Sunday, August 2, 2015

Letter to Wes Jarvis

Wes Jarvis
572 E. Broad Street #333
Pataska, OH 43062

March 10, 2015

Dear Mr. Jarvis,

Responding to information provided by Eileen Lawrence about 2 months ago, a friend of mine, Nathan Perry, mailed you a letter with a S.A.S.E. A response was not received from you. Many of us in prison share information, so we were looking forward to your reply. Nathan’s letter was a query which basically asked, “How do we know the CUSIP number you give us for $125.00 represents the actual bond(s) from our respective trial court?”

We recognize that you may not have received Nathan’s letter, which is unlikely, but as his payment of your fee was contingent upon your answer it behooves you to respond.

In the even a mistake was made, we offer you an opportunity to respond now to similar questions below. Satisfactory responses will likely result in several of us remitting your fee for our respective CUSIP numbers.

1.       Is it true the CUSIP number you provide in exchange for your fee is related to a fund and not a specific bond?
2.       Is it true at least some of the bonds in said fund were created by the court/cause number indicated by a given requestor?
3.       Is there a way to prove or trace the CUSIP/court connection in question #2 above? If not, how can you accept a fee under those circumstances?
4.       Concerning the bond from a specific court, would it have its own CUSIP number or is the case number the only identifier?

You have 30 days to respond to the address below. Failure to support your position that your fee is accepted by you and in return you provide a valid CUSIP number for a fund that trades in bonds that originate from a specific criminal judgement will in a complaint/investigations demand with the SEC, Federal and State District Attorneys, and with various consumer protection groups. Silence will be taken as admission that you are attempting to defraud us, your customers, through misrepresentation.

The issues and results will be reported on my proxy weblog:


Eddie A. Nunnelley, Jr.
c/o #1186691 Clements
9601 Spur 591
Amarillo, TX 79107

Cc: Eileen Lawrence

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