economics, by Geert Dhonolt, The New Formulation, NY, NY
Post Capitalist Society, by Peter F. Drucker, 1993, Harper Business, NY, NY
Religion of the Ancient Celts, The, by J.A. MacCulloch, 1911, Republished by Dover Publ., 2003, Mineola, NY
Secret School, The, by Whitley Strieber, 1997, Harper Collins, NY, NY
Sefir Yetzerah, by Areyeh Kaplan, 1997, Weiser books, Boston, Ma
Seven Daughters of Eve, The, by Bryan Sykes, 2001, WW Norton & Company, England
Son of Man, by Andrew Harvey, 1990, Tarcher/Putnam, NY, NY
Sons of the Goddess, by Christopher Penczak, 2000, Llewellan Publishing, St. Paul, MN
Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries, by Jonathan Eisen, 1999, Berkley Publ.NY, NY
Twelfth Planet, The, by Zecharia Sitchin, 1976, Harper Publ., NY, NY
Wars of Gods and Men, by Zecharia Sitchin
What the Bleep Do We Know ?, by William Arntz, 2005, Heath Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL
White Goddess,The, by Robert Graves, 1948/1984, Publ. Fartar, Strauss, Giroux, NY, NY
Zoroastrianism, by Paula Hartz, 1999, Facts on File, NY, NY
2012: The Return of Quetzlcoatl, by Daniel Pinchbeck, Tarcher, NY, NY


Appendix A

Whether originating from “Nature or Nurture,” the following traits may be exhibited by people under the influence of Negative energy.

Serial attributes that may be constantly observable in the Negative individual:

A Thinking only of themselves, narcissistic.
B Minimizing their role or responsibility.
C Attempting to intimidate others.
D Blames others.
E Quick to argue.
F Denies the need to change.
G Presents themselves as the victim.
H Builds up self by putting others down.
I Selective attention.
J Lying.
K Quick to act on anger.
L Generally acts like an asshole/jackass

Taking Negative people as a group, the traits below may be observed en masse. Also, behaviors of these people may still split into polar extremes within the sphere of negativity.

1. Food - Quantity most important, quality, not so much.
2. Education – Revered as an abstract not reality; in the other extreme it is necessary for making
social and business contacts.
3. Language – Casual register, based on survival.
4. Time – The present is most important; decisions are momentary and based on survival driven
5. Family structure – In the one extreme it is matriarchal; in the other, depends on who has the
6. Money – It is for spending; or in the other extreme, used as leverage for power.
7. Worldview – Sees the world in terms of local setting only, on the other end of the spectrum,
those would seek to conquer it.
8. Motivators – Survival, relationships, entertainment.
9. Love – And acceptance is conditional and related to social standing.
10. Fate – Believes in fate, cannot do much to mitigate chance, religion very important.
11. Religion – Either believes because ancestors did or because they feel like a victim who's only hope for the future rests upon divine intervention.
12. Cannot follow directions – To follow a sequential procedure is considered too difficult,
therefore avoided, taking the easy way out.
13. Their hands are always on others – They prefer to communicate in non-verbal ways due to a lack of effective reading or writing skills.
14. Laughs when disciplined – As a way of saving face in a matriarchal culture.

Situations which demonstrate the inequities between the global elite and everyone else :

War – The common people fight and die on both sides of a war and the elitists do nothing
except profit from the conflict.
Less Freedom – In this sense, is the ability to move. There are many places the elitist may go,
or places to participate in exclusive events, yet the serfs are barred from entering.
Inadequate Healthcare – Or in some cases non-existent Healthcare, while the elitist always
gets the best.
Unfavorable Education – As if making the grades aren't hard enough, the anomic individual
who can't afford the better education must beg, borrow, and jump through government hoops to qualify for even mediocre schooling. The elite will make certain their own kind will obtain higher learning, no matter the lack of effort displayed by their students.
Inadequate Shelter – For the proletariat, this is pretty much anything from having to live in a
van down by the river, to staying with the in-laws. The elite couple... well, why would they need a chateau with 27 rooms and a summer home in Florida?
Injustice System – One has to look no farther than to the beating of Rodney King by police or
to the high rate of wrongful convictions, to realize that, if Mr. King was an affluent elitist the police would have protected him. Also, how many elitists have been wrongfully convicted?
Official Access – The alienated masses are only important to officials during election time,
whereas through either social or capital connections, the elite may have an official audience at any time.
Unemployment – The current unemployment rate of ten percent is one indicator showing how
the Joe the Plumbers of the world depend on elitist capital. The affluent (?), not so much, because they are affluent and don't have to work anyway.
Sustenance – Elitists have access to all the organic food they could want, water purifiers, and
can even pipe in pure oxygen into their homes. The rest of us can buy a Brita.
No Profit Sharing - The countries which utilize a debt currency, manage to divide their
National Debt(s) among all their citizens equally. However the profit is held by the elitists, shouldn't they be responsible for the payment of a greater amount of National Debt? Why is it that the debt is equal but the profit or other benefits are not?

Appendix C

The following is an assortment of values found in several traditions :

Seven Deadly Sins
Dante's Inferno

Ten Commandments
Honor Parents
Don't covet neighbor’s wife
Don't covet neighbor’s property
Don't lie
Don't kill
Don't steal
Don't blaspheme
Keep the Sabbath
Don't commit adultery
Don't worship false idols
Holy Bible

Ghandi's Seven Social Sins
No politics without people
No wealth without work
No pleasure without conscience
No science without humanity
No commerce without morality
No education without character
No worship without sacrifice

Five Virtues of Confucianism
Correct behavior
Benevolence, humanity
Faithfulness, integrity
Honesty, uprightness

Mayan Virtues From Quetzlcoatl
Seek wisdom
Be virtuous
Be humble
Be peace-loving
Be compassionate
Heaven's Mirror
Nordic Nine Noble Virtues
Our Troth
Druid Three-Fold Maxim
To worship the gods
To do no evil
To exercise courage
The Religion of The Ancient Celts
Toltec Four Agreements
Be impeccable with your word
Don't take anything personally
Don't make assumptions
Always do your best
The Four Agreements
Zoroastrian Virtues
Good words
Good thoughts
Good deeds
Three Steps to Turn Around Government
Abandonment of the things that don't work
Concentration on the things that do work
Analysis of the half-successes
Post Capitalist Society
Six Values of Participatory Economics
Equity, fair outcomes
Solidarity, mutual respect
Self-management, have a say in decisions
Efficiency, no waste
Sustainability, environment
Diversity of outcomes
The New Formulation
The Ethics of Permaculture
Care of the Earth
Care of people
Set limits to both population and consumption - gives away surplus time, labor, money, information, and energy to achieve the aims of Earth and people care
Introduction to Permaculture

Chapter Eight


Before I explain what Ali3nizm is, my source directs me to first explain what Ali3nizm is not. In order to do that we should revisit common problems experienced with former and current “ism's”.
Former - “ism's”
            The Doode offers and I think we can agree that, in our history, Earthlings have tried many societal systems such as: Monarchism; Socialism; and Capitalism to name only a few. None of them have worked for more than a few centuries and the latter “ism” currently dominating the world is fading fast.
             One reason the former-ism's don't work perpetually is they're not invented for the participation or benefit of everyone, and many receive no benefit at all. Monarchism transfers the greater benefit to the monarch and his or her underlings; Fascism benefits the fascists; and Capitalism benefits the capitalists – each ism survives by the detriment of everyone falling outside of the subject “ism.” The dogmas of the former-isms are usually based upon the ideas of a self-proclaimed “elite” (group or an individual) which makes up the controlling administration of the ism. It's the dogma that may impel converts to move from one ism to another by appealing to some motivating want of the convert.
            Even a temporary system that attempts viability must build its power upon the backs of converts and approval of a portion of the populace. In order to expand the convert base, the ism provides an incentive, a promise of a benefit that only the ism can provide. Marxism promised a classless society and the capitalists promise the opportunity for wealth. In the hope that the promise will bear fruit, the common majority (by head count) allows the elite minority (in numbers) to assume more and more control.
            Through sleight of hand and forked tongue, promoters of former-isms, proclaim themselves as the elite class while the common people remain below them – opposite of elite. Doode sayeth that, “It's the animal side of human nature which seeks more power in the form of control over nature, and that includes other humans.” Elitists, in their attempts to gain more power tend to expose flaws in formerisms. The tendency of humans to mold a thing (in this case, a “system,”) to the greater benefit of a few, at the expense of the many, demonstrates flawed system dynamics, because the systems allow human nature – the “animal” part – to supersede anything positive the system may have brought in the first place. My source posits that these flaws are detectable through the following exploitable indicators:
1) Money – Where the concern is power, products, property, people, and even time itself, the mechanism for measuring the value of things is money or a similar concept of value. The pursuit of money becomes more important than anything else.
2) Classes - “Ism's” not only create unequal social classes but serve to widen the schism between the haves and have not's.
3) Centralized Media/Government – Elitist supported “rulers” are not replaced often enough and eligibility to “rule” in the current isms is limited to a privileged few incumbents, who are professional showmen in pursuit of the elite agenda. Criteria for becoming eligible to participate in politics, while written, may remain ambiguous which seems to discourage many from seeking this field.
4) Dis-education – Non-elitists are sent to the “free” public schools which only teach what the elite want the students to learn. The imposed limit on knowledge has the effect of dumbing down the population so the peasants do not know how to improve their
position in society.
5) Disarmament – Only registered sects may possess weapons. The proletariat falling outside the system aren't allowed to defend themselves. Rulers protect the elite 100%, everybody else, not so much.
6) State Debt – The burden of the state sponsored financial debts are divided equally amongst the population, however the benefit of state spending is wholly unequal.
7) State Religion – Only certain government approved religions are sponsored. Induced belief in the elite concept of their god, fosters a belief in the particular “ism” and it's own supporting ideals. Belief in non-sponsored traditions are discouraged, causing those practitioners to become outcasts.
In most cases, the above points at 2 through 7 are made possible by the first – Money. The use of money violates natural law by unbalancing things. Before exploring the how, some definitions are in order:
Socialism – Political system in which the means of producing and distributing goods are owned collectively or by the government. [That definition seems inadequate, especially since the Soviet Socialist experiment failed, but for reasons unrelated to products].
Communism - The concept of a classless society with common ownership of property, planned and controlled by the state. [Those definitions provide some clarity, but neither of those “ism's” eliminated the social classes. Some people ate caviar and some had none, some ordered executions and others were executed. What about the leading ism?]
Capitalism – An economic system in which most means for the production of goods are privately owned. [Whatever that means?]
No matter what people think about the ism's, my Ali3nish friend tells me that the former-isms will not or have not worked over time because they are actually combinations of two or more isms. Each former-ism is not pure in relation to the dogma which is proclaimed by promoters of the given system. The best example of a system failure in this sense is when the wall came down around Soviet Russia. The USSR claimed to be Socialist or Communist or something but they were also capitalist in some sense of the term.
The preceding definition of Capitalism is incomplete because it omits the most important element, that is, “Capital.” The single most important concept within Capitalism, which makes the whole thing seem to work – is money. Without money, or another symbol of value, Capitalism doesn't exist because there's no other incentive to justify the fierce competition that is inherent in that system. Soviet Russia wasn't just “Socialist” due to the fact that they had their own version of conceptual value, the Ruble. Just like every other nation that uses money, Russian products and the Ruble itself were traded on the world market, a Capitalist market.
In short, Doode presents that Communism and Socialism cannot be co-mingled with Capitalism and also survive as separate systems in the real world. Had Socialism truly eliminated the classes, money, and if they had distributed products equally within the country – perhaps it would have remained vital.
 The U.S. Government has recently “bailed out” several mismanaged corporations, which were damaged due to the “Hedge Fund Crisis.” The catch is, now the government owns the majority of stock in those companies. That situation is clearly not pure capitalism, nor is it true socialism – yet. We discussed earlier that the USSR demonstrated the long-term futility of blending their version of socialism with capitalism in the world marketplace. Why then does the U.S. Government suppose that it can mix their version of capitalism with socialist methods?
My holographic friend reveals that, “Due to the conceptual nature of debt-money,1 it is worthless without the GNP backing it.” And that, “When one takes the value-less money and adds the impotency of government and greedy corporate mismanagement – then the combination of socialist economic techniques within the capitalist system was the only way to postpone the total collapse of the American way of life!” The keyword there is postpone. Here's the thing: For reasons stated above and in Chapter Seven, our way of life as we know it, will change - and the change won't be for the better. The Doode indicated that a few instances of job loss and higher prices are only the beginning. What will you do when you can't drive to the store because your car is out of gas (maybe for good,) and the store is closed anyway, or being looted? How comfortable will you be when your utilities become intermittent or are completely shut off? Who will you text for help when your phone service is down? And where may one seek sanctuary without their GPS pointing the way? Every one of those scenarios could materialize due to financial collapse caused by the hyperinflation of the debt-currency. When one considers the possibility of more terrorist attacks, wars, or other natural or man-made disasters, well, the future looks bleak indeed.
Now the reasoning behind the messages sent via the Doode should be clearer. And the example of the Nordic Ali3nz experiences from Chapter Five, should heighten the sensitivity of you who may be descendants of the Positive Ali3nz. The Negative Alien progeny (?), not so much.

Needs or Wants

The planetary destruction on the Nordic P-Ali3n world was initiated by the negative energy which was generated due to the pursuit of their version of debt-money.2 Sound familiar? My source suggests that humans on Earth are traveling down the “Nordic road of negativity,” because capitalism doesn't account for, nor mediate against primordial human nature. By this we mean the basic animal urge to completely satisfy survival “needs,” which is rooted in our pre-historic “mammalian,” or even our “reptilian” genetic histories.
Experts have identified what they suggest are the basic human needs which motivate the individual and his/her behaviors, as promulgated in: The Franklin Reality Model; or Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. These and other related paradigms indicate that human behaviors are subconsciously influenced by underlying “needs,” such as those things related to living/life; love/sex; variety/fun; esteem/feeling important; and self-actualization. Mr. Doode submits that P-Ali3nz would begin with a Master category of “needs” and sub-categories of “wants.”
The first group of human “needs” are the most important because they're essential for life itself. The other needs are secondary to this master need group which is why P-Ali3nz classify them differently than the experts do. Included within the master group of needs is everything related to biological survival, such as; food; shelter; water; security; and in some cases, reproductive stuff. We then place the other alleged “needs” in our own sub-group, now called “wants,” because we can survive without them – for a while anyway. Whereas the Positive Ali3n version of human needs are essential to any unit of life, it is the unevolved way we think about the wants as compared to needs, that causes us problems. Unfortunately, our current concepts of wants and needs are erroneously viewed through the lens of popular culture.
Should you find yourself in an alternative type of culture, your concepts about things might change. For instance, if you were the only being on the planet, any planet, naked and alone – who would you send a text message to, who would feed, clothe, and comfort you? Chances are good that in a situation of this nature you wouldn't care so much about love/sex; variety/fun; self-esteem or even self-actualization. You would likely concern yourself with the survival needs of hunger; thirst; and protection from the elements, first and foremost.
Perhaps after making yourself cozy and full beside the fire, you might become lonely. Even many of our four-legged friends seem to yearn for affection or some form of physical contact. Both the two and four-legged animals can survive for a time without companionship, yet it remains comforting and attaches to the “expert” model of love/sex. The Doode tells me that on the primal level of the subconscious human mind, this P-Ali3n graded “want” connects to the survival need of reproduction, to propagate the species. There is an old Sumerian myth of a hero named Adom who lived in a garden. In the later Hebrew version of the same story, the name Adom was changed to Adam, and he seemed to find a little solace in the companionship with four-legged animals, but he wanted something more. His creator sensed Adam's desire and created for him a “help meat.” The Positive Ali3n viewpoint of this tale is that Adam's desire was a “want,” because the garden provided all of his survival “needs”.
The Doode infers that a solitary human might grow tired of the same foods or the everyday surroundings only to seek greener pastures elsewhere. This P-Ali3n designated “want” of variety or fun, does not grow directly from a survival “need,” although in some cases the desire to find new things may result in locating other food sources or perhaps a new mate.3  The continuation of a species may be fostered in this case but this is a by-product of the original desire or want.
Whatever “want” it is which serves to make a human feel important, is ego based and unnecessary (for survival), and therefore subordinate to basic survival needs. In a wolf pack, the alpha dog asserts it's leadership by imposing it's power over the other dogs.4 Does the alpha dog pursue power because it makes him feel important? It might, but the dog cannot tell us, so we can only speculate on that point. Doode indicates that an alpha wolf maintains order in this way to ensure the survival of the pack as a unit. In a dog eat dog world of subsistence, an undisciplined transgressor may endanger the group. In human terms the same world of subsistence would breed a similar method of “alpha dog” (command and control) hierarchy. However, in today's world, if one has capital, one is not forced to lead a life of basic survival, therefore the human who tends to approach social situations like an alpha dog, just trying to exist – well, that behavior is unnecessary and the subject human is just “throwing his weight around” because the power makes him feel good. If his business or family indirectly “survives” due to his cutthroat tactics, then it's a byproduct of his desire to feel important.
Extrapolating the foregoing ideas the P-ALi3n hologram suggests that – through the conceptual mechanism of former-”ism's”; industrialized humans have erroneously interposed unnecessary wants over substantial needs. There are a few generations today who would not even consider trying to “survive” without owning certain “bling, bling;” Chia Heads or whatever. That reasoning is a fallacy and unfortunately it often takes a temporary deprivation of the wants or needs for us to realize what is truly important.
The best evidence for this paradigm I can think of is in the counter-culture called “prison.” As I'm writing this chapter while residing in a Texas prison, I can think of hundreds of wants which I survive without every day, like: Giving my mom a hug; Getting to know my grown up son and daughters; texting my Aunt; emailing Dad; choosing my own foods and so on. Any of these things can enhance our lives when available yet as any convict may testify to, the wants can arbitrarily disappear and we may have no control over it. I have experienced my own (and witnessed other prisoner's,) discover the sometimes stress re-leaving truth that – we can survive without all those “wants,” which seem to be the excesses that too often trap us into adopting a competitive “pack mentality” as if it was necessary for obtaining those wants. At least, this realization serves to set free the spirit.
We mention in Chapter Seven, how non-survival wants have been imposed upon us in the media by others who profit from holding us to an unevolved state of mind. A prison example of this would be that it appears to the average inmate that the prison administration promotes racism, by forcefully housing cons of different races together. If dissimilar people choose to associate, then that is their free choice. Opposites attract on the three dimensional plane if freewill permits, but when there is no choice, it is a negative thing. Whatever the official position, forcible mixing of races in a prison setting has the negative effect of perpetuating an unnecessary racial dichotomy, and the ripple effect multiplies the damage to the community.
 The general inmate perspective on this point is: Administrators divide the inmate population because it makes it more difficult for inmates to organize against the system. The reason for this is that when offenders are divided along racial lines, then they'll spend more time fighting each other than the system itself.
Like separate packs of wolves forced into living a subsistence lifestyle, the penniless inmate “wolf” is kept in an artificial mode of survival which the Doode says results in stress induced physical and psychological symptoms. My point here is not to generate sympathy for convicts, but to illustrate tangible, systemic effects which former-isms have on the human organism as a whole. On an elemental level the comparison of prison inmates to packs of wolves seems deceivingly relevant. The current rate of recidivism for parolees committing new crimes is one indicator which evidences the failure of the managing “ism.” Keeping people in survival mode, as here, then suddenly releasing them onto society – expecting a different result is unreasonable – because, perhaps the total negative energy unleashed upon the Earth's “Metaphysical Mainframe Computer,” from this and other unreasonable ism methods is – more than the spirit of the planet can bear.

Animal Instinct

Whether in prison or free, Doode posits that current ism's take advantage of weaknesses in primal human nature, the competitive animal part which sub-consciously intends to secure their survival needs. Exploiting that intent, the ism's further create a basis for a whole galaxy of unneeded wants that empower only the elitists who “own” those ism's.
Experts suggest that pre-historic humans learned how to band together in groups in order to increase their power over the diversity encountered in the natural world. Perhaps the early hunter gatherers were mirroring wolf packs they observed, we can only hypothesize. We do know that both humans and wolves can benefit from grouping in the following ways:
1) Groups of people as well as packs of wolves can kill and eat animals larger than either could by themselves.
2) Groups of people or packs are better able to protect themselves and their territory from enemies or larger predators.
3) People or packs can assist their respective members in rearing their young.
Note also that in a survival setting, a hierarchy consisting of clearly defined rank is very
important, so members of the group may know their proper place. Just as the players on a football team have a given block to execute, the members of any group must perform, and if all members do their jobs then the higher goal may have a better chance at realization. Efficiency is supported by the leader who makes decisions concerning the lives of the family members.
            My source says that's the reason armies of the world have systems of rank – where the commanding “alpha dog” is better able to focus the combined efforts on the survival of the army by winning the war. The commander of an army, family, or a pack, is responsible for making decisions based on intuition and experience – which reduces conflicts within the rank and file that might threaten group survival.5 The maintenance of rank in any group is usually reinforced through negative means, such as a court-martial in the military; a “whipping” in a family; or “biting” in the case of a pack of wolves.6
A strict ranking system reinforced through violence is perhaps necessary in the savage environment like wolves or an army might encounter, because a screw-up could endanger the whole group. Positive Ali3nz would question the validity of the command and control system of organizational management (over time,) where survival is not the immediate issue.7
I mentioned in Chapter Four, how my Great Dane who lived in the house and had her needs provided for her, was comfortable enough to lay her big ol' head on my lap, plus it made me feel good that my dog trusted me, and respected me enough to “ask” about the hogging the sofa thing before she did it.
Animals in the wild obviously don't have sofas and such, yet when domesticated animals (who's survival needs are taken care of,) well, they relax and usually live longer than their wild counterparts.8 Reinforcing this idea are animal specialists who describe training systems that rely on rewarding appropriate behavior, and emphasizing that physical punishment ultimately elicits negative responses, and even aggression. This remains true for both the four legged animal as well as the two legged ones, both being situation dependent. Whatever environmental scenario it is that's behind the command and control “system,” the effects cause the animal to experience a feeling of being in a perpetual state of the “fight or flight” response. We don't have to reiterate the well-known negative effects on the physical and emotional well-being of any organism in a stressful situation wherein there is no relief in sight. The fight or flight response is an emergency method of surviving potential life threatening situations, and is considered to be temporary.
Clearly, one may observe numerous similarities between the violent wolf pack mentality and the negative effects of the current “ism” dominated society, which relies upon dog-eat-dog competition – but the Doode asks, “What about the differences?”
 The P-Ali3n source of information, blatheringly suggests that, for humans, we have the ability, the freedom to choose to do otherwise. We can choose to rise above the mentality of the wolf pack and generate action and intention which radiates to others with a positive effect. Looking at this model from an economic standpoint, in “first world” countries at least – basic survival is not so much a primary issue. The reality here is that food, shelter, and relative security can be readily located with a little effort on the part of the individual. There should be no need whatsoever, for the constant competition promoted by the “pack” over the course of a lifetime. Any stress we experience along these lines is induced by the “ism” which remands us to little better than a life of subsistence. But how can this be so?


Canines have relied upon the adrenaline-fueled “fight or flight” reactions, to survive long before sapiens aver existed, so their alpha-dog-enforced nature is unlikely to evolve any time soon. Sapiens however, are blessed (or cursed,) with a big old brain to use as a creative tool with which we may invent ways of superseding the ancient “pack” behaviors. We may have leaders for some time to come, but is it necessary to select those leaders based on their ability to dominate others? Why is it that someone has to be defeated before someone else may benefit? Mr. Doode answers, “This unevolved mindset is due to humans mindlessly submitting to the artificially imposed pack mentality, as if their survival in today's world somehow warrants it.” I inquired if humans are still fighting (metaphysically speaking,) with other “dogs” for a piece of the “kill.” The Doode recounted, “Yes, they are,” and “What fuels this erroneous thinking among homo sapiens is not prey animals as food in the paleo sense, but something which symbolizes prey to the subconscious predator within mankind and appeals to our age-old need to compete for it.”
Like other predators, Paleo-humans would fight over necessary things like food, territory and sex. I have never heard of an herbivore fighting over a blade of grass, yet they also practice competitive rituals relating to territory or the right to mate with certain females. I keep getting this mental picture of two Bighorn Sheep engaged in combat by slamming their heads together, perhaps the loser is determined by the more serious concussion. On the other hand and specifically where food is vital, the wild predator will fight its own kind briefly to secure i's claim over a kill, at least until it has a full belly.
 That's how survival competition works in nature, but civilized humans don't indulge that sort of they? The far-out Doode tells us that humans do take on the pack mentality as we've discussed - but the behavior is indirect because we aren't in pursuit of the prey animal itself, but it's modern day symbol. This symbol of prey invites fierce competition among two-legged predators. Unlike the four-legged predators, the human competition in this sense is so intense that the “prey” will be pursued even if the “predator” is well fed. So it is not hunger that drives the human predator in this case. What is it about this particular symbol of prey that provokes the violent competition seen in our society?
My little buddy suggests that the “symbol” in this paradigm (to the human,) subconsciously represents a “hunted animal” to the primal human-animal hiding within the psyche of all of us. It is our age-old predatory instinct to pursue the prey, relentlessly – as if our survival depends on it. The type of prey symbolized here represents not only dietary nourishment, but in the abstract, shelter and sex too. Protection from the elements in the form of clothing is represented; not to mention social enhancement and a multitude of other non-essential “wants.” Money + prey animal = “Animoney.”
Doode says this whole problem is due to our ability to want more than we need and our capacity to use conceptual “animoney” as a method to obtain the wants – that we should take particular pains to distinguish between wants and needs - overcoming the negative desire to rationalize trading animoney for wants at the expense of true needs. Otherwise the point of separation between needs and wants is blurred by the use of animoney. In the course of trading for whimsical things, it isn't long before we are relentlessly hunting animoney and gathering all kinds of ad inspired bullshit that we'd leave behind in an earthquake anyway. The human predator which is a natural pack rat is subconsciously compelled by the paleo-need to store food, thereby seeking the “wanted” stuff that animoney buys. Somehow having more stuff (any stuff) causes us to feel more secure, but the obsession pushes us past the secure point of equilibrium, past satisfaction, to the point of insecurity over the inability to find comfort in any purchase.

Sapiens 2.1

I was under the P-Ali3n generated impression that sapiens can do better if they want to survive in the future. Friendly competition for the sake of fun is great but competition for the sake of gain at the expense of others is a throwback of millions of years, devolving to the level of wolf pack mentality. We're seeing contemporary signs which evidence that ism related patterns of behavior may be threatening all life on planet Earth. I said to the Doode, “Maybe the point is, today's sapiens are meant to go extinct.” His answer was, “That's correct grasshopper, the old unevolved humans will have to make way for a more socially responsible version of human – the Sapien 2.1.” In order to clarify these words of Doode, we present this eye-opening illustration: If Bonobo Chimpanzees had a theoretical evolutionary upgrade rating of .1, then  Doode says the progression would be viewed as follows...
  • Bonobo Chimpanzees .1
  • Australopithecus Afarensis (Lucy) .2
  • Homo Habilis (Java-man) .5
  • Heidelberg Man 1.0
  • Immortal Ali3n Hybrids 2.5 (See Chapter Three)
  • Homo Sapiens 2.0
  • Spiritually Evolved Sapiens 2.1
And the Doode sayeth unto me, “In order to continue human existence on this planet, you must evolve,” then he said, “You will not realize the necessary upgrade if you continue to blindly follow the former-ism's, but you must establish a balanced model, a nuevo “izm” that is a system upgrade befitting the model of upgraded sapiens 2.1.

What is Ali3nizm?

My source said, “Ali3nizm is a balanced social system inspired by the Positive Ali3nz which we've written about in this book.” He went on, “Each Ali3nish individual is his own “system” who masters himself first, then brings that experience into a group, forming a collective system of balance.”
The philosophy of Ali3nizm has been interspersed throughout this book. With that in mind, we reference the example of the Positive Nordic Ali3nz in Chapter Five. Earth sapiens that wish to evolve by observing Ali3nizm would strive to conduct themselves like the Nordic P-ALi3nz did, after their planetary cataclysm (not before). The tendency of “ism” initiates to emulate the inventor of the given system, can be witnessed by an observer and is a typical mechanism of group adaptation. Following that reasoning, whoever professes to be a capitalist should outwardly exhibit capitalist traits; the socialist, socialist traits, and so on. The Christian should try to be as “Christ-like” as possible, and the Buddhist should do Buddha stuff. Mr Doode says that whatever ism/izm is being practiced, the tenets of that system should be followed, or else the system will be contaminated. The Christian who isn't “Christ-like” is probably not a true Christian, and the Ali3nist who worships capital may be more capitalist than a true Ali3n.
The reason for the earlier reference to former-ism's is for an illustrative comparison between the old negative “ism's” and the new positive “izm.” Doode opines that Ali3nizm done right, takes the predatory human nature into account while being also, anti-”ism”, or directly opposed to those systems. There to, is the logic behind the odd spelling, “izm” to show this system is nothing like the “ism's”; and “Ali3n” as opposed to “Alien,” because the former is alien to any other systems known today. Being an Ali3n system, P-Ali3nizm will appeal to people who perhaps intend to be positive, but their spirit has been stifled because they've been alienated9 from the former-ism's. Their ability to participate in the ism's is limited by extraneous forces.
 Everyone knows that common people do not make society, not in the long-term. Society is maintained, or a better term might be controlled by the elite who have power, ie; a lot of money, a lot of stuff that anybody might want. Our astral source reveals that many of the affluent people are wealthy due to their heritage or the luck of the draw. Others may have cheated and lied for their position, and only a small percentage have actually put forth a positive effort by earning it without damaging someone. To exemplify one method of how the elite became the elite, the Doode sent me a mythical vision which tells an ancient story...
Way, way back in the day of the caveman, there was a brute who wasn't the smartest hunter in the tribe, but he made up for it with brawn. We'll call him “Big” and note also that big was one of the offspring of the Negative Alien experiments we talked about in Chapter Three.
Within the same paleolithic tribe there lived a little caveman too. We'll call him “Little,” and he wasn't as strong as “Big,” but was a little smarter.
And it came to pass that Big was able to bully his way into becoming the tribal chieftain being positive and an innovator Little would make suggestions to improve the quality of life for everyone in the tribe, equally. Invariably, Little would be chastised; stripped of tribal rank; and physically exploited by the
 Big chief. This situation continued until Little was a slave, an outcast of regular tribal existence. Big, as the chief was able to attract his social equivalent as a mate, and had children who blessed the chief with grandchildren. Each generation following Big, built upon the initial start secured through the physical strength of Big.
The opposite was true of Little and his offspring. He was only able to find a mate among the other slaves. No matter how hard they worked or how smart they were, the “Little” people were never able to rise above their lowly tribal status.
Through the ages, the positive descendants of Little were subservient to the “Big” group. The Little's became the serfs and alleged criminals of another time, while the “Bigs” were monarchs and financiers. Generations of Big people formed secret societies so they could keep score in the game of world affairs.
 It seems the lineage of Little, being poorer than the Bigs, could only entertain themselves by copulating frequently – resulting in proliferation of their numbers. We should not be surprised to learn that the Big family and others like them tend to band together to invent methods for preventing the Little family and other “serfs” from over-running the established comfort zone of what may now be the elite offspring of the Big caveman.
 The Doode suggests that in the above manner, elitists have never had the motivation to adopt positive methods for dealing with other people. One way or another, elitists take advantage of the Little people, because they can.
Statistics show that our prisons are populated with poor alienated people, while the affluent go to the Betty Ford Clinic. Since the majority of criminal offenders hail from a background devoid of wealth, it is safe to say they do not enjoy the same advantages that society offers the wealthy. If that premise holds true, then in proportion to their allowed participation, acceptance, and enjoyment – aren't the poor folks existing on the fringes of society, thus being “alienated?”
 I happen to be an expert on the plight of one type of “Little” people because I live with them. Speaking to these people in a prison setting, I have the opportunity to analyze the “why” that underlies their alienation from modern culture. From the anomic point of view, the unwealthy humans subconsciously know that it's near impossible for them to earn an equal place in society, even though consciously, they try with every fiber in their being. They don't vote because they don't feel it will do any good – did the 2008 vote stop the rising rate of unemployment? Perhaps they're laid off from work and their family or friends are in no position to assist them. When they finally swallow their pride and ask the state for help, they realize how insignificant that “help” is, causing their suppressed fear to manifest. They really are societies' outcasts.
So, for a lot of reasons the alienated person doesn't have much hope of equality and may blame the system for their unimpressive social position. With this idea in mind, if they should see an opportunity to experience some gain through illegal or immoral means, then this person may be more likely to take the risk. This is only one reason the social outcast can justify violating the rules of popular culture, while feeling less internal guilt. This perspective suggests the anomic person already experiences the bad stuff society offers but not much of the good, so the “ism” owes him something.
Following that logic, say for example, an outcast of the social group along with one of the elite, have each incurred the same exact criminal charge in the exact same court. One need to look no further than the cases of Michael Jackson; O.J. Simpson; or Martha Stewart to realize that people who are rich and/or famous rarely pay the maximum (if any,) penalty for their infractions. On the other hand, people whom society has cast aside stand a really good chance of getting 100% of societies' wrath in the same situation. Where's the balance? Shouldn't the two offenders be treated equitably?
The P-Ali3n information source indicates that in a scenario like the one above, the punishment for equal crimes should be kept in proportion to the pre-crime benefit the individual enjoys within the system. Overlooking the specific cause regarding why one person is in one class as opposed to another – the elitist who partakes near 100% of the good things the system offers – then he or she should also have to take 100% of the penalty for breaking the rules. The opposite should be true of the outcast – if he or she gets next to nothing good from society – yet even on a good day, still receives the bad stuff, then shouldn't their penalty for rule breaking be substantially less than the elitist? The theory here being that the commoner who is excluded (anomic,) is sort of punished every day of his life, when compared to the elitist. A list of common pre-punishment for the alienated people can be found in Appendix B.
And the Doode said, “Let it be written that otherwise positive folks who have been alienated from the mainstream should become practicing P-Ali3nists, because, for whatever reason they are unable to reap the benefits from current “ism's” in an amount equal to those who are not alienated.” It appears the downtrodden Ali3nz-to-be are generally compelled into disproportionate participation in the popular system (ism,) wherein they suffer the negative repercussions of society – such as being forced into a perpetual subsistence lifestyle, like animals. Meanwhile the elite enjoy every available capitalist benefit, and are actually invited to participate first-hand in the “ism” affairs. The Positive Ali3nz we've referenced throughout this book, would not subject their fellows to such unbalanced systems. But of course, even the Nordic Ali3nz are about a half-million years ahead of Earth Sapiens on the evolutionary scale of spirit, which elevates them to “Sapiens 3.0”.
You might have already guessed that my source considers Ali3nizm to be the best mechanism with which we may evolve from 2.0 to “Sapiens 2.1.” For that reason, we'll get back to the positive aspects of this “izm.”
Again referencing Chapter Five, the mantra of the Nordic P-Ali3nz was/is “balance.” Postcataclysm, the Nordics strove to maintain some equilibrium in all things in accordance with the nature of a polar universe.10   The little Doode has imparted to you, through me, that regarding all decision making on the Nordic planet, the issues would be analyzed for balance between two possible extremes. The analysis would settle on whether a course of action would upset the positive-negative balance of the universe. OK, so their methods and consideration for each other are deeper than ours, mainly due to their evolved spirit.
It's true according to Doode, the Nordic P-Ali3nz had some resistance to the balanced tribal system but for the most part, their reduced population was ready for the change. On Earth the overblown population contains the aforementioned mixed bag of genetics.11  There are humans on this planet who would resist the balance my source presents, and remain divided for no other reason than perceived genetic differences. The P-Ali3n messenger also indicates that a “pure” bloodline has not existed on Earth for thousands of years.12 Therefore anyone antagonisticly citing that issue is possibly a person who possess Negative Alien DNA.
If what the cosmic messenger says about the N-Alien/P-Ali3n induced indemnity is true, then Earthlings won't be able to detect who is “Negative” or who's “Positive” because the technology doesn't exist yet. The genetic differences are so subtle they can only be measured on the Planck Scale, 25 orders of magnitude below the size of a Hydrogen atom. However, Appendix A lists some behavioral traits that may be observed form people who could have descended from the N-Aliens. The list is neither exhaustive nor exact, so use it for reference only and not to condemn anyone based on the list because that can further unbalance things. Remember also that negativity may be reversed or displaced by positive energy.
Briefly mentioned in Chapter Seven, is the fact that the current version of homo sapiens on Earth has the power to balance the physical dimension which would resonate to the local, Metaphysical Mainframe. The P-Ali3n informant relates that even when accounting for overpopulation, a balance can still be achieved and the planet saved if we collectively – as one people – if we become as responsible as the P-Ali3nz are. Fortunately, some positive humans throughout the ages have touched upon ways to realize a balance similar to the Positive Ali3nz. A few of these are listed in Appendix C.
Many of us positive humans subconsciously embrace the hope that we may be able to convince the elitists to utilize their limitless capital to move the planet toward a balance, right now. The task would be a daunting one because the negative humans support the impure, multi-headed “ism's” like; Socio-Capitalism in the west; Commo-Capitalism in the east; Dictator-Capitalism in smaller nations; and Theo-Capitalism in the Muslim world. The common denominator in all these systems is the universal symbol of value, the “animoney” of Capitalism which taints all the “ism's” with impurity. These ism's are controlled by the worldwide elite, who are much too powerful for a small group of dissidents to influence. Elitists use the animoney debt as a tool to motivate other Negative-bred sapiens.
Finance, capital, money and economics are the things of genius that have always kept negative sapiens marching to the ism drummer, but the tools of capitalism enable the Negative-bred sapiens to also apply pressure to Positive-bred sapiens in the form of “hush money.” Positive complacency is purchased for a few baubles and humans, who would otherwise work toward planetary evolution, are compelled to look the other way. This goes against the “Positive” nature to balance things. How many of us have felt a small pang of guilt after absent-mindedly throwing trash out the car window? Who of us have felt remorse at accidentally running over a small animal in the road? Raise your hand if you want to clean-up the Pacific trash heap!
My P-Ali3n informant tells me that if humans were ready to evolve, then everyone including elitists would work together to feed, clothe, and educate the planet. He says that elitists in the top 1% of wealth holders could use current surplus of products and finance to correct the inequities of the world – and they would still possess more cars, homes, boats, etc., than they could ever use.13 However, if humans were ready to evolve, there would be no elite, no finance, no inequities. Polar energies would be balanced already.
The Doode reminds us that only those positive people (as a rule, not the elite,) will be the ones to realize the value of taking small-scale action now. Through the vehicle of education, the Alienist will demonstrate by example to those who will listen, how to maintain a balanced existence – then extend that balance to the community around us. At the same time, Ali3nites would keep in mind the coming destruction as prophesied by:
A) The Christian, Apocalypse.
B) The Hindu, Kali-yuga.
C) The (Earth) Nordic, Ragnarok.
D) The Zoroastrian, Battle between Ahura Mazda (good) and Angra Mainyu (evil).
E) The Mayan, Return of Quetzalcoatl.
F) The Hopi, Purification.
G) Aztec, Return of Kukulkan.
H) The Word of Doode, and many more.
What would you do if any of the above prophecies come to pass? How would you feed yourself in your city apartment, or protect your family in your suburban ranch-house? Will the former-ism's help you, or would you depend in FEMA or the other alphabet agencies? The Doode sayeth, “Negative sapiens (generally speaking – irresponsible, hard to get along with people,) will continue to live in a fantasy world which has an eternal supply of oil, food, water, air, space, and time. Negatives, (consisting mostly of narcissistic a-holes,) insist the elements will always be fit for consumption, and food grown from industrial chemicals is healthy. Their mainstream media alleges everything is OK even as they mundanely report of burning rain forests and dying oceans.”
If people want to embrace a fantasy only to live (or die,) on a barren planet, it's their choice. Positive people or Ali3nz-to-be will choose the alternative, which is to rescue the planet by first saving themselves. My source tells us that Ali3nites would save themselves by emulating the method used by the Positive Ali3n Nordics from Chapter Five. Like the Nordic Ali3nz of long ago, the Ali3nist will migrate to the country in order to practice self-sufficiency. This is the bedrock of Ali3nizm. The challenge facing the P-Ali3n movement then, is for positive spirited people to help each other to practice organic methods of agriculture so that, first and foremost – the people in the movement can feed themselves.
Even without capital,most sapiens that hail from the Negative bloodline would still exhibit the kind of negative qualities listed in Appendix A. Said list might lead one to think that Negative sapiens have no redeeming qualities. My P-Ali3n emissary tells us that we should take into account that the bloodlines have mixed anyway, so you would be able to identify some positive qualities in negative humans as well as negative attributes in positive people.
Those who naturally have a positive spirit would seek to balance planetary energies, like the Nordic P-Ali3nz did by outlawing money and usury; decentralizing government and implementation of official election by lottery, with very short terms. This type of society would provide an atmosphere wherein everyone who participates is allotted survival needs first, and then would make and receive non-survival wants on par with “green” levels of production, based on the criteria discussed in Chapter Five. That's in opposition to a divided system in which only a portion of people actually participate within the various levels of the culture. The many are kept from active participation, yet they receive some support; and the smallest number not only participate at every level, but hardly suffer any of the ills of that society.
The positive sapiens who agree with Ali3nizm principles, don't care about your outer religion as long as your intent is positive – because he or she knows what the P-ALi3nz tell us about the most basic source of all religions prior to becoming tainted by human motive.14 An Ali3nite would not turn you away based on where you're from because of what the Doode sayeth about everybody being part of the one whole. The Ali3nish sapien considers that everyone and everything has some value and is determined to not exploit that value. Ali3nizm does care that you are considerate of others; respectful; clean; responsible; helpful and open-minded – in short, P-Ali3nz don't associate with Jackasses (or if you prefer, a-holes).
The Doode sayeth that, “Let it be written that just as there are two “kinds” of ET's in the universe, on Earth there are Two kinds of humans, (positive or negative.)” Guess which one's exhibit characteristics of a jackass?
How many people have you met in life who are, in your opinion, complete jackasses? We all know the kind of character challenged person who abuses authority, because they can get away with it. The kind of person who'll go out of their way to kick a cat; or who a lap dog will run from based on nothing more than general principle. The jackass can be a serial polluter who would never drive their V8 SUV to the local charity to volunteer. Appendix A aside, the Positive Ali3n messenger suggests that negative traits exhibited by your everyday a-hole, are a fairly sure sign that Negative Ali3n genetics appear somewhere in that person's heredity. The negative jackass operates with impunity in popular “ism” society because money and other types of expressed power unnaturally allows them to. Back in the cave-people days, negative people might have been clubbed to death and, as a result, their negative seed would have stopped there. Today, money invites those people to circumvent natural processes because the a-hole manages to buy their way out of messes; to purchase their way into opportunity; or to shop for a trophy mate which might otherwise be unavailable to them due to their blatant display of negative energy. Doode reasons this whole scenario to be out of balance.
 The common reason for public tolerance of negative humans is usually due to a monetary incentive somewhere. Why else would spiritually people associate with their opposite? Would any of us work for a boss who fits the description if he or she didn't control the purse strings? You need the money provided by that job, so you don't quit, right?
We realize that even the most positive of Earthbound homo sapiens will find it next to impossible to implement their own internal evolution – the rat race keeps the alienated masses (anomic,) unnaturally focused on stuff that is unbalanced, but you Positives already feel the lack of balance through your intuitive sense. With that idea in mind I want to share with you some of my own positive realizations...
Telling my own story in the Introduction, I briefly mentioned that I was convicted (in a roundabout way) by a conspiracy which was spearheaded by my ex-wife, Diane. There is no doubt in my mind that Diane wanted me dead, and her key to achieving that goal (from her point of view) was a conversation she and I had a few years earlier. The subject happened to be about prison, specifically the question concerning what I would do or how I would handle incarceration. I remember telling her that I thought any future prison time would be a death sentence for me.
I explained the point of the death sentence statement to Diane by stating, “I'm afraid that, in order to survive in the big house I'll have to become the prison – to actually absorb the evil and to return it when necessary.” She didn't really understand the point so I continued, “If I become the prison, then, in a physical encounter with another inmate, I think the rage might bring me past the point of self-defense, earning myself a murder charge.” Then I explained how at my age (at that time) and exhibiting the predicted attitude, I would probably die in prison. Prior to my arrest in 2002, Diane said something to me about “dying in jail,” but of course I was so out of my wits then, her threat didn't compute.
Here I sit, in prison but alive and kicking, but this is due to a personal, internal evolution. You may recall from Chapter One the fact that I volunteered to be on the Psychiatric caseload. Right after the psychiatrist prescribed anti-depressants, I bought ear plugs and made a headband to cover my eyes when I slept. Sometime during the next several years – amidst coping with the aforementioned P-Ali3n “download” of information – I learned meditation and visualization exercises. There other contributors to my positive attitude upgrade, like reading or journaling without end that might be echoed in any self-help program.
The point we're trying to make is this: Living amongst negativity ad nauseum, I've had every opportunity to “become prison” and to take advantage of officer and inmate alike, while sharpening every criminal skill that can be learned. But Doode, I don't want to do any of that, so I try to help every inmate I can (to the extent possible,) and always show respect to the officers (even if they do not have it coming.) As a result, I get along with pretty much everybody, even those I don't know very well. It also seems like, by visualizing positive outcomes, the positive results have returned to me at a fairly constant rate (knock on wood).
I can further illustrate a positive reciprocity in nearly every situation in which I encounter another human (loose term,) here on the prison unit. As one might imagine, a secure environment like this is a breeding ground for negativity that is at first outwardly expressed through frowns and other sour facial expressions. When approaching someone in here, invariably they will have no facial expression at all, like they're expecting the person walking toward them to fly into a fit of rage or something. In response to these expressionless souls, about a year ago I began to just smile and wave at these people. You know “Smiling Bob” form the Enzyte commercials? That huge smile showing every tooth in his head accompanied with a wave?15 That's the kind of smile I'm talking about, although I mix it up sometimes by adding a nose crinkle or showing only one row of teeth. Invariably the response is that the person on the viewing end of a smile like that, sort of reflexively smiles right back at me with a mirrored expression. Just after they smile too, one notices the tension in their body language subsides, like they're relieved I am not going to be a jackass to them. Oddly enough, there are a growing number of people, inmates and staff alike, who give me the “teeth sign” whenever they see me.
One may wonder, what does this have to do with anything? Well it seems that in a situation where there can be constant tension between people resulting from the overwhelming negativity in the air – the “teeth sign” sort of disarms people enough that, whatever it is in them that responds to a positive gesture – spontaneously comes out. That theory is reinforced when one observes the respondent's hesitation afterward. It's as if they second guess themselves, whether their spontaneous reaction was the correct one. My experience has shown that as I reinforce the positive introduction with a respectful attitude – they relax and future like responses are returned quicker and with greater frequency, likely because they recognize that I am no threat.
Ali3nizm, while balanced, is not solely about facial expressions, but it is about sharing a positive attitude in whatever the circumstances may be without considering an apparent motive. With Ali3nizm you don't have to invoke any other power that's higher than your own intent. If you feel you need a higher power, the P-Ali3nz won't hold it against you as long as you don't force it on anybody else. With Ali3nizm, you would seek a balance in everything, and if the balance is maintained by enough people, the Doode projected to me that the Positive Ali3nz will eventually return to teach us what they know, guaranteeing our survival.
So, Ali3nizm is at once anti-ism, a polar opposite to other known “ism's”. Where current and former-ism's are based on unlimited economic growth and concentration of power into the hands of the few (to the detriment of many,) Ali3nizm is a living social system which promotes life – first and foremost to the benefit of all. Since Ali3nizm originated from the Positive Ali3nz, those who would practice this philosophy would strive to be like the P-Ali3nz as presented by the little Doode. Each group of P-ALi3nz survived and became immortal because, as suggested in Chapter Five, they collectively evolved in a spiritual sense past the point they ever could have as individuals alone. This is why my etheric source of information referenced the Nordic P-Ali3nz, so that Earth sapiens might better relate to Ali3nist precepts – such as the need to seek equilibrium in every aspect of their existence.


This “Mantra of Ali3nizm” is a reminder that we should all recognize the yin/yang cycles of each aspect of life (and non-life,) as natural processes of a polar universe, and to plan for those cycles. My temporal pal avers that was the main reason for the detailed story of creation of the universe in Chapter Two. He said, “Once it is realized that the very existence of this verse is 'polar'16 One can accept the fact that it was polar attraction/repulsion that continued the random movement of stuff in the field, long before anything intelligent ever existed.” When I asked Doode what was the point, he reasoned that, “Earthlings are divided over an alleged intelligent presence which is an invalid premise and prevents a group balance within the population.”
P-ALi3nz worry that Earth humans place too much emphasis on concepts they can neither prove nor disprove.17 I was led to believe they wish for us to concentrate less on unprovable ideals and more on things that really matter. If we observed a “balance,” things like theology vs. spiritualism; Capitalism vs. Communism; white vs. black, would not be so emotionally volatile because we'd fall somewhere in the middle, not being affected by another's views.
What's wrong with striving for balance by planning for the cycles of nature? You already plan for the morning when you set your alarm clock the night before. You plan for the seasons by shopping for or laying out appropriate clothing. Some of you may also plan for the ultimate expiration of your meat-suit when you purchase life insurance or a burial plot. These are natural cycles too, but why stop there? Noted in Chapter Five, the post-cataclysmic Nordic Positive Ali3nz first arranged their schedule evenly so they could attempt to spend equal amounts of time with family, self, community, etc. In practical terms, this means that if every aspect of the life of an individual (on the micro scale,) or the planet (on the macro scale,) is balanced, then both the person and the group should be less overburdened with the karmic problems relating to excessive polar energy – such as too much negativity.
The outer space source recommends the Earth Ali3nites, should attempt to habitually maintain a balance, but says also that, “You won't always be able to stick perfectly to your plan however, your sincere attempt backed with some real action, will be fruitful.” In order to do this it would be helpful if you could recognize whether you're maintaining equilibrium with this enterprise or that one. Recognition requires some attention paid to the set of circumstances. Doode tells me that today's economically fueled and accelerated pace doesn't leave much room to notice many crucial aspects of living.
Positive Ali3nz suggest that if one decelerates their life to a reasonable pace – enough to truly notice the people and things around them – then maybe one would be able to navigate around minor distractions and see precisely what it is in their lives that can, or should be managed via a “balance.” The P-Ali3n way to begin that action, is to become self-sustaining, that is; (to the extent possible,) live like you are alone on the Earth when thinking about providing for your own needs.
When my source restated the suggestion of “decelerating life,” and becoming, “self-sustaining,” as an example, I immediately had a series of flashbacks to an old classic movie called; “The Omega Man,” starring Charlton Heston. I recall seeing it when it came out in the early 1970's I think, and I'm told that it was recently remade with the new title of, “I Am Legend,” starring, Will Smith, but don't quote me. The Doode recounts that was sort of the way things were for the Nordic Ali3nz after their own cataclysms. Like the Omega Man, the Nordics were able to use existing manufactured products and other stuff by simply gathering what they needed. At some point in time all the pre-cataclysm stuff was taken and the Nordic Ali3n people had to learn to manufacture other goods, as well as self-taught agriculture in order to further sustain themselves. The apparitional fellow hinted that, while the Omega Man is a pretty good example of how Nordic Ali3nz survived, your own situation won't be so cut and dry. As I'm writing this paragraph, a recession is in play but there's no cataclysm, apocalypse, or other grand disaster looming, yet. Also, you may not be able to go to abandoned stores and pick out whatever tools and things you want without paying – the way the Omega Man did.
For now, those who wish to practice Ali3nizm will have to solve the puzzle of how to do so in a capitalist run world. The P-Ali3n recommendation of how to accomplish this is for each of you to provide for your own survival needs first – that is: food; water; shelter; clothing, and the like. Now thinking about your own situation as if you're the only person on Earth and you have provided for your own survival – only then would it be appropriate for you to consider your “wants.” Back up a second, the little Doode just said I should ask if your methods of obtaining the needs and wants, are “sustainable,” and are the goods themselves sustainable, ergo; “green,” “organic,” or “environmentally friendly?” Who cares right?
Positive people who likely possess Positive Ali3n genetics, (non-jackasses,) not only care, but they would find a subtle joy in buying stuff from certified green companies. The fact that such a purchase transfers market shares from negative conventional companies to green businesses, is a bonus.
The Ali3nite realizes that from an ecological standpoint, the dirt we stand on, or any area of land, can only sustainably support so many organisms, Therefore the number of people, or livestock per acre, foot or whatever should be limited.18
Land sustains us because without it we don't eat, so a given community of agriculturalists can only feed a limited number of non-agriculturalists. Positive Ali3n logic dictates that a self-sustaining farm community would self-regulate the number of needed non-Ag--specialists, to allow into their domain. That way the group would not be overburdened by questions of how to feed every community member, because their collective surplus would normally be plenty for all community members.
Since we can't wave a magic wand and with it, cause everyone on this planet to act responsibly and to balance their own lives in sustainable fashion, my far-out compadre declares that, “ Positive thinkers should establish small, holistic agriculture based communities that can also perform secondary 'green manufacturing,' because this is the P-ALi3n way.” He also said, “The individuals who provide their own survival needs and who live in a small group which provides for its own collective needs, will be in a better position to withstand the forthcoming destruction.”
Revisiting the idea of an individual who lives like they are the only person on Earth – if you were placed on a planet, naked and alone, you'd have no choice but to provide for your own needs or else perish. For an example of this model, I'm taken back to elementary school where I read the book, “My Side of the Mountain.” The kid in the book ran away from home and lived in the Appalachian mountains for a time. Though he wasn't naked, the boy has to hollow out a tree for shelter; make fishhooks from scratch; and hunted wild game, much like any of us would have to do in a similar situation.
What if a group of you were placed here, all on equal terms? Wouldn't everyone's quality of life improve due to different people bringing their unique aptitudes to the tribe? Chapter Five associated Nordic P-Ali3nz with Native American tribal culture and we extended the idea to the very basis of survival, by modeling the “wolf pack” mentality here. In this day and time, it may not be absolutely necessary to expose every Ali3nish human to all the ins and outs of hunter-gatherer tribal life, and our non-physical informant infers that it may be sufficient that we think of ourselves as “alone,” at least when it comes to providing for our own needs. How else can we help each other if we can't help ourselves? Additionally, the Doode says, “But if everyone in the community learns something of basic survival, later when something is made for them it will carry a high degree of appreciation because the recipient will know exactly what went into the making.”
Naysayers will call these communities, “cults,” or some other description with derogatory intent. But don't most “cults” have a “cult leader” who controls the followers? Ali3nizm cannot be a cult because there is no “leader” and no “followers”.
If the Ali3n community has no leader, then who is the decider? The answer is everyone. Community Ali3nizm doesn't work well without everyone participating. By contract, members would agree beforehand to involve themselves in community issues. As suggested by Nordic P-Ali3nz in Chapter Five, there will not be a government or politics per se – but only temporary administrators that will handle the day-to day communal issues which require immediate action. The entire community will select appropriate term length for administrators and the Ali3n version of criteria necessary for each candidate, as it pertains to a given office.


By popular vote and observance of a balance, a given Ali3n community should agree on a term for its administrators by “feeling” the inherent cycles at play within the group. Whether is a week, month, or whatever, the term should be as short as possible but just long enough for the member to become accustomed to the duties and be effective. At the end of the term, the next set of administrators may be selected from a new pool of qualified candidates – via chance, such as a lottery system. Our source of information indicated that we should program a computer database to select candidates and to monitor their performance. Administrators may be removed by popular vote at any time.
Community members should have their own computers hooked into a LAN or similar mainframe system. Any issue can be brought before the community via email posting. To allow for reasoned discussions, comments from a given member would be posted anonymously to a type of “chat room.” Time allotted for responses and counter arguments, would be agreed upon by the members prior to said discussion.
The Positive Ali3n reasoning behind the above means of self-governance is four-fold. First, as the Ali3nite was likely “alienated” from society, he or she may be lacking a proper education or computer experience, and may never have participated in anything political. Second, by participating in this manner they will be impelled to try to operate their personal computer, which will increase their aptitude for reading and comprehension. Third, the Ali3nist will learn solid reasoning skills in the privacy of their own 'office,' by applying logic to given issues. Fourth, as each member would be emailing comments by screen-name, should emotions become heated on a given issue, the possibility for violence is greatly reduced, (because, who would one attack, a secret screen-name?).
Iterated in Chapter Five was how the Nordic P-Ali3nz managed issues of community member administrative job qualifications, and how standardized testing was employed to find the strengths, weaknesses, and propensities of everyone in the group. For the same reasons, our apparitional source infers that, evolving Earth Ali3nites should program their community database so as to automatically balance job choices; recommendations; compensation; and 'duty' rotations. Should members perceive inequities, they may bring up the points for discussion and vote. Governing computer parameters can always be modified if needed.
Ultimately any P-Ali3n community seeks to relinquish “Animoney” or debt-currency from its own use – to the extent possible. Consistent with the Nordic P-Ali3n reasoning and methodology, we would agree to provide the means for each member to become self-sufficient. Not everyone 'needs' a 20 room mansion, but neither could one person reasonably use or maintain it. Therefore, on a given piece of property owned by the non-profit trust, a member would be invited to farmstead an appropriate sized portion for life – if that's his or her wish. Should that member bring a family into the 'tribe,' then their portion of land and size of their home would be expanded to a level appropriate to their needs.
Doode suggests that each community should practice the well-known bio-intensive or biodynamic methods of agriculture, because each 1,300 square feet of garden may produce enough vegetables to feed one person for a whole year. When those methods and other organic systems are put into practice, the soil becomes healthy and will produce an abundance of disease and parasite free vegetables, fruits, and livestock- which in turn produces healthier humans and planet. That's a balanced system.
In a system that promotes a limit on the influence money has on the people, Ali3nists will seek to manufacture as much of their own goods as practicable. The Positive Ali3n method to accomplish this is for each community to obtain manufacturing tools such as woodworking and metalworking gear; casting and machining equipment; auto-cad programs and desktop prototyping machines. Larger equipment such as farm-tractors; trucks; trailers; forklifts, etc., would also be “checked out” by a qualified member/operator.19 Periodic training classes should be conducted to show members how to safely and efficiently operate and maintain, a given piece of machinery. This should promote the creation of locally produced goods which may be traded within or without the immediate group.
As the land trust acquires more properties, other anomic people may be invited to begin similar communities. Based on a sound set of criteria as modified to suit that particular community, common types of goals and methods should be sought, argued, and voted on. Each 'tribe,' or Ali3n community would be filled with people who have been alienated or disenfranchises, the greater number of people would “trade” any surplus within the cluster of Ali3n communities before trading into the capitalist system.
The P-Ali3n tribal combination of producing most needs and wants locally should foster a balanced local job market. My own idea of manufacturing small wind generators within the set of communities could be expanded to include outside installation and maintenance of complete energy systems. This is just one example of a specialty which could be marketed to the capitalists in exchange for stuff that the Ali3n communities cannot make themselves.
Inter-community trade and compensation would be similar to the Chapter Five Nordic Ali3nz, and at first might look like bartering or even socialism, and while socialism or bartering done right and pure are not bad systems, Ali3nizm is unique and superior to them. My source tells us that since money was invented, it has evolved into a symbol of value but holds no value in and of itself. As a value symbol, money takes the place of most barter type transactions. Otherwise, how else could the pre- computer age keep track of the transfer of energy? Fortunately in this new age, the P-Ali3nist may utilize a computer accounting system (not unlike the world banking system) to electronically monitor trade values from product to product, and an individual's spending ratio to what is earned. There already exist private applications which may be useful for this purpose, such as the “Sane” Community Exchange System (, that Ali3nz might apply until the world's currencies collapse for good.
Following the Nordic P-ALi3n recommendations and accounting for primal human nature, a community ought to establish that the value of things should be wound up with the energy or intent that went into the production of the 'thing.' for example, if product 'A' takes 10 hours to produce, and product 'B' takes 5 hours – then one of product 'A' would be worth two of product 'B.” When all product information is fed into a database, the computer will accomplish the heavy work regarding how many gadgets should be traded for a number of widgets.
As inhabitants of Earth based Ali3nizm communities evolve toward the level of “sapien 2.1,” the need for a close accounting of things, values, etc., should decrease. Ultimately, as each tribe provides for its own survival needs, certain specialty products would be made for everyone in the entire cluster of communities – like the Nordic Ali3nz did in our Chapter Five example of widgets; gadgets; and thingamajigs. The products would be allotted in the Nordic Ali3n manner as well, as long as the Ali3nite participates and performs to the equal standards that were agreed to – he or she will receive the same stuff as everyone else.
We can find good examples of palatable cooperatives right now on this planet, such as Native American Indian tribes, or the Amish communities. In that same spirit, the Ali3nite who needs a new barn or home addition would ask his neighbors to help him to “raise” one. In return, the beneficiary of the barn would participate in another project of the kind at a later time. In times of harvest, the whole community might pitch in to git-r-done. Likewise in times of emergency, everyone would come to the aid of those in need.
At the end of the day, most mainstream society members want to keep the alienated masses at arm’s length. So it is those who have been alienated who will choose to accept each other as did the Positive Ali3nz, in the spirit of cooperation – to earn for themselves the kind of life which was denied to them by the former-ism's. Every Ali3nish person would experience a better life incrementally as a group. In other words, whatever is decided by the group that increases the quality of their lives – then, when the community secures it, everyone would benefit equally in relation to one another.
So, are you Positive or Negative? Do you feel you have been alienated in some way? Is the Ali3nizm “movement” right for you? How does the mantra of balance sound? Ali3nizm or not, in any case, one can find acceptable pre-existing methods to achieve “balance” and some are listed in Appendix “C”. In the end, if the Doode is correct, any and all of us may be able to evolve by adopting Ali3nizm.

Chapter Eight End Notes

1) As mentioned in Chapter Seven.
2) See Chapter Five.
3) Reference Chapter Two.
4) In the wild, “Pack hierarchy” is reinforced by alpha dogs – through bites for certain
transgressions. Guide to Your Dog, p.46.
5) Reference, Guide to Your Dog, p. 48.
6) Again see Guide to Your Dog, p. 46.
7) My source indicates that it is mostly the people under Negative Alien influence who support the Command and Control method of management, in less than life threatening situations.
8) Guide to Your Dog, p. 100.
9) “Anomic” is the technical term for people who are alienated from normal society.
10) “Polar Universe,” see Chapter Two.
11) Reference Chapter Three.
12 ) Again this is found in Chapter Three.
13) This could be realized by the have's lending a hand-up to the have-not's.
14) Reference found in Chapter Six.
15 ) And why shouldn't he smile, he's taking Enzyte and his wife seems highly satisfied!
16) That is: one positive pole and an opposed negative pole with almost infinite possibilities in between. It's somewhere between opposing poles that P-Ali3nz attempt to remain
17) See Chapter Six.
18) Studies have shown that for any type of livestock, the “feedlot model” promotes unhealthy animals due to their close proximity to one another. Disease incubates and readily spreads, which requires an overabundance of medications to combat. The enormous daily waste form this type of enterprise causes toxic runoff which leaches into streams, rivers, and ground water supplies. The farmers who grow the feed for that livestock (and for us too,) have to constantly add artificial chemicals to the nutrient deficient soil, in order to stay somewhat productive. All those poisons end up in our food supply – we ingest them and contract other ailments as side effects. That's un-sustainable but it's the capitalist way.
19) Checked out of a motor pool or tool crib which is owned by the trust.