Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chapter Four

Soul Circuit

          One may notice that the English words, “Soul” and “Spirit” have been used just about interchangeably in many writings. Personally, I have always sensed that there are important yet subtle differences between the terms. My source tells me that my feelings on the matter are pretty close, then he told me why.
           I asked the little Doode why that, saying the following phrases the way we say them, just feels right.
        We Do say :                           We Do Not Say :
“Holy Spirit”                            “Holy Soul”
“American Spirit”                     “American Soul”
“Christmas Spirit                      “Christmas Soul”
“I'll be with you in Spirit”          “I'll be with you in Soul”
            The above phrases point to the deduction that there really is a difference between soul and spirit Doode agrees too, he says that, “A Soul is a singular energy, hence the term 'Solitary Soul'.” Mathematically, a soul equals one. Etymologically, the word soul is an Old English word derived from the Germanic – Saiwalo; which is something fleeting and mercurial.
            The word spirit comes from the 13th century Latin, 'Spiritus' meaning 'breath'; derived from the verb 'Spirare'; 'I Breathe' which is the source of the English , aspire, conspire, transpire. So a soul is just there, existing while a spirit actually does something, right?
            Doode answered, “By its usage, the word spirit indicates a collective energy, greater than a single soul.” He then referenced The Bible where I found that you first have the Father; or the son; then the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit will be “sent” to “comfort,” there is an action or intent involved.
            The Holy Spirit did not exist without the collective energy of one or both of the other two:
Father + Son = Holy Spirit; or
Father + Intent = Holy Spirit; or
Son + Intent = Holy Spirit
            To further emphasize the subject differences, my source explained to me that, “A soul is associated with physical life, whereas a spirit may have a non-physical life of its own.”1 Soul energy actually causes a physical body to animate by its very presence. Remember, a spirit has intentive energy attached to it, where an action is intended to be performed. From the last paragraph, the spirit was 'sent' to 'comfort' – both are actions intended to be performed outside or sent from the thinking entity, in this case the thinker was Jesus.
            Doode indicated to me that in the equation of spirit, “intention” is all important. He said one should ask what is meant by the question, “Where’s your team spirit?” The general idea is that a number of individuals “intend” to be a part of a team, to act together concerning a particular purpose, or to focus all their collective energies in a single direction for a time, (intent + intent = spirit). A practical example of this energy is the cheer, “We got spirit yes we do, we got spirit how about you?” The team along with the cheerleaders, push their intentions away from themselves, and toward accomplishing the goal.
            Etymologically, the English word “intend” comes from the Latin verb intendre; the prefix – in, means, “towards”; and tendre which means “stretch to form a plan or purpose; from earlier “direct” or “stretch” ones thoughts towards something' and the adjective intent – looks back to the earlier, “Direct ones mind toward a particular thing.”
            My source explained that, “With either soul, or spirit there is a need to be fulfilled. In either case someone or something feels a pull, and they may direct the intentive energy or push needed to accomplish the goal or need – by simply thinking about it – and this creates a “circuit” of energy if you will. The positive or negative polarity within the energetic circuit is what causes the spiritual patterns of energy to flow.
            Knowing my interest in practical application of the subject terms in relation to the human organism, I received from my temporal pal, information suggesting that a human soul is created at/or about the time of physical birth. In clarifying, he told me that when the newborn human brain forms a controlling “circuit” for the heart and lungs, a certain pattern of energy that we call a “soul” is actually pulled from the Metaphysical Mainframe.2 In this case the spirit made a soul. Important to note is that a single ethereal soul cannot affect three dimensional (3-D) mass by itself. The soul, being a singular energy can't act alone. Doode informed me that this is because there is no direct connection, no “circuit” allowing energy to flow from the dimension of soul to the dimension of physical mass (like to a body with hands), then it can act directly in this physicality.
            Take a soul by itself and you have a potential energy. That energy is just there, existing, it is not actually doing anything yet because it has not been invoked.3 Like a battery stores electricity, a soul's energy is stored until it's needed for a purpose. In a simple electric circuit you might have a battery with one positive and one negative pole(s), a switch, a light bulb, and a wire connecting these components.4 When the switch is thrown or turned on, a battery's energy is needed or pulled by what is now a completely5 connected circuit, which can perform work by lighting a light – thereby affecting a possible mass.6 Likewise, the soul must be pulled, invoked, or if one prefers, switched into a circuit of a living body to perform its purpose, like animating a meat suit (body).
            So I thought, “What is the purpose of a soul?” My psychic buddy replied that “A soul on this plane connects with a body and a brain, so the combination of the three can experience life.” That combination will transmit a copy of the life experiences to the mainframe through a “spiritual wire” so to speak. In 2007, I read about strings of vibrating energy that oscillates in eleven dimensions, called superstring theory.7 If Superstring theory proves correct, would that be evidence of a spiritual wire?
            To review, we look again to the battery example, where the need is created by tripping a switch that closes the circuit or loop of electrically conductive material. Notice a circular pattern. This conductive circuit allows electrons to flow from one pole, through the components and into the other pole, completing its purpose.
            Doode would be the first to tell you that that collective energy, or Metaphysical Mainframe, which created (or rather, is the universe), manifests in many forms all around us. That energy is the origin of all matter. As mentioned earlier, in response to invoked need, a piece of the creative energy (spirit) becomes manifest as a soul within the needy locality (a body). This is true on the astral plane as well as the physical. Our consciousness concerns itself with 3-D physical matters. As a simple illustration we'll follow the “soul circuit” when it animates a new human life.
            It is the Word of Doode that a human male and female, as opposites, come together in what may be called the, “spirit” of love, lust, sport or whatever reason. Their seeds unite in the “spirit” of life, making one whole out of two opposites. A need is satisfied by the existence of a (potential) new life, and the cell grows. The non-physical energetic vibrations involved so far, (originating from the Metaphysical Mainframe) continue to power the physical cell.
            Within the womb a human cell “intends” to survive so it continues to grow. Although the original intent (love, lust or sport) of the parents, began this process, now the “spiritual intent” comes out of a Survival Reflex, but not thought, because the human cell has not formed a brain, and cannot think. However, the Doode says that, “The cell actually feels the creative spirit within that is assisting its' own survival. The cell is simply responding to its' surroundings out of a need or reflex to survive, and in doing so, absorbs the nourishment from the mother for life.”
            Here again is the first part of the new human soul circuit; a need was felt by the Mainframe. In response, some spiritual energy was pushed from the Mainframe. That spirit was pulled into a living cell, and in this way the many (spirit) become one (soul).
            My source sayeth that, “As the human brain develops prior to birth, the tiny infant becomes semi-aware on a sub-conscious level.” He says, “This is why that, under hypnotic regression, some people may recall their pre-birth experience.
            The positive-negative or polar balance of the living body/brain connection locks the soul within. The astral soul is sort of held in suspension around or interspersed with the biological tissue. A combination of invoked spiritual energy and a physical body with a brain, serve to change the spiritual energy sent from the Metaphysical Mainframe into a single soul and also into that soul's mind. Considering Frankenstein's monster alongside this model – even though the body of the monster had a newly installed brain, it was soul-less because the whole organism had been dead. Doode would say that when lightning struck the monster, a spiritual energy was invoked from the Mainframe. About the time the good doctor said, “It's alive!” that spiritual energy mingled with the stolen brain, then converted into a soul.
            So, if my source is accurate, the physical brain acts as a controller between the non-physical soul and its' physical body or “circuit.” Expressed by the mind, through the connection to the brain and also the body, the soul has a means of close proximity, physical interaction with 3-D Earth which it would not otherwise have. By this I mean: My soul feels it needs to send out a message – but has difficulty doing so without enlisting elementary spirit (or if you prefer, thought/intent) – and together with my brain, my mind works out a way to accomplish this (by thinking), in a way for other souls in the 3-D world to get the message. In this case I write, or try to.
            I received a vision that demonstrated the mid brain atop the spinal column transmits the voluntary life sustaining functions of the body. It seems this part of the brain is not directly connected to the soul, however, the soul (also a mind at this point), is directly connected to the “left” and “right” brains. Should the mid brain cease to function, the other two brains might also die, thus releasing the soul from the body.
            Noted earlier was that the polarity of the brain/body connection (as living consciousness), licks the soul within it. Doode says that the key to the lock is sort of jointly held by the left/right brain(s); conscious/subconscious mind(s). He also said that the human soul needs all three brains attached and working in the body in order to achieve a full experience, besides you'd be dead without them.8 The ability to choose to experience life allows a soul to become the greater energy of spirit by choice.
            Speaking of choice, I'm told that the soul can “temporarily” leave the body, through meditation or when you sleep.9 The traveling astral soul is still attached to its' body.10 In this way the soul uses its' brain to effect stuff on the astral plane. Also, the soul's experiences are stored within the brain and a ‘copy’ of those experiences goes to the Metaphysical Mainframe.
            Everyone knows that the physical meat-suit is covered with local environmental sensors. These sensors enable the body to touch, see, smell, and hear your 3-D world. Sensory information is sent to and stored within the brain, and the Doode would say that input is also stored in the Mainframe. That information is interpreted and discussed between conscious and subconscious minds, which help you to make appropriate decisions on a good day.
            My source explained that the conscious mind (left side) is that thinking part of the brain/soul, which can intend to perform actions on Earth. The left side of the brain deals with thoughts like food, shelter, reproduction, and other practical stuff necessary for survival. Once the survival needs are met, thoughts naturally gravitate to concerns of want or greater comfort. Even Animals have the capacity to seek comfort. A pet is a good example. I can't tell you how many times I had to wrestle my Great Dane for a spot on the sofa. Her desire to be on the furniture had nothing to do with survival, but everything to do with comfort; she 'wanted' to be more comfortable.
            And the little Doode submitted in a whisper, “The subconscious mind (right side) is that 'feeling' part of the soul/brain, which intends to influence the conscious mind through symbolism and emotions.” Using a computer as an example, we can equate subconscious thoughts to files in a hard drive. In the subconscious ‘storage’ systems, the information is basically permanent, while the momentary thoughts of the conscious mind are similar to a computer Random Access Memory (RAM). In the 'RAM' case, memory is used to handle data which is quickly overwritten in favor of new data.
            Whichever mind it is that dominates a given thought, an impression of that thought is infused upon the Metaphysical Mainframe or Universal Mind. “Infusion,” affects the Mainframe in a positive or negative way, depending on the polarity of the originating thought. The polar balance (positive +; negative -; good, bad, etc.) of the planet can be affected by disproportionate thought (too much of either +, or -). So sayeth the Doode.
            Human actions as we know them (usually) begin with a thought. Other things may have to occur in order to manifest the action, but thought energy is a requisite nonetheless. Doode has said that a thought-form (when sent), carries a certain emotional charge with it. The intention now has its' own energy and can possibly perform the physical action by itself. Recall the “spoon bending” story from the beginning of this book, evidencing that flatware can be altered with intent alone.
            Earlier I said that a soul is one (1), and a spirit is greater energy (two or more). Take a soul plus that soul's intentional thought and my source tells me you would have, “spirit,” ( soul + intent = spirit = action).
            Two souls “intending” as one spirit will amplify the original intent: Soul A + Soul B + Soul C = Team + Common Intent = Bigger Spirit = Bigger Spiritual Action.
            Likewise, an entire “team” of souls concentrating on a single intent, further increases the chances of a perceived action reaching fruition: Soul A + Soul B + Soul C = Team + Common Intent = Team Spirit = Win Game?
            Amplified intention does not always guarantee the outcome, as evidenced by any common football game, but it does up the odds.
            My source would tell you that one can amplify spirit by charging it with other energies. Adding words, some visual icon, or work to a thought, is common in many rituals. How many traditions invoke the help of a deity? Consider when a minister invokes God or Jesus, is he “amplifying spirit?” How about the tribal chanting or the use of talismans in a pagan ceremony? Do you see any similarities here?
            We'll further illustrate the circuit of the soul by emphasizing the process of bodily birth and death.
            The Metaphysical Mainframe is inert for a moment. On physical Earth you have a female human and a male human. The Triad of each set of senses, brain, and soul is here symbolized with a numerical value of one (1) each, with a total of three (3) aspects for each person. The number three equals an embodied individual. One (body) + one (brain) + one (soul) = three. When the male and female mate, their union itself is symbolized by the number six (6): three (3) + Three (3) = six (6). In this model, a child is formed from the union. The total sum of the action is the divine outcome of a new life on Earth. The actual conception is symbolized here by the three souls combining to form the numerical nine (9) of divine completion.
            As examined in this chapter, the soul and spirit are related but also different in some ways. Within the above model, the infinite cycle of soul creating spirit, and vice versa is represented. Again, the two souls unite in spirit. The new soul is pulled from the Mainframe into a newborn body or birth process. A life is manifest, how much more divine can a thing be?
            On the other end of the life cycle, Doode suggests that, “A body dies... in a way the soul sacrifices the meat suit so the soul can evolve into something greater, like a spirit.” Some believe that such an evolution takes three souls joining in order for them to move to the higher plane, or return to a new body.11
            Continuing the death model, each soul is again symbolized by the number three. In this example, three souls have sacrificed their bodies and combined as one. As a divine or “nine” spirit that's formed from the combined attributes of three souls, they can perform a higher function when embodied. They are called a divine spirit because their purpose is to perform an action above and beyond that of ordinary spirits. Normally, upon death, a divine nine spirit contains a lot of experiential qualities, (from a full life) so that as it mixes with the Metaphysical Mainframe it increases the cosmic data base to a remarkable extent. Actually, my source indicates the spirits do proceed to a higher plane, it's the character or personality traits of a soul that can “go back,” or which may “reincarnate.”
            A divine nine spirit can affect the world like so: On occasion the world is unbalanced. More often than not, the unbalance is due to too much negativity (as determined by the negative effect on overall survival). Under certain conditions, the character attributes of a “9” spirit12 are pulled back into this world by attaching to a new soul as it animates a new body. This highly spiritual child has great potential to be a positive influence, similar to a Jesus, Gandhi, etc. Such positivity may bring some equilibrium for a time. My source claims that, “This is all caused by the planetary Survival Reflex via the Mainframe.
            It's the Word of Doode that I have not adequately explained the foregoing process, so let me try this tack. A brand new soul begins on Earth without any three dimensional intimacy. Impressions of thought and feelings from the experiences are meshed into the soul and also onto the Metaphysical Mainframe. The organic brain portion of the mind may forget, but the soul retains all data. In this way, experiences are carried into the next plane of non-physical reality.
            The said life inspired and infused experiences serve to polarize the Mainframe, according to whether the experience was true positive or true negative, as tested in the crucible of survival.13In the astral or non-physical plane, humanity's Survival Reflex is seeking the greatest amount of quality energy (as information). The sum of quality information will be fed back into the physical world, through psychic foreknowledge and the aforementioned spiritual personality traits – ensuring human survival.14 That's the plan anyway, according to the Doode.
             Obviously if a soul spent most of its' physical life as a couch potato, it wouldn't have much positive experience to offer the Mainframe. That soul won't be of any more help beyond life than it was in physical form prior to death. Indeed, if a generation of couch potatoes contributes nothing to this 3-D life, and by extension, the next life, then the greater collective survival burden falls on the succeeding generations.15
            Remember that, my source would say that, “A soul doesn't have a real brain beyond death, so it cannot think in the classical sense.” A soul's brain is however, copied onto the Mainframe along with its' memories of life in the physical world. Everything recorded prior to death holds an eternal energy pattern. With this in mind, Doode says a soul/spirit can react to the astral environment based on the Survival Reflex and limited life memory.16
            Now consider a situation where a specific energy pattern is invoked by a psychic or through a séance type event . In many cases, that spirit-pattern can “think” enough to answer questions concerning past, present, or even the future. The spirit is sort of “plugged in” to the people who are asking the questions. The medium of connection or intent is the method of connection to the other side. Through that connection the spirit utilizes the physical brain of the person seeking contact. That is how the spirit can interact with the physical. This is much like two computers sharing a network hard drive – the subconscious brain connection may search the files of the Mainframe. The file “search” follows the qualities of that particular spirit or energy pattern, like application software.
            Doode indicated to me that a disembodied spirit consists of the soul itself; that soul's character from 3-D life; and that soul's Survival Reflex.17 That's the application software if you will, which determines the method of a spiritual “search” of the Metaphysical Mainframe “files.” The search can be conducted in both directions, physical to non-physical and back.
            The transitional soul/spirit may be tied to the physical plane for one reason or another and remain between the physical and non-physical worlds. One foot on each side of the border is one way to put it. Some consider this ghostly hang out to be a purgatory of sorts.
            As Doode mentioned earlier, “When a spirit essence is drawn towards a new life in order to become a living soul within a new meat-suit, it may brush against a traveling soul/spirit going the other way (beyond physical life). The 'brush' for lack of a better word, may endow the new soul with the personality traits of the traveling spirit. Induced attributes can carry a natural memory of the former life or lives with it into the newborn child – but that is not true reincarnation as we've seen it presented, because the older soul itself has blended into the new non-physical plane. The meaning here is that, it is a part of the greater set of Mainframe files, and loses some of individuality. While the new energy pattern or soul actually originates from the one Mainframe, even though it may seem like the old soul reincarnated, it is just a new one randomly endowed with traits and memories of a former life.

Psychic Cell Phone

I would now like to share my interpretation of the P-Ali3n dissertation on how the non-physical Mainframe, and the individual soul/body communicate with each other from their respective planes of reality. Who doesn't have a cell phone? Those who do not may be familiar with a remote telephone; wireless internet; or a walkie talkie, and may understand the concept of wireless devices. These “wireless” devices are so called, because they remotely transceive (send/receive) signals upon a beam of energy. A message is coded and attached to a carrier wave (radio) at a given frequency, then sent or transmitted.
We'll refer to the properties of radio as being the nearest analogical example of spiritual communication, according to my source. Recall the above traits and memories that sometimes are attached and spiritually transmitted between energy patterns within the Metaphysical Mainframe.
One property of radio is that sending and receiving sets operate better if they are in sight of each other. Considering possible obstructions, signals may be reflected off of an object like a tower or satellite. The bounce or reflection enables the signal to get to places which would be otherwise unreachable. Obviously, if the receiving set is out of ‘sight’ of the sending set, and there is nothing to bounce the signal off of, then the receiver will not pick up the signal. This limiting factor is evident when using your unit in a tunnel or low spot. You lose the signal because the sets are no longer in 'sight' of each other.
Another limiting aspect of radio is related to power. If your cell phone only transmits to a maximum of five miles, and the tower is ten miles away, then you won't have a signal no 'bars' regardless of the provider you subscribe to. Hold that thought.
Our bodies communicate with the physical world through the five senses. That body/brain connection isn't 'wireless', but is instead sort of hardwired via nerves and neuro-chemicals. Across those wires flashes a signal which the body/brain/and soul equally share on a frequency unique to that person. Attributes of the individual signal most resemble radio, and thus our comparison.
My source placed visions in my head to help in my interpretation, and for the sake of a hypothetical model, let us say that my body, brain, and soul (bbs), operates on a frequency of 101.00 megahertz (MHz). That means one hundred and one million cycles per second, of emitted energy waves. Like ocean waves these non-physical “waves” have cycle from each peak to a valley, up and down, over and over very fast, in this case, 101.00 MHz.
While we are fantasizing, my friend, Dixie's (bbs) might operate on a frequency of 102.00 MHz. In order for me to send her a spoken message, I first must think about what to say. Based on the spiritual formula that is the subject of this chapter, I'd intend a thought toward Dixie (in the spirit of communication), and she eventually hears that thought with her audio receptors, providing the thought leaves my lips. Additionally the thought or intent resonates from me in all directions, on all planes of reality at my personal frequency of 101.00 MHz. That is true in this model whether the thought is actually spoken.
Not to confuse, but I'll briefly note here that my outer space inspired buddy, mind-melded to me that the Earth's own Metaphysical Mainframe also has a unique “frequency range.” Following the wave model, we'll say that, in the hypothetical, the Earth Mainframe frequency range is from 100.00 MHz to 199.99 MHz. Given the parameters of radio frequency, and power – my thoughts can be picked up, stored and even transmitted through the Mainframe. I may not be hardwired directly to the Mainframe, but my thoughts resonate to that plane as bleed over, like stations on a radio.
One might think that Dixie could hear my thoughts thru the Mainframe without my speaking, but she can't do that easily because her (bbs) operates on her own frequency of 102.00 MHz. Nor is Dixie “hardwired” to me. Due to the fictional frequency range of the Earth's Mainframe, in this example (of 100.00 MHz to 199.00 MHz), and that our (bbs) frequencies are within that range – if Dixie had a bit of psychic ability, she might be able to read my thoughts as bleed over from the Metaphysical Mainframe. Some of you might remember the old dial type of radios, you know the non push button kind? When attempting to dial in your desired station or frequency, you'd invariably reach points between stations where they “bleed over” each other, so what you heard was incomprehensible. Most of us with a weak psychic ability would receive thought signals in this way, screening them out as useless. A true psychic is able to make some sense out of the garbled noise, they can tune better.

Psychic Space

You might ask, “Why can't those psychics on Earth receive thought energies from other planets? (Providing of course that other planets host thinking entities.) Some would say that zero interplanetary thought reception supports the assumption that no extraterrestrial life exists. I've received some thought energy from the little Doode which otherwise suggests, so we'll continue with the wireless radio analogy.
Remember from earlier I mentioned the limiting properties of radio signals (line of sight, power, and interference)? Most inhabited worlds are so far away that without amplification, their thought energy would not reach us. Their limited power is suited to the planet of origin, so the distance is problematic. The same is true for the Earth's Metaphysical Mainframe 'thought power', as other planets would have difficulty picking up our thought energies, due to the hyper-spatial distance alone.
Even if there was an adequate boost of power for a thought to overcome the distance, the “line of sight,” transmission would still be a problem. Celestial bodies and other space debris, isn't arranged by a giant hand to line up in a neat pattern, so without a thought signal rebroadcasting satellite (on the order of a cell phone or other transmitting tower) the space stuff would block a signal. If one planet is not in sight of the other, you're limited if you can't transmit around the stuff. This argument excludes the obvious element of time that it would take for the signal to travel over light years and the relocation of the receiving planet within that time and space, as spoken by my source.
Celestial bodies like planets and stars and moons are not the only space related stuff that would effect radio type transmissions. Dark Matter, magnetic fields, radiation and other unexplainable or undiscovered things within or without the electromagnetic spectrum – would be an interfering factor. You know how sometimes you can wave your hand around a radio and cause a station to fade in and out? That is somewhat akin to the kind of interference I'm talking about.
Take away the above limitations. If another world was very close and there was not any other distorting causes, our psychic mediums on Earth still might not be able to collect thought energy from out there. The reason for this is because other worlds (and their own collective Metaphysical Mainframes), vibrate on their own unique frequency.
For instance, in this example, the “other world” vibrates in the frequency range of 200.00 MHz to 299.00 MHz which is outside the range we earlier assigned to Earth. Since Earth and its' inhabitants transceiver psychic signals in the hypothetical range of 100.00 MHz to 199,00 MHz, the other world cannot pick up the Earth signal clearly. They are out of tune with each other, or on different stations so to speak. This is not to say that it is absolutely impossible to psychically communicate thoughts with other inhabitants of other planets. Considering the inherent difficulties involved, Doode says such communication requires a technology or knowledge that is Ali3n to Earthlings.
 It may be apparent to you by now, that Doode led me to believe that each planet has its' own version of the Mainframe, each a subdivision of the larger Mainframe of the entire cosmos. One can observe the cycles of the universe itself – seen in contradistinction from the atom to the galaxies and everything in between – The small is a part of , and is supported by the large and vice versa. The Metaphysical Mainframe of the universe is comprised of the combined “Mainframes” of the clusters of the many galaxies, and so on. Some Mainframes are simple versions due to the lack of any thinking entities on local planets, like Windows 95 would be to us computer geeks today.
The largest of all the Mainframes, initiated by the “Bang,” supplied the seed power for the rest of creation and beyond. As each planet grew from clusters of particles, it developed its' own collective energy, separate from the larger energy but at the same time, a part of it.
The far out Doode would tell us that data from everything on Earth is infused upon Earth's own Metaphysical Mainframe Computer. The contents of our Mainframe, along with combined data of other planets, is also copied or connected to the largest Mainframe of creation. Consider that the whole system is like a bunch of directories and sub-directories of a giant Mainframe computer made of pure energy.
So, if the Doode is correct, then on one level it is possible to access everything there ever was, or ever will be. All information can be found in the spiritual realm, if you have the right P-Ali3n knowledge.

Chapter Four End Notes

1. Kabbalists believe this, Kefir Yetzirah, page 60.
2. The spiritual plane.
3. In this model, there has been no cause that requires an effect in relation to a soul.
4. Reference, Chapter Two.
5. Technical term: “Closed Circuit.”
6. If light is truly made up of particles, that is.
7. For more on Superstring Theory, see, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 166-167.
8. The Doode mentioned that this is one source of the sacred three – Triad, Trinity, etc.
9. The ancient Greeks believed this, see, Life After Death, page 208.
10. In a Metaphysical sense.
11. Does our ancient reverence for the numbers three and nine originate, at least partly, upon this type of scenario? What about the ancient thoughts about sacrifice? Could it be that the old ones recognized a soul as sacrificing its' meat suit, releasing the soul from the physical into the nonphysical?
12. Not the spirit itself but the characteristics only.
13. This viewpoint is perspective based, but we generally take it to mean that “positive” enhances planetary survival while “negative” does the opposite.
14. Here's the thing: Doode says that since the potential for all knowledge was created when the universe “banged” into existence – then when life-forms with brains (like us), think about
solving a problem, the Metaphysical Mainframe “computer” responds by, in effect, opening a file to the imagination that may be used creatively to find a solution.
15. A physical manifestation of this idea which we can all relate to, is the National Debt, because you are spending your children's inheritance.
16. Spiritual patterns can “react,” which is to say that they can respond to some stimulus such as the intent of a thinking person.
17. All three elements associate to compose the greater element of “spirit.”

Chapter Three

Origin of Humans

Millions of years passed and the newly re-engineered life on Earth was progressing nicely. Geographical and climatic conditions on the African continent were favored by certain primates who developed into the highest order of animals based on brain power. My source tells me that about 10 million years ago, evolution produced the first step toward a human, and that this adaptation sprang from chimps who are our closest relatives in the animal kingdom.1           
Not long ago one of my inmate buddies gave me a book called, Guns, Germs, and Steel, by Jared Diamond – which proved very inspirational for me when re-writing this section. In the first chapter of his book, Mr. Diamond posits that primate groups that would become modern chimpanzees on their way to being humans, had split off from the other apes at the estimated time of five to nine million years ago.2 That's pretty close to what the Doode says.
The little Doode went on to say that for about five million years, the early ape-people (still more ape than people) slowly developed a slightly larger and smarter brain. Their experimentation with a two legged stance was a bit more commonplace than in times past, but they didn't stand completely upright. Tools were utilized with greater frequency. The moderate climate and readily available food supply, left little motivation to develop any technologies. Like the true apes, their hair and skin were suited to local conditions. Mr. Diamond points to the proto-humans as holding an upright posture at around four million years ago, with an increase in body and brain size beginning at about 2.5 million years ago.3
 Proto-human social systems had not fallen far from the tree either. My P-Ali3n informant said that the physically dominant male was usually the family or tribe leader. Wild gesticulating, accompanied by loud noise and posturing was utilized by the males to ward off challengers and to win the most mates. Males would randomly mate with members of the harem, while females performed most of the work. It is no wonder the archaeological record indicate that the females were devolving.4
 At this rate we may never have been the humans we are today.


The holographic source didn't say how they found out, only that the P-Ali3nz discovered that the N-Aliens had plans to return to Earth. In order to prevent the same type of unwanted problems from occurring as in the past, the Positives decided to build a research facility here. This whole process was happening about two million years ago, and Doode says the Atlantic land mass between Africa and the western hemisphere was chosen. Being isolated from either hemisphere by water, Atlantis would satisfy the P-Ali3n rule of "No Direct Contact."
Scientists, Engineers, Spiritualists, and a small security force descended upon the Atlantean "continent." Atlantis was according to Doode, essentially a huge island created by plate uplift in the ocean floor, roughly three million years prior to the P-Ali3n settlement. Positives could operate from the island continent without alarming native populations with their activities.
The Doode suggested that Atlantean infrastructures were built with the help of bio-engineered giants and other hybrids. Natural products were used as building materials. This was done so that if future inhabitants stumbled upon the structures, then P-Ali3n authority would not be suspected.
As most of you may know, the Abrahamic Bible mentions the existence of giants, but according to the Bible, the existence of those giants would have had to occur within the Judaic time-line of the Old Testament (4004 BC or later). Since Doode presents an Atlantis/P-Ali3n date of about two million years ago, I wondered if any other sources might echo the Doode's time-line. Not long ago I borrowed the book, Suppressed Inventions and other Discoveries, by Jonathan Eisen – who writes that some of the Mississippi River Valley Burial Mounds were found to contain remains of men in armor, seven or eight feet tall.5 Eisen also refers to zoologist, Ivan T. Sanderson who speaks of a World War II engineer on the Aleutian island of Shemya, that discovered burial mounds of "gigantic human remains with crania that measured from 22 to 24 inches from base to crown." Eisen also gives no further verification or dating of either set of remains, inferring that they disappeared.6 If this information is correct, it would establish that giants may have actually walked the Earth at one time.7
Genetically speaking, hybrids were half "P-Ali3n" though Earth humanoid by nature. According to Doode, hybrids (both regular and giant size), were engineered in the following way : Elements gathered from the planet via Earth, Fire, Air, and Water, were combined and "grown" in a laboratory. Basic elements became molecules, viruses, bacteria, and other living "stuff" like we covered in Chapter Two. Out of the bacterial soup was grown simple salt water organisms. The P-Ali3nz had a way to accelerate the evolution of plankton into complex sea life. DNA manipulation added legs to the fish, which became amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. From an original four legged mammal a primate was created.
Positive Ali3n genes were added to this manufactured primate and the first Earth based human/ET hybrids were born. The Positives brought their hybrids up through each step of evolution as if the whole process occurred naturally. This was done so that their creations would be both perfect, and still contain the "spirit" of this planet within them. Incidentally, the first hybrid was a female and she would be the first "divine" vessel of creation of other immortal hybrids.
Post-source, I had chanced upon an interesting book by author, Zecharia Sitchin, called the 12th Planet. Sitchin references a Sumerian archaeological find of about 500,000 clay tablets that were inscribed with Cuneiform writing in about 3000 BC. The tablets chronicle supposed historical events, beginning from 460,000 years ago. That author mentions the "Nefilim” arriving on Earth along with certain Sumerian gods. One of those gods, Enki, "fashioned a primitive worker called man" around 300,000 years ago.8
I think it is also interesting to note that Mr. Sitchin infers that a "perfect" man was "made," and the god Enki named him "Adapa."9 Sitchin also notes, that the Sumerian term Lulu for man, meant "one who has been mixed." And that "clay" was mixed with divine blood. He says the term Adapa after which Adam was coined, originally meant "dark red soil."10 Is this Sumerian historical evidence of the Doode's Atlantis/P-Ali3n/hybrid construction? Is this some precursor to the Biblical Adam recorded 2000 years before the Hebrews claim he was created?
Within the pages of, A Short History of Nearly Everything, one finds information about the remains of a species of Hominid found in Java in 1891 by Eugene Dubois. Named Homo Erectus or Java Man, this species is roughly 1.8. million years old, and very human-like in character. It is thought that "Java-man" existed until as recently as twenty thousand years ago.11 Was Homo Erectus a precursor to the Divine Hybrid or Adamic Man? Or, is Erectus proof of a perfect man who was created by the gods?
Back to the Word of Doode which indicates that Hybrid (whether giant or regular) DNA was as versatile as that of their makers. For this reason, they were immortal and intelligent. Also, Hybrid biology was compatible with many different life forms. All the above gave the Hybrids a semi divine nature. They're the missing link between the creators and Earth humans.
Like newborn babes, the divine hybrids were taught only what their P-Ali3n parents wanted them to know. For convenience of the parents, if a subject was deemed unnecessary, it was omitted. Certain functions were taught but these full grown infants did not possess the knowledge of their makers.

Atlantean Sink

In an effort to power devices on the Atlantean Continent , Doode opines that, a new type of power plant was constructed. The Positives built a baseball sized "White Sun" that was vibrationally suspended in a fortified containment area. The power plant sat in the center of the island which was supported by the uplifted tectonic plate.
Upon activation the little sun increased in size until its sheer weight began to push Atlantis below sea level.12 The energy fed on itself and could not be turned off. Lower sank the island until the tectonic plate upon which it sat cracked. Fissures appeared on the surface around the power plant. Finally, the center of the largest part of Atlantis was carried through the ocean floor into the hot mantle of the Earth. I don't know how much weight it would take to push an island through the ocean floor, but I think I understand that the core of a neutron star – which is pretty close to the density of a white sun – would weigh 200 billion pounds per spoonful!13 It shouldn't take many spoonfuls of matter that dense to do what the Doode says it did.
Lava seeped in to fill the gap in the sea floor where the island continent used to be. As sea water cooled the magma, the outer portions of Atlantis stabilized, though much of these higher elevations were now below sea level.
The first great sinking of Atlantis occurred about nine hundred thousand years ago, if the Doode is correct. Many machines and other technologies were lost. Survivors fled outer Atlantis which was now only islands. Positive communication, labor, and supplies were maintained with conventional sail boats because of their low environmental impact.
Belated calculations proved that all of Atlantis would disappear in time. P-Ali3n stellar transportation was already destroyed and the Positives were sort of marooned on Earth. They would not rebuild on the remnants of Atlantis because the vibrational energy source was now under water and there was not enough room to operate at the former level anyway.
In 2007 I was exposed to Heaven's Mirror, a book by Graham Hancock and Santha Faiia that is chock full References mirroring the ideas promoted by my source. Page sixty six of their book presents pointed evidence that comes from ancient Egyptian temple texts at Edfu, which tells of the, "homeland of the primeval ones," that was, "an island...covered with the midst of the Primeval Water." We are told that the "Creation of the world began on this island," and that "The earliest mansions of the gods were founded." The "Former world," was overwhelmed by a "Great Flood," and some of the divine inhabitants were drowned and the "mansions of the gods were inundated." The first question I asked myself was, is this evidence that the Egyptians remembered Atlantean events?
Back to what the Doode told me, "Communication facilities would have to be built elsewhere so that the P-Ali3nz could phone home." They needed a ride. Marine expeditions were mounted in an effort to locate suitable materials and locations for this purpose. Both large and small Hybrids, as well as their P-Ali3n creators, sailed around the world. Every location encountered was mapped along with chronicles of accompanying geology, flora and fauna. Thirteen ships crews took several milennia to compile a sufficient record, in part, because every decade or so, they had to stop and build new ships.
Convincing evidence for pre historic exploration of earth, is documented in The narrative written by Charles Hapgood in, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. Hapgood chronicles the appearance of 13 world maps, some with accurate shorelines of continents that were "undiscovered' in the 1400's when the maps surfaced. Although it is unlikely that the origins or dates of the original maps will be discovered, the theory is that these maps were copied from other maps of far antiquity. I could go on and on but for the purpose of certifying the Word of Doode, three observations should be made:
First, someone a really long time ago not only explored the entire world, but kept records using techniques of cartography, navigation, and mathematics (plane trigonometry), that was not supposed to exist yet.
Second, there is no archeological record of an Atlantean island/continent, so if Atlantis truly existed, the maps were made after the Great Sinking of that body, or else Atlantis would have been included in some of the maps.
Third, the dating of the maps is an obvious problem. However, the Oronteus Finnaeus map shows an accurate shoreline of the continent of Antarctica. Since the shoreline has been covered with a sheet of ice one mile thick for quite some time – logic dictates that the exploration was done during a period of glacial melting. Fortunately in 1949, Dr. Jack Hough of The University of Illinois, took ice core samples of the Ross Sea on the North side of Antarctica. Scientists found periods of melting and refreezing all the way back to 460,000 years ago. The last time the Ross Sea was free of ice, was the period from 15,000 to about 6,000 years ago.
That ice free period occurred prior to any known exploration involving the Egyptians, Sumerians, Phoenicians, etc. Was this early group of explorers the P-Ali3nz and Hybrids that Doode reveals to us?
I was also told that uninhabited spots along the equator were chosen first, by the P-Ali3nz, because the climate was stable and food more available. True that ape-people were still developing, but they were avoided so that the rule of no direct contact would still be observed. You may know a few of the "chosen" locations because some of the evidence still exists.
It is the Word of Doode that special structures were constructed and reconstructed over the course of several thousand years. I'll bet you didn't guess that they are mostly pyramids. All accumulated information stemming from the exploration was copied and placed at each sacred site around the globe. Pyramids were also used as temples and centers of contact for the teams of explorers.
Later I read where the Authors of Heaven's Mirror postulate the idea (supported by archeological evidence) that many structures have been built upon the same sacred sites over and over again. For example, they write that "The Egyptians honored a tradition which asserted that no site is sacred unless it had been built upon the foundations of an earlier sacred site." And that the "Edfu building texts," describe the temple as "A copy of an earlier, pristine original."14 In addition, said authors mention that Stonehenge is dated to 2600-2030 BC, but that the stone was preceded by six meter long pine totem poles from around 8,000 BC.15 That's not all, in central Mexico was built a pyramid three times more massive than the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and the one in Mexico now has a Roman Catholic Chapel built on the top of it.16 There are more examples but it's not my intention to write an entire volume of this evidence, only to expose you to it. Could those primordial sacred sites be related to the ones referred to by my source?
He was a little vague on the point but the Doode told me that the first temples were utilized for communication with given star systems. Most of the structures contained at least one physical alignment with a certain star or planet. Temple caretakers spent most of their time signaling one or more P-Ali3n groups who may have been in the vicinity of the system which was signaled, many light years away.
Finally, the communication worked because as my source suggests, several P-Ali3n groups responded, arriving at the sacred sites. P-Ali3nz that were marooned, had a way off this planet. This was about 350,000 years ago and the remaining Atlantean land masses had been submerged. By that time, athough the temples were standing, the Positive Ali3nz needed another location like Atlantis to base from and to carry on their work. Without a place to build isolated bases, the creator P-Ali3nz departed to work in another system. All the Hybrids, both normal and giant, yet all semi-divine due to their immortality – chose to remain behind. The P-Ali3n gods agreed to this in spite of the No Contact Rule because; 1) Visually, the Hybrids looked like what the evolved humans would finally look like. 2) Hybrids also agreed to not talk about their true origins to native inhabitants. 3) Hybrids agreed to mask P-Ali3n technologies as ancient mysteries. 4) The P-Ali3n gods realized that the hybrids could maintain the sacred sites and provide communications with Positive Ali3n groups in the various local systems.
The Hybrids who had been science apprentices as well as the security force and were aggressive warriors, mostly occupied lands and temples located on the Eastern Hemisphere. Does this explain the warring nature of peoples historically found within these geographical boundaries?
Hybrids were more spiritually minded and required less technology, but greater seclusion, retreated to the Western Hemisphere. Does this evidence the generally cooperative tribal cultures that we find of people located in this area?
Planet Earth was no longer protected by the Positive Ali3nz. The Negative Aliens were free to visit again, as they had no rules at all hindering them. This particular group of N-Aliens were mainly interested in gathering resources, however, they still had a desire to hunt. Reconnaissance performed by the N-Aliens revealed the Hybrids in different parts of the world. Thinking that the Hybrids were really Positive Ali3nz and wanting to avoid possible conflict, the N-Aliens avoided the Hybrids.
Negative Aliens needed a slave workforce. Apes and Ape-people had opposable thumbs which may have been considered advantageous over other animals, and they had no defense from the N-Aliens.
Primates and their evolutionary superior cousins were captured. The true apes proved no good for the work, so they were hunted. On the other hand, Ape-people had greater potential. Doode says that after further reconnaissance, the Negatives figured out that the Divine Hybrids were not true PAli3nz; they possessed no threatening technology; and were basically defenseless.
Over time, the vast majority of Divine Hybrids were caught or killed. During the roundup, all the temples were destroyed except one, on the Giza Plateau. Doode says that the Great Pyramid stands alone as an icon to the "Fall of Divine Man." A copy of the ancient records were held intact there as well. I should note here that the primitive ruling Egyptians would later claim credit for pyramid invention, although they did sort of redecorate the great one. Also, the Great Pyramid served as a model which Egyptian engineers attempted to copy and improve upon.*
Captured Hybrids proved helpful to the N-Aliens – not for what they knew but for what was in them. Hybrid DNA was almost double the length of ours. Their versatile genetics facilitated N-Alien experimentation. The combining of Hybrid DNA with the Ape-people, and also with the Negatives themselves, soon produced a reasonably usable labor force. In 2007, I read about DNA evidence that shows humans are 98.4 percent genetically indistinguishable from the chimpanzee.17 Could the DNA evidence be some proof of Doode's assertions that some (either Positive or Negative) alien DNA was mixed with that of the pre historic primates?
The Word of Doode says, "One result of the experimentation was what you call Homo
Neanderthalensis (named after the Neander Valley in Germany where the remains were found). They were short and stocky, easy to teach, and fairly controllable. Neanderthal was perfect for mining precious metals and jewels. In 1997, Scientists from the University of Munich found that Neanderthal DNA was unlike any DNA found on Earth now, meaning they hold no genetic connection to modern humans.18 Is it possible that the reason Neanderthal DNA is unlike ours is because they are part NAli3n?
             I should point out that, after I wrote the above paragraph, I read where scientists Adrian Boshier and Peter Beaumont had discovered evidence of pre historic mining activity in South Africa. At Lion's Peak, a cavern had been mined around 20,000 BC, and another one was dated to 41,250 BC. Other finds have carbon dated mining evidence as far back as 50,000 BC in South Swaziland.19 I realize that my source is talking about mining activity far older than what I just referenced – but if evidence has been found going all the way back to 50,000BC, is it not possible that the same type of evidence going back another 100 or 200,000 years just hasn't been uncovered yet?
            My source recounts that, the N-Aliens needed other types of structures immediately. The Negs wanted containment areas for the different Hybrids, as well as laboratories for experimentation on them. The Negative taskmasters forced the Giants to cut and lay rock, or to fell and process trees for lumber. It made sense for them to employ giants who could carry a half ton of rock, but, what if the big Hybrids refused to work?
            Non-working giants were put in a pit with packs of dogs, hyenas, or a few lions. Some were made to fight each other to the death, and other dissidents were simply hunted and eaten.
            The Doode sayeth that, "The smaller Hybrid Humans were compelled to physically mate with all types of animals, for the viewing pleasure of the N-Alien onlookers. The alternative for *Egyptians did not start out with pyramid knowledge, nor were pyramids as we know them used as tombs for pharaohs when they were introduced. Experimentation with geometry and copying of ancient written mysteries produced the types of pyramid artifacts we see today.
the Hybrids was to end up like some of the Giants. Almost every type of imaginable mutation came from the unholy unions, like: Cyclops, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Mer-people, Chimeras, etc., ad nauseum. Mutations had up to fifty percent animal genetics.” Where do you think the ideas for mythical beasts came from? Doode says they truly existed, but in small numbers and most lived over 150,000 years ago.
            Upon completion of The Word of Doode, I was, and still am being exposed to additional evidence suggesting that mutations may have actually lived at one time, such as: Zecharia Sitchin indicates that ancient Sumerian texts reference a "Mixing of two life sources,"20 and that the deity brought forth, "Hideous beings," which were produced of a "Two fold principle." Men appeared with wings, some with two or four faces. Many had one body but two heads, and were in their several organs both male and female.21 Alan F. Segal describes mythical "Apkallu," that are creatures who combine both human and fish, or bird elements, in Mesopotamian art.22 And he also mentions an account of the Assyrian Prince Kummu in a dream of a netherworld deity who had the head of a "Kuribu", or (Cherub in Hebrew), which is a griffon-like creature.23
            The better known Egyptian and Greek/Roman myths are filled with creatures who have been part human and part animal – however, we also find myths worldwide that reference beings which one can say are of a "two fold principle." Antagonists to this idea would say that such a thing is impossible, that two different species cannot co-mingle, yet evidence has been discovered in the fossil record to support that two different class types have existed in one being.
            The book, Gorgon, by Peter D. Ward suggests evidence of fossilized remains of mammal-like reptiles in Paleozoic deposits (250 million years ago), like the "Gorgonopsian," that was "an impossibly reptilian lion...with a sabertoothed jaw,"24 or smaller predators such as, "Lystrosaurus", or "Pelycosaurs", and the "Cow size" herbivore, the "Dicynodont."25
           For modern day evidence of the two fold principle we have to look no further than to an animal with a mole's fur; spurs on it's legs; and a duck's bill, Collected in 1799 by British Naturalist, George Shaw. Scientists have only recently determined the entire genetic code of the Duck-billed Platypus. DNA mapping shows the Platypus has genes for making milk like a mammal, despite being devoid of nipples. They have genes for egg laying and genes for making venom which the Platypus stores in it's legs. Adding further confusion, the animal has five times more sex-determining chromosomes than the scientists can even classify. All this is pretty strong evidence that characteristics of Mammals, Avian, and Reptilian had come together in this one being. Is it therefore reasonable to conclude that the mutations that my source speaks of were/are possible?
           The Word of Doode proclaims that, "Originally, twenty Divine Hybrid humans managed to avoid being captured by the N-Aliens. They fled to the far corners of the globe to hide from the N-Alien hunters. Over millennia, these immortal humans journeyed on foot from one obliterated temple to another, searching for some way to signal the Creator P-Ali3nz for help.
           Egypt was the last resort in the search, because most of the Negative Alien operations were in Central Africa which is pretty close to Egypt, and, well, the Hybrids would not survive a direct confrontation. Regardless of the danger, the 20 Divine heroes entered the "Great" pyramid. Through a ritual, they managed to raise enough power to send messages to the star system of Sirius. How do I know this (?), my source of course!
            Doode says that in response to the Divine Hybrid calls for help, the P-Ali3nz returned to Earth about 140,000 years ago. Positives then invaded all the operations of the Negatives. Though the N-Aliens fought back, their defenses were no match for the higher technology weapons wielded by the PAli3nz. Any surviving Negatives were compelled into "Council" membership, but Doode later confirmed that while the N-Aliens were not full members, they did agree to observe the rules mandated by the Council. In particular, the Negs agreed to the Council rule of "No Direct Contact" with developing intelligent life. N-Aliens then vacated the premises – for the moment.


Natural evolution had been tampered with. My source indicates that the Council solution was to correct Proto-Human development by re-engineering their biology to the place it really should be without the interference. Nature moves much slower than the accelerated pace brought on by the N-Aliens. Ape-people were found hidden in remote jungles of Africa, by the P-Ali3nz. These primitive humans-to-be, were frightened into their confined areas which limited their need for adaptation. They had not encountered the adversity which migration would demand, nor had they developed the technology to deal with varieties in temperature or terrain.
There is some DNA evidence suggesting that modern humans began in Africa within the past 100,000 years.26 Could these Pal eolithic people have evolved from what Doode calls "ape-people?" Genetically distinct genes were found in 2001 in New South Wales, which are said to have arisen over 200,000 years ago in East Asia, which indicates that the particular cluster of genes did not originate in Africa.27 The Doode told me that Earth humans in the future may find additional "distinct" genetic clusters, and that some of them will have originated in other parts of the world, and may be the product of either "Divine" Human Hybrids or their "Mutant" cousins – dating back to well over 100,000 years, perhaps even back to Atlantean times.
Speaking of the period of around 100,000 years ago, the little Doode posits that the existing Divine Hybrid immortality was unnatural. For this reason, the P-Ali3nz who were re-engineering Earth Humans from Ape-People, would utilize only a given type and volume of DNA. No pure P-Ali3n genetics were used, but genetic material was taken from the "Divine Hybrids" themselves, assuring that the new genes were sufficiently watered down as well as vibrationally seasoned to this planet's particular resonance.
Newly created Homo Sapien life spans were now limited. They were no longer immortal but could expect to live around one thousand years. One recalls the book of Genesis where the Hebrew Patriarchs were said to live for hundreds of years.28 Still, Doode says that their long life was partly due to the diverse nature of Hybrid DNA. Other factors of longevity were a purer, thicker atmosphere and water composition,29 and available plants and minerals for consumption. This may not be exact proof of the "other factors," but in 2007, I read that oxygen levels in the Devonian and Carboniferous Periods (350 million years ago), were as high as 35%.30 Today our oxygen level is down to about 20%, but who's to say what the level was 50 or 100,000 years ago!
I was told that the P-Ali3nz did not pass on equal knowledge or technology to the new sapiens which the older immortal humans had ended up with in the time of Atlantis. Although all the experiences were now part of the Metaphysical Mainframe, the new humans had to sort of re-invent a natural way of life – independent of P-Ali3n influence – yet, they could seek help from the Divine Hybrid Immortals who remained on Earth when the pure P-Ali3nz had departed.
The little Doode sayeth that fifteen Divine Hybrid immortals volunteered to remain on Earth to observe and document human development. When, or should I say, if Homo Sapiens finally reach spiritually as a species, then our divine watchers will report events to the Positive Ali3nz. Thirteen of the immortals each shepherded a group or "flock" of sapiens to different areas of the planet.30 This was done to diversify the pool of human genetics, because the vibrational rhythms of a given geographical location will cause certain genetic mutations over the course of several generations. In a general sense they (we) began from the same test tube, but people who later migrate from their starting point would encounter other people who are different from themselves in subtle ways. In this way, a healthy mix of genetic traits was assured.
The other two immortal volunteers were passive and symbolic representatives of cosmic polar opposites, give and take, inhale or exhale, and so on. One of them was "Positive" while the other was a "Negative" creation.
The Divine Humans could directly interact with lower mortals where pure P-Ali3n "Council" members were forbidden. The thirteen immortals were thought of as priests or healers by their people. Over the course of many generations, those divine shepherds became less and less accessible to their mortals. It got to the point that the only way to consult a Divine "Priest" or "Sage" was to embark on a great journey to a mountain top, through a swamp, or to perform some other tribulatory action to prove a seeker's resolve, as described by the Doode.
How many legends are there around the world that tell of a wise old hermit or knowledgeable seer, or witch, who shares a valuable tool or skill with those who seek? In 2007, I read, The Golden Bough, by Sir James Frazer. Originally written in 1890, Frazer cited over 1100 instances of worldwide cultural similarities, such as:
·         Rain Making = 39 Different peoples
·         Making Sunshine = 10 Different peoples
·         Fighting Wind = 13 Peoples
·         Tree Worship = 28 Tribes
·         Maypole Ritual = 30 Klans or tribes
·         Drinking the Blood of Victim = 6
·         and many more...
            My holographic friend said that pre-historic mortals were taught some stone age survival skills and a basic spiritual wisdom, which was usually shown to a "hero," by a sage, and sometimes through a vision. Prior to the invention of language, a divine oracle would communicate with mortals telepathically, which were sometimes taken as visionary. What early humans might have considered as specialized knowledge was generally something which gave them an advantage over another people or species. The older mutations and non-N-Alien experiments were not given "Divine" secrets. Also, mortal humans had to take an oath to speak of anybody who wasn't 100% human, in a symbolic manner to their posterity.
            Divine secrets and improvisation supported mortal human advancement because Homo Sapiens outperformed other humanoids. For the next 100,000 years or so, less adaptable species naturally culled themselves. Human-beasts and others were ignored by the immortals and left to their self-imposed extinctions. Those life forms competing directly with Sapiens, were usually killed by the humans and sometimes eaten. Could this cannibalistic action have been the precursor to “god eating” or sacrifice?
           Author Jared Diamond argues that human history took off, 50,000 years ago in what he terms "The Great Leap Forward." Diamond cites Archaeological evidence of advanced tools, weapons, aesthetic and spiritual developments in support of the theory. As to the triggering cause, perhaps it was a better brain or a perfected voice-box.31 Or, could the advance have come from advanced PAli3n/ Divine genetics, or perhaps immortal know-how that catapulted our ancestors to the top, beginning 100,000 years ago?
            And the Doode revealed, anyone could have predicted some assimilation of the various human and humanoid types. Beginning with the earlier "induced" breeding when the N-Aliens forced humans to breed with animals, other mixtures arose between many combinations of beings. Thousands of years of genetic mixing produced many different mutations but a lot of those mutations did not survive your last ice age. Several types lived until the European Iron Age.
            Surviving descendants of Divine Hybrids, Mortal Humans, and Ape-people, mixed to provide the basic human stock seen today. Look around, you may recognize traces of P-Ali3n or N-alien genetics in yourself or those you know. It just may be that the most intelligent, creative, or spiritual among you, could have a greater amount of Positive or Divine genes within. Conversely, those who are less intelligent, or display savage qualities over the qualities mentioned above, may be descended from the Negative Aliens or their animal mutations of long ago, so sayeth the Doode.

Chapter Three End Notes

1. This is not to say that 10 million years ago an ape suddenly gave birth to a human – rather, it was the beginning of a process that would take eons of time to actually notice a change taking place. Your ape ancestors would be the ones who were more adept at using sticks or stones as the occasional tool, and would experiment with temporary two legged locomotion.
2. See Guns, Germs, and Steel, page 38.
3. See Guns, Germs, and Steel, again at page 38.
4. Reference, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 442.
5. See, Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries, page 216.
6. Again, reference Suppressed Inventions and other Discoveries, page 218.
7. I located a late reference to possible giant evidence that is a "twenty five pound stone shaped like a spearhead, that was uncovered in Tanzania," page 453 of a Short History...
8. See, The 12th Planet, page 410.
9. Found in The 12th Planet, page 346.
10. Reference The 12th Planet, page 348-349.
11. See, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 449-450.
12. My source declares that the inner containment area was supposed to hold a constant vacuum. Due to a crack in the wall (probably from the intense heat), elements from the outside air were drawn in by the "sun," which is where the additional material originated from which increased the size and density of the power plant. Doode also suggests that is another reason why the atmosphere became thinner after this date.
13. Support found in A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 32.
14. Heaven's Mirror, page 63.
15. See Heaven's Mirror, page xiii
16. Again reference Heaven's Mirror, page 4, 5.
17. Found in A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 452.
18. Reference, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 462.
19. The 12th Planet, page 324.
20. See, The 12th Planet, page 346
21. Again we refer to, The 12th Planet, page 42-48.
22. This idea can be found in, Life After Death, page 74.
23. See again, Life after Death, page 96.
24. Look to the book, Gorgon, page 157.
25. See, Gorgon, page 224.
26. Reference, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 463.
27. Again, see A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 464.
28. I am not suggesting that the Bi0blical myth is true or untrue, only offering the notation.
29. Something about the molecular structure making the water "wetter."
30. This is found in, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 338.
31. Reference, Guns, Germs, and Steel, page 38-40

Chapter Two

            It is the word of Doode that, “There exists an infinite number of seemingly ordered universes, “spaces” if you will. These spaces share similarities because they are physically connected, one to the other.” Additional universes are born all the time in all directions, while others are dying.” Doode went on to tell me that not even the most advanced extra-terrestrials know how many universes there are. Ancient ET's only know that space has always existed, pre-dating time, if that is possible.
After the precursor to this book, The Word of Doode, was written, the institutional mail room where I am captive, called me to accept a package of books, which was great except for one of the books I did not order. The mysteriously appearing book was titled, A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson. Oddly enough, the way this book appeared, was as if to answer a question, and within it I soon found some parallels to my own crude musings. The first synonymous link was on page fifteen where Mr. Bryson writes that a British Astronomer named Martin Rees, believes there are possibly an infinite number of universes, however, neither Bryson or Rees had an opinion on ET's.
My holographic friend indicated that where light and dark energies meet, the inherent polarities force movement in space.1 Dark and light are polar opposites of a positive – negative duality. Opposites attract.2 These energies slam into each other, resulting in further vibrational movement. A combination of forces such as polar attraction/repulsion, or secondary reverberation, causes an effect on pressure or temperature in the field where the energies come together.
In vague terms my source made it known to me that a continued vibration in the field sets up certain new patterns of energy. The patterns gather and adapt to other changing conditions. At some point the energy patterns evolve into sub-atomic particles or “matter,” stuff you can hold and feel. Well, you can feel of it when there is enough of it to actually touch.
Could the “patterns of energy” which Doode referenced possibly be the beginnings of what physicist Max Planck called, “Quanta,” theorizing that energy is not a continuous thing like flowing water, but comes in “individualized packets?”  
Then the Doode tells me that the positive or negative particle polarity attracts and repels other particles. It doesn't take a genius to see that in forming atoms, these particles extend the original “movement,” exponentially. As atoms attract and repel the polar bond forms into specific elements (which can be found in the Periodic Table of the Elements). Originally I thought to include another reference, a few pages hence, that I found in Bill Bryson's book, which is relevant to molecules and cells in particular. However relevant to cells, but also to atoms in the abstract, I'm excited to quote Bryson in relation to the basic “movement” of things “ is all just random frantic action, a sequence of endless encounters directed by nothing more than elemental rules of attraction and repulsion. There is no thinking presence behind any of the actions of cells.”
In accord with the above thought the P-Ali3n emissary proclaimed: “Continued forces like polar draw, temperature, etc., cause further movement which bumps the newly formed elements into one another. The elements evolve into bigger stuff4, and before you know it, stars, planets, and galaxies are made. Sometimes this growth overflows into another universe.”
About then, I was thinking, “so, this is how Methamphetamine is made but on a larger scale, right?” Doode didn't miss a beat, he just went on saying that; “Chaos in this respect is a product of universal overgrowth, which also ends in decay and rebirth.” The chaos of one universe can spill over into another verse.5 At the point of (old) exit and (new) re-entry, chaos converts into order. Multiple verses begin and end like this. The pattern is cyclical – birth; death; re-birth – never ending, and always beginning.


Whether I spoke out loud or only thought it, the question occurred to me, “what about the first verse?” Doode certifies that our most advanced “P-Ali3n” lifeforms have searched for the mother of all universes, only to find an endless cross section of spawning combinations. We may never find the “first space,” however, intelligent P-Ali3n consensus offers the origin of this verse, just because it is known.
According to my source, before the beginning, one of the several parent verses that contributed spawning stuff into this one, began to decay. After billions of years an older space may die. Gravity weakens, atoms lose their polarity, star fusion ceases, and inhabitants may kill each other.
My non-physical friend indicated, “In the older parent verse, a star died and became a black hole.” The star/hole imploded with such force, that the fabric of its own universe was torn or ripped. Doode opined, “The rip is a tiny doorway into your verse – a whole new potential reality.” Bryson submits that a black hole is formed when a neutron star shrinks and becomes so dense that not even light will escape its gravitational pull.6
My P-Ali3n source of info proclaimed, “From the older parent universe, energy and matter are drawn into the black hole. Weakened gravity and mutilated polarities serve to facilitate the stuff being “sucked” in.” (Although since gravity is doing it, the term, “sucked” is a misnomer) The black hole entrance on the parent side holds the highest gravitational pull in either immediate reality.
And the Doode presenteth unto me, “Stars, planets, machines, even spiritual energy is pulled into the black hole entrance.” What physicists call “Singularity” is about a universe worth of matter squeezed into a place so small that it has no dimensions at all.7 That matter is backing up at the “rip” and, when it converts to energy – Doode says it will/did power the Big Bang. What about objects which are larger than the “hole” entrance? The Doode sayeth that as matter enters the hole, it is pulled apart atom by atom until it fits into the black hole.
The Doode referenced the Positive Ali3nz when he annunciated the following: “If you were to go through the said “parent” black hole and reach your arm back towards the rip that defined the pre- Big Bang barrier to the nothing which was the precursor to this verse, you'd stick your hand into a substance (that's not really a substance), but it might feel as if it were stretching around your hand like a condom as you apply pressure.”
The source further advances that “As the black hole is/was filled, the rip or doorway into this universe began to leak like a faucet that drips.” The metaphorical “drip” was the condom-like membrane defining this infant verse. Matter was pushed from the inner hole opening by other stuff coming in behind it, and all of it was pulled toward the doorway by the pinpoint of concentrated gravity at the rip. The vortex like tapering passage applied a crushing force from all sides, packing great amounts of stuff towards the center of the passage and the doorway. The “drip” then started to stretch even thinner under the pressure.

Funnel Effect

In order to better illustrate this process, the P-Ali3n messenger directed me to ask you to imagine that the parent verse, hosting the black hole is like a large end of a funnel. The exit of the black hole tapers down to a fraction (practically immeasurable), of the size of its entrance. We call this process, The Funnel Effect. A doorway to this universe is the “rip,” or the small end of the funnel. At this end the funnel is over full with more “stuff” accumulating at the entrance. The stuff (matter, energy, Quantum “stuff”) was being pulled into the “funnel” opening and with stuff backing up at the small end, something had to give. The stuff had nowhere to go in that “parent” reality so another reality was created in the form of a new universe. The unidirectional force from the parent verse combined with no exit at the “funnel” entrance of the black hole together caused the matter and energy to become dangerously dense. Have you ever deflated a balloon or condom, and poked it with a pin, then blew it up again? The pinhole will expand, quickly releasing the pressure. Critical mass is achieved at the stress point.
Speaking of that stress point between mother/daughter verses, Doode posits that a huge reaction occurred, blowing the funnel contents right through the now greatly expanded smaller end of the “funnel.”8 This apocalyptic explosion or “Big Bang” is the genesis of your universe. Actually, Bill Bryson writes that the genesis happened about a trillionth of a second or 10-43, after the actual “Bang.”9
After the release of energy the pressure subsided, but didn't completely equalize because the stuff was still traveling through the funnel. Back to the balloon/condom metaphor, you know when we made water balloons as kids by filling them up at the faucet? Remember that pphbbl sound the balloon made if it slipped off the faucet, spewing water in all directions?10 Well, that's like what was happening during the creation event.
Mentioned earlier, the Mass, matter, or stuff from the parent universe was changed when entering the black hole, according to the Doode. Everything was altered. Most matter is converted into pure energy. Particles which survived the “Bang” may have attracted a new atomic charge. The action of pressure, heat, and expanded movement, served to add another dimension to the energy and the traveling particles.
Now I must make a notation; that your science community believes that nothing in this verse travels faster than light. Doode says, that may be so, but at the time of the Big Bang, nothing was here. Nothing existed before the “Bang” not even emptiness, no “dimension” at all. In a non-existent field of “nothing,” light, pressure, gravity, matter, even thought would travel faster than it would in a field of “something.” Even what we now consider as empty space has something in it like vacuum, gravity here and there, or dark matter all around. So the Doode says that there was nothing to resist the moving waves, temperature, particles, etc. What one might consider the borders of the universe didn't even exist. It was some non-dimension until the “balloon” burst.
I stood there with my mouth agape because I did not get it. The Doode must have read my mind because he explained, “The crack, rip, tear, or whatever you want to call the pinhole from the parent verse can be explained simply as a finger-hole into a new potential set of dimensions. When the membrane ruptured from the over expansion of stuff – then light, and heat was instantly passed out into the nothing.”
No doubt sensing my scientific inadequacy, the little hologram presented a further creational accounting, by suggesting that, “The first passing of light (the flash from the explosion) into the nothing, spread infinitely faster than how we observe light today in our current universe that is filled with something.” In this case, “something” equals stuff like physical matter, but also non-physical waves and consciousness. As that form of light passed out into the nothing, forming a whole new set of dimensions – heat and pressure followed, and temperature changes followed that. Between the infinitely speedy form of light and the slightly slower forms of heat and pressure, and dimensions – were the attendant planes of realities, so sayeth the Doode.
By this time in my “download,” I think I'm getting the point, so here is my interpretation. This is when the potential11 for consciousness was created, like an empty computer file. This potential for consciousness was unique to this verse. Everything in the verse passes through or originates in this “file,” this new sub-conscious dimension and leaves an impression of it.
Doode alleges that, “Further cosmic movement is achieved when light and dark energy becomes parallel. Polarity of energies within close proximity actually creates more energy. Surrounding energy and particles must move to accommodate the newly created energy.” If a verse had boundaries the boundaries would stretch to accommodate the physical or non-physical stuff. More stuff = more space.
The idea of “stuff” evolving into galaxies, harmonizes with the hypothesis of a team of scientists at Lancaster University who asked the question: “How did a smooth universe grow into clumps of matter which formed galaxies?” To answer that question, they made a small tabletop verse out of two supercooled membranes of helium which were smashed together. “The way the symmetries disappear replicates expansion theory.” The theory goes like this: After the membranes collide, small defects ripple through the universe. These defects, sometimes called cosmic strings, were points around which matter coalesced; as the universe expanded, these little mass centers grew too, ultimately becoming clusters of galaxies.12
Bryson writes of a Stanford Physicist named Alan Guth, who theorized that after the Big bang, the universe, “inflated,”13 doubling in size every 10-34 seconds. My source of information is further validated as Bryson indicates, “According to Guth's theory, at one ten millionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second, gravity emerged. And then electromagnetism, nuclear forces, and elementary particles.”14

Unintelligent Design

The P-Ali3n messenger concluded that, “All verses are connected, or have similarities due to where they physically overlap, but also because they begin and end in like fashion. Each verse contains many black holes or potential doorways to other verses.15 Life cycles16 of a given universe are circular or infinite – they run through each stage of their development over and over for eternity. They all begin as a chaotic explosion – become ordered, expand, decay into chaos, and copy or are reborn as a new verse, through the “Funnel Effect.”
I wondered how a verse does all this without help. Doesn't someone or something plan all this? Doode says that, “Order or what seems like conscious design is actually more of a reflex action – a simple survival response to local forces.” In this case the forces were caused by the Big Bang.17 He then asked me, “Have you ever blinked your eyes when an object suddenly and unexpectedly approaches you? Was your blink a conscious thought? Did you stop and think, “I'm going to blink?” The same kind of primal reflex that caused you to “blink” also caused protons, photons, electrons, neutrons, and a lot of other stuff to coalesce into what they finally, collectively became.
If you could observe a sub-atomic particle and the energy that powers it, you'd witness firsthand how that energy vibrates in response to different forces. Changing conditions alter energetic vibrations, eventually building the particle.
Since my incarceration, I had heard of an interesting movie called What The Bleep Do We Know? Of course I haven't had the opportunity to see it but the name attached itself to my brain anyway. “Ah, but there's a book!” I said to myself when I noticed it on the prison library shelf. I was drawn to that book for some good reasons. Different words of course, but it was like I could have written parts of it. Anyway, the authors, William Arntz and Betsy Chasse conducted interviews with experts on various subjects that are synonymous with that expressed by my revelatory source.
Dr. Hameroff was one of those interviewed, who suggests that “The shape of a protein is determined by “Quantum Forces,” inside the protein, and which is the amplification point between the Quantum world and affecting the classical world in everything mankind does.”18 Although proteins are farther up the physical ladder in size than a mere particle, I was amazed that these explanations were so close to what my source had described. Hameroff further described a “universal proto-conscious mind which we can access, and which can influence us, but it actually exists at the fundamental level of the universe, at the Planck Scale.”19
Arntz and Chasse write: “The Planck Scale is an important aspect of the Penrose-Hameroff theory. The Planck Scale (after the Quantum Physicist Max Planck), is the smallest distance that can be defined. At 10-33 centimeters, it is a trillion trillion times smaller than a Hydrogen atom!” And that “According to Hameroff this [is] [a] fundamental level of the universe...”20 While the Authors of What The Bleep... take this idea further – for our purposes, I would like to point out they are speaking to the “Universal Conscious Mind' of today, which consists of a much more complicated nature than it would have been as a simple “potential for consciousness” during creation, as promoted by the Doode. This notion will be covered again further on.
The little Doode says, “All things are polar, having positive or negative poles.” Pure energy is no exception. It exists to perform an action based on polar draw. Energy only has to be invoked. Its circuit completed which provides it a path for becoming a utility. In other words, something non-physical (electricity) can affect something physical (a light or motor).
A good example of this paradigm is an electric circuit that lights a light. Balanced energy, here confined in a battery, when needed flows out from one battery pole, lights the bulb, and flows through the other pole back into the battery (in a DC or Direct Current circuit). Electrons will continue to orbit within this circuit as long as the battery remains charged, or the need has been satisfied (in this case the light may be no longer needed and the flow of electrons is thus arrested and the light goes out with the flip of a switch).
I inquired of my P-Ali3n source of information, “How do electrons know to orbit from one pole to the next, seeking a balance? Are they intelligent, do they have little brains?” Doode's answer is that, “The avenue provided for the continued creation (simple movement this early in the history of the verse), is best described as survival. At this time in creation no biology existed yet so no “brains” were involved.” By this my source means that, in general, for an entity to be able to think or produce order as we perceive it, it needs a brain. Following his logic, no intelligence existed (physical or otherwise) at that time that was capable of ordering particles to survive! It is just a survival reflex.21
Doode submits that the flip side to this dogma is that the “reflex” works to the benefit [loose term] of a group of elements. That said, elements which continue to grow and “survive,” in effect, give the “impression” of intelligence.
I then made a prodigious discovery echoing the same idea in, A Short History of Nearly Everything, where Bill Bryson writes, “Chemical reactions of the sort associated with life are actually something of a commonplace. Lots of molecules in nature get together to form long chains called polymers. Sugars constantly assemble to form starches. Crystals can do a number of lifelike things – replicate, respond to environmental stimuli, take on a patterned complexity. They've never achieved life itself of course, but they demonstrate repeatedly that complexity is a natural, spontaneous, entirely commonplace event..., there is no shortage of ordered self-assembly...”22
Prior to my review of Mr. Bryson's text, the Doode had indicated to me that the nature of vibrational changes in given particles is, that their survival reflex directly affects individual polarization. To an observer, it seems like they “intend” to survive – and in so doing, their polarity attracts other particles which will be of common benefit to each. Alternately, a given particle may repel others which do not “benefit” their mutual survival.23
The “Survival Reflex” can be modeled using magnets. We know that magnets have positive (+), and negative (-) poles, thus, they are said to be “polar.” We also know that, using two magnets the like poles will repel each other, 24 and the opposite poles will attract. Primordial energy and particles behave in the same way.
And the Doode annunciated that, “During creation, beginning with pure energy and the vibrations emitted from it, the Survival Reflex forced stuff to evolve a given polarity. Like magnets, particles move in response to that polarity, forming atoms. From the tiniest mass to the greatest, these natural cycles are evident. Electrons orbit (relatively speaking) atomic nuclei in a similar manner as planets in a solar system. Star systems revolve around a galactic center. Galaxies move away from the center of the universe.” My P-Ali3n friend said that every bit of this movement is an unconscious reflex, initiated by the Big Bang, and harnessed into gravity and other forces which are bound by universal laws.
In explaining the mechanics of the formation of Earth, Bill Bryson postulates a model very close to my own earlier interpretations from Doode. Mr. Bryson indicates that out of miscellaneous floating stuff, “Two microscopic grains floated close enough together to be joined by electrostatic forces.” Could that be what the Doode meant about polar attraction? Then Bryson suggests that “Colliding dust grains formed larger and larger clumps. Eventually the clumps grew large enough to be called planetesimals.25 This information seems very close to that of my source.
With an ominous voice, the Doode sayeth unto me, “Even now on Earth the energy powering all atoms is at work. This creative energy field has been called the “force” in your science fiction dramas. The force exists only to create. Dark energy creates negative things while bright energy makes positive stuff.”
In response to given conditions, energy evolves into matter. My source suggests that diverse conditions have caused inanimate matter to form into biological life. About two years after I had written that sentence, I located evidence directly supporting it in an experiment at the University of Chicago, by Stanley Miller in 1953, where he introduced methane, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide gases into a flask of salt water as well as some artificial lightning, all to simulate primeval conditions on Earth. In a few days the toxic soup turned into a mixture of organic compounds.26 About this time, I was thinking that the Doode was right on target.
Moving onward and hopefully, upward, Doode iterated and I think I remember some elementary biology that shows molecules making up cells. Certain cells can create a virus, and a virus may evolve into bacteria, or is it the other way around? Cells or germs do not have brains. They aren't intelligent, yet it appears they “intend” to survive like the tiny pieces which form them.
Way back in the day, diversity compelled variations over many generations of cells. They grow and adapt over many generations into life forms which are better suited to whatever local changing conditions they happen to be in. Life became more advanced.

The Mainframe

My apparitional source told me that, “Until this point in history, your Earth's energy field, or “force,” that powers survival and stuff encompassed only a single dimension.” Referring to the electric circuit model again – A potential for consciousness sort of existed on a background of pure energy, the whole thing crackling with possibilities. That energy was responding to outside stimulus, like electricity from a battery does when the switch is thrown, closing the circuit. The following is how my source described the evolution of the energy field that is our verse.
As biological life evolved the first life forms to develop brains and their life experience was recorded onto the energy field – the field took on yet another (additional) dimension – something beyond a plain old creative field of energy.
In keeping with my source's line of reasoning, the Survival Reflex or intent of the Earth's first life forms in possession of brains, began the roots of what has been called: Cosmic Conscious, Hive Mind, Universal Mind, Collective Unconscious, or a host of other names.27 The “Collective,” was at first only background energy, but also a sort of memory storage medium, like a hard drive file for a mainframe computer. The previously mentioned file of potential consciousness at that point was recording not only the Survival Reflex of waves and particles, but the actual experiences sensed or felt by all biology. So it was the non-physical energy field that powered the unconscious survival reflex in the cause and effect universe, which brought forth biological life. This simple life had no brains yet could unconsciously “feel,” and respond to outside causes. In addition to cause and effect, this verse evolved into a quantum energy field which stored limited unconscious and conscious memory – but the evolution didn't occur until physical brains were plugged into the “Metaphysical Mainframe” or “Collective (Un)conscious.”
This may be premature but I'm gonna mention it here anyway: That Carl Jung coined the label, “The Collective Unconscious.”28 The What the Bleep... Author's note that it was from Jung's “Collective Unconscious,” that certain ideas or archetypes, like a god or a hero, etc., arise and works its way into our conscious behavior. Jung noted that these ideas are universal among humans and contribute to similar concepts across the spheres of cultural human psychology. Arntz and Chasse go on to say that, “What this means to you is that you are affected by what everyone else is thinking, feeling, and experiencing.”29 In order to maintain the metaphoric example of a computing system as it relates to the Collective Unconscious, from this point we'll refer to the Jungian model as the “Metaphysical Mainframe.”
Doode's handlers directed him to submit that, information from the experiences of early insects and simple animals was related to survival issues only. “Survival,” in this case, would be stuff like : eating; hiding from predators; propagating the species; that was imprinted on the Metaphysical Mainframe. You know how computer spy-ware is available that can record a user's keystrokes for later viewing? The “keystrokes” of every life form is recorded within the Metaphysical Mainframe. Once the experience of an animal was or is recorded on the Mainframe, others of the same species could subconsciously access the information, not unlike the Collective Unconscious that Carl Jung spoke of. An animal that pre-senses danger, or compare also, cases of human intuition are contemporary examples of this model.
My source would reason that an animal might happen upon a fruit tree for the first time. In this example – the animal is the first of its species to find this fruit and eats it – but it will remember the location of the tree and, thus the food. On its way back to the family the finder of the fruit tree is killed by a predator and eaten. One might think the new fruit discovery is then lost to that species of animal. Later, another fruit eater of the same kind as the first wanders as if on auto pilot to a path that seems familiar. Down this path she sees a tree that gives her a strange sense of comfort, and she yearns to go to it. Somehow this animal remembers that the fruit of this tree is good food and she satisfies her hunger with it. Returning to her family, the others smell the fruit on her breath and also remember that the fruit is food. In this way they all found a healthy and appetizing new food source.
In this P-Ali3n inspired story, the sub-conscious connections to the Mainframe helped the second animal feel or intuit the food information based on shared experiential memory with the first animal that was itself eaten. Reading the book, Going Within, by Shirley Maclane, I wasn't looking for any verification of the above example, but Ms. Maclane made mention of a phenomenon called the “100th monkey effect,” that sounded numinously like the fruit animal story.30
The Doode then offered the revelation that, “As life forms on Earth utilized the information from the Collective to help sustain them, the Mainframe also supported the evolution of higher life. Bigger and more intricate brains evolved which in turn fed more complex information into the Mainframe via their experiences. Complex brains promoted an ability to think a little bit about the future, just beyond basic survival for some species.”
About the Mainframe, Doode says that, “The energy which creates everything still existed on this time line, but newly stored information rode piggy back upon said energy.” Data is a form of energy too, and like energy, data cannot be destroyed either, it just changes forms. In other words, you can create more energy/data or manipulate the energy/data you already have, but the energy can't be removed from current space. In the late 1700's a French Scientist named, Laurent Lavoisier and his wife, determined that a rusting metal object actually gains weight by attracting particles from the air.31 They realized that “Matter can be transformed but not eliminated,” meaning that, if you burn a book, its matter “would be changed to ash and smoke, but the net amount of stuff in the universe would be the same.” This concept was called the “Conservation of Mass.”32
My source explained, “All information graduates to the Mainframe. You may speak into a tape recorder or type into a computer and erase it.” I asked, “Where does it go?” “That data leaves the physical realm and is imprinted on the Metaphysical Mainframe,” affirmed the Doode.33
“Polar energy of the Earth was fairly balanced around 200 million years ago. Positive and negative balance was due to the Survival Reflex of the planet as a whole. Every plant, animal, or element was busy surviving. This “balance,” would be soon upset . Coming up on the Jurassic Period of history, large reptiles were developing when a contingent of what Doode calls, Negative Aliens (NAliens), arrived here. Using genetics from elsewhere, they “helped” * Earth biology along. Reptilians and other N-Aliens believe that bigger is better,” sayeth you know who. Scientists have found that TRex peptides are related to chickens, frogs and newts, plus one unknown peptide.34 Could the “unknown” peptide have originated from the N-Aliens?
My source indicated that this planet's first alien visitors are called “Negatives” due to their effect on surroundings wherever they land. The N-Alien reasoning for “helping” the biology of certain worlds, was for sport and food. They wanted an isolate world where they could hunt, unchecked by the P-Ali3nz. The manufacturing of dinosaurs on Earth fit the bill for them perfectly. Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, and his colleague, Leslie Orgel, have suggested that the Earth was “Deliberately seeded with life by intelligent Aliens...”35 Several meteorites have been found to be full of amino acids and scientists have confirmed that the verse is actually rich in organic compounds. Could this be evidence to support the Doode's contentions of Earth genetic manipulation by N-Aliens?
Doode expressed to me in words and pictures, that N-Aliens performed trophy hunts regularly. The Negatives would excise a memento from a carcass and just leave the dead animal laying there. Not unlike the nineteenth century American slaughter of buffaloes, the N-Aliens left dinosaur carcasses as far as the eye could see. Hunting for food, trophies and skins was conducted worldwide, and the Negs reveled in the bloody sport. When a species was hunted to extinction, the Negatives simply made more. *From the N-Alien perspective anyway.
Author Whitley Strieber, in his book, The Secret School, cites several references to the existence of primordial intelligent life on Earth, such as:
1.      Eoliths dating from the Miocene Era over 5 million years ago, found in both England and Belgium. Page 153.
2.      Human footprints in limestone near the St. Louis area in 1822. Page 159.
3.      Human-like footprints next to dinosaur footprints in Cretaceous stone (dated to 100 million years ago), near Glen Rose, Texas. Page 159.
4.      In England a nail was found in sandstone that was 20 million years old. Page 162.
5.      From a mine in Oklahoma, an iron cup was found in a coal deposit that was over 100 million 50 years old. Page 162.
How else would one explain the presence of these items? Is this proof of the word of Doode?
It is the Word of the Doode that genetic manipulation of amphibians and reptiles produced one type of dinosaur after another. So many of the different species existed, the Earth was overpopulated with them. Hardly enough fresh water or food (except for the predators), was available to sustain the numbers. The dinosaurs were way too big and most would have not evolved here naturally.
About this time, birds entered the scene as a spinoff of dinosaur creation. Tiny mammals evolved too. The combined evolutionary activity and mass killing aroused the interest of the Doode's Positive Ali3nz who decided to intervene so the planet would not die.
Positive Ali3nz are like a cosmic Greenpeace, champions of natural planetary evolution. You may recall that P-Ali3n rules state that there can be no direct contact with the lower intelligence. That rule implies that “contact,” can be indirect. In order to remove the unnatural dinosaurs and drive away the N-Aliens, a “natural” cataclysm would be employed by the P-Ali3nz. The Positives compelled a large asteroid to crash into the Earth. We pretty much know the outcome.
The resulting explosion killed many things instantly. Debris blanketed the atmosphere, blocking the sunlight. This action took biology down a notch, nearly wiping the slate clean. Smaller mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians as well as fish were able to survive.
Doode says that forward thinking P-Ali3nz had (pre asteroid) sampled the natural Earth biology for future planetary re-seeding. Later, when the atmosphere cleared up some, and with responsible science – evolution was restored and mammals began to proliferate.

Chapter Two End Notes
1.      We find Kabbalist support for this idea in, The Sefir Yetzirah, page 72.
2.      For parallels to this idea, reference The Kefir Yetzirah, page 59.
3.      “Quantum Theory” is referenced in A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 119.
4.      See, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 38.
5.      Reference, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 15
6.      This idea can be found in, A Short History of Nearly Everything, throughout Chapter Three.
7.      Reference, A Short History of Nearly Everything, again in Chapter Three.
8.      This was the path of least resistance for the explosion to follow.
9.      From, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 13.
10.  To recreate that sound, put your tongue between your lips and blow a strawberry.
11.  “Potential” only because, as Doode would say, “Real consciousness did not appear until after biological lifeforms endowed with brains, became a reality millions of years later in the history of the universe.”
12.  From Popular Science, May 2008, “The Tabletop Universe.” by James Owen Weatherall.
13.  The term for this is “Inflation Theory,” in A Short History of nearly Everything, page 14.
14.  See, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 14.
15.  This statement from The Word of Doode receives validation in A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 15.
16.  Keyword = cycles
17.  Basically establishing a “cause and effect” universe from the origin of the Big Bang forward in time. Kabbalists indicate a concept of causality in the sense of light, where “Keter” represented in this model, as direst light, would be the cause of all things and since cause didn't exist without the “Malkhut, seen here as “Reflected Light” or “Effect,” then it is the “interaction” of cause and effect that determines creation. See The Sefir Yetzirah, page, 72.
18.  This colloquy may be found in What The Bleep Do We Know? Page 136.
19.  See What The Bleep Do We Know?, page 137.
20.  Refer to, What The Bleep Do We Know?, page 137.
21.  Reference a similar discussion on “mindless particles, A Short History of nearly Everything, page 1. Also I found it interesting that Kabbalists distinguish between a “natural course of events, which precede without any divine intervention,” and the process where god imposes his will so as to change natural events. Sefir Yetzirah, page 74.
22.  See, A Short History of nearly Everything, page 290.
23.  I use the terms “intend' and “benefit” very loosely and only to describe the action of the Survival Reflex. Those words should not be interpreted to mean that said reflex is conscious. Doode shows here that it is the opposite.
24.  Speaking of a polar dichotomy between the spiritual and the physical, the Kabbalists suggest these things are “poles apart,” yet “opposites,” “in their extreme case, become joined as one.” Kefir Yetzirah, page 59.
25.  See, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 38-39
26.  Reference, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 287.
27.  The sages recognize that – in the human sense - “The mind is a pure spiritual entity, bound to man's physical brain.” Kefir Yetzirah, page 61.
28.  As of this writing I have not read any works written by Jung himself, so I haven't been unduly influenced.
29.  Found in, What The Bleep Do We Know? Page 218.
30.  Reference, Going Within, page 97-98
31.  This process is called oxidation.
32.  All this information can be found in, A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 101.
33.  Complex information in the sense of energy emitted from the brain is thought and “A thought is a spiritual entity.” Sefir Yetzirah. Page 61.
34.  Discover, Year in Science,2008 page 32.
35.  Quoted from A Short History of Nearly Everything, page 293.