Sunday, August 2, 2015


                I have mentioned before that I would report on organizations that appear to be taking advantage of anomic people. This report concerns certain vendors who appear to be promising help for men and women in prison, but upon examination, the vendors seem to fall short of their promises.
                More than a handful of proprietors exist to provide products and services to people in prison and their families. The product may simply be a book or a magazine subscription or even something more complicated such as photo copies or internet research. The majority of these businesses have proven legitimate or else they would not remain viable. A few are performing criminal acts.
                One example of the criminal kind is Quadir Abdul Shabazz, wo by all accounts, was the proprietor of INDIGENT INMATES in Atlanta, Georgia Mr. Shabazz is now in federal custody [Docket No. 13-CR-00441 in the Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division] on charges of aggravated identity theft.
                I recently met with Billy Dee at the Bill Clements Unit in Amarillo, Texas who just discovered he is a victim of Shabazz. Mr. Dee says Federal District Attorney, Thomas Krepp informed him that Shabazz had filed false tax returns using Billy’s identity by Billy innocently provided in order to retain services from Indigent Inmates. Fraudulent returns were submitted without Mr. Dee’s knowledge so Shabazz could pocket the refund checks. By stating this I am not suggesting that every business that requests a Social Security Number and date of birth is using it for criminal purposes. I am implying that, to convicted “con men” the request for personal information combined with a vague premise is cause for pause.
                The say is “You can’t con a con man.” Since convicted people generally fall into that category (due to experience behind bars), we are sensitive to schemes that might negatively affect us. Perhaps even paranoid about it. Sometimes out of desperation, we tend to overlook the warning signs. An example of a process that might fit this category is one promoted by Eileen Lawrence of OMEA 17, now at P.O. Box 5043, Hemet, California 92544. The OMEGA 17 “process” has evolved over time from one involving buying conviction ‘bonds’ for a fee of $4,000, to one that establishes ‘private citizen status’ for $8,000. Both are purported to cause release of the convicted man or woman. Are we being conned? Besides the fantastic nature of the claims by Ms. Lawrence, other anomalies point to possible illegitimacy. For example, Eileen uses letterhead titled “PARALEGAL SERVICES” that expresses she is licensed in Washington State, yet the return address is Hemet, CA. Why the inconsistency?
                Another inconsistency is Eileen’s associate, Wes Jarvis of 572 E. Broad Street in Pataskala, OH 43062. Jarvis charges $125.00 for a CUSIP number to be connected with the conviction bonds which are believed to be sold to investors by the trial courts.
                Convicted people in prison don’t have much money as a rule, especially in Texas where we are not paid for our work. Much of the funds we do have are one’s gifts which may be irreplaceable. That being the case, you can imagine what it takes for any of us to turn loose of $8,000.00.
                In a effort to finally determine whether the OMEGA 17 process is a scam or real, I sent a letter to Wes Jarvis on March 10, 2015. The letter asked that Jarvis respond to 4 questions I 30 days. He never responded. Additionally, I mailed a copy of Jarvis’ letter to Eileen Lawrence where I also asked her to answer 12 questions. She never responded. Both letters are posted in previous blog posts and each suggests that a non-response is evidence of fraud.
                What are the chances that both letters were not received? It is sad that vendors would promote services for enormous sums and fail to back up their claims. What are they hiding? We want to believe! These vendors offer hope where none exists otherwise so their unconventional methods are attractive. Are they getting rich of us for nothing? The process of OMEGA 17 and others indicate the government is creating and selling bonds using our names and that the profit belongs to us. If that is true, then why do the vendors ask such large fees? Could they not assist us on a contingency basis? How funny that most of those vendors profess a Christian attitude and they want to ‘help’ or they wish to ‘expose’ the fraud of government.

                I want to expose anyone who is trying to exploit the downtrodden. That is what I am doing in this article. 

Letter to Eileen Lawrence

Eileen Lawrence
Omega 17
P.O. Box 5043
Hemet, CA 92544

March 10, 2015

Re: Request for Written Interview

Dear Ms. Lawrence:

My name is Eddie Nunnelley. Though I am a prisoner in Texas, I am also a self-taught journalist in the blogosphere, writing a weblog by proxy at Were you to visit that site, you would likely recognize that I have been using both conventional and nonconventional methods to fight the justice system without a lot of success (except to gain knowledge). As you may imagine, I have no internet access and even legal authority via law library is severely limited. One problem I have found with some private sources of information, is while they sound open, caring, and sincere, many appear to demonstrate a gray area where evidence and legal authority are concerned. Being a part of a demographic that could be said to include ‘conmen’ we collectively smell a rat when people try to sell something within that shaded area. For example, authors Robert Rowen and Ronald McDonald in their book, suggest they are “willing to die for the truth,” and they have done their due diligence, yet they do not back up many of their claims with authority. That is only one example of many who talk a good game, yet fail to cross the finish line for the initial cost of their offerings.

To the extent the practice by other authors may indicate misrepresentation – one notes that since most money that inmates can access comes from friends and family – it is not the inmate who is victimized when a vendor misrepresents or defrauds.

I have researched every resource available to me and I agree in spirit with your processes. While I have never written to you, I have followed your progress through your form letters mailed to others. Based on the information in your letters, I have a few questions of interest to myself and others. To establish a basis of understanding, allow me to say that:

·         I see how the birth certificate could be used as a bond by the government, although as yet I have no specific  evidence or authority to support the theory
·         I acknowledge the government operates under emergency powers due to the passing of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, but further due to the Trading with the Enemy Act.
·         I believe when President FDR declared the banking emergency in 1933, and JHR-192 passed in congress, the resulting inability to satisfy debt led the people to a position where common law faded from use and all property was pledged to America’s creditors.
·         I have reason to believe that everything government does, originates in commerce and the courts administer transactions in admiralty jurisdiction. See my newest blog entry “Request for Admission by Agreement,” which is MY administrative remedy to establish a void judgement with ‘my’ prosecutor of conviction. I mailed out the Habeas Corpus with the admissions as evidence this morning.
·         The argument that courts use criminal judgments as bonds to generate an income stream seems reasonable but I have seen no proof or authority in support of that either.

I am dedicated to finding all the answers, and unlike many other authors and vendors, I am neither afraid of reprisals nor will I withhold information to increase my profit margin. Enclosed is a letter recently sent to your associate, Wes Jarvis, where I am offering him an opportunity to demonstrate that his service is truly what purports to be. While $125.00 is not a fortune, to people who have to depend on others for support, it would be a substantial loss if the CUSIP number provided by Wes was fake. The language in my letter to him may seem harsh, but I should point out that he had ample chance to satisfy our buyers apprehension for the last 2 months. Otherwise, I would have offered him the ‘written interview’ also.

True, my blog is not highly popular yet. I may be paroled in 6 months or so and if I am, I will promote my blog in earnest (also twitter and FB) at that time. You are under no obligation to answer questions and I have no idea if you need positive publicity that a voluntary interview might bring. However, if you elect not to reply, I will publish this raw request for an interview with the appropriate commentary. My readers will form their own conclusions.

I hope you will see the value in such an interview. If you have terms, please let me know. Anticipating your response, here are my questions to you. Feel free to reply with the number only – rewriting the question is not necessary.

1.       Ms. Lawrence, are the services you offer for Omega 17 an entire example of your livelihood? Is Ms. Or Mrs. Proper?
2.       How long have you been providing document preparation services?
3.       Have you fielded any complaints or lawsuits by past clients? How about from agents of the government?
4.       I currently hold 3 versions of your form letter that explains your services to potential clients. It appears initially that you offered a service which intended to establish that a given client who had ben convicted previously of a crime could pay you $4,000.00 and possibly use their own birth certificate to back NEW bid, performance, and payment bonds (replacing former bonds issued by the court) which could be offered to the respective court/prosecutor in order to eradicate the debt represented by the criminal judgement. You no longer offer this service (bond related). Can you tell me why you abandoned the bond replacement service? Or, was it that replacing he bonds had a low percentage of release rates for past clients?
5.       What is the mechanism used to follow the bond money? In other words, how would one track the bond creation to its final sale?
6.       In an early version of your form letter, you proclaimed that a court sells judgements to the Department of Justice via the U.S. District Court in Chicago. On September 29, 2014, I sent a FOIA request to that clerk at that court citing my own court case in Texas and asking for bond info. The response was “The enclosed material contains no case number or case title in this court.” The court’s response seems to counter your claim. How do you respond to that?
7.       It appears both your old and new process makes use of an administrative remedy, possibly in the form of a Conditional Acceptance/Counter-Offer. If so, do you use legal authority to impose ratification of the CAFV as an agreement with the government? (when they  fail to answer).
8.       Speaking of legal authority and the fact that not everyone can afford  $8,000.00 or even $4,000.00, do you offer citations which might make the legal nexus clearer between one claim and another? i.e.: “Once you go back to the original ‘private citizen of the U.S.’ the courts will no longer be able to haul you in there.”
9.       Your own process seems to involve the Expatriation Act *USC 800-801, to renounce the 13th Amendment citizenship. Is this true?
10.   Have you applied this method to declare your own status as a non-U.S. citizen?
11.   You claim that people have even released this way, are they your clients? Or, ar testimonials available? Has anyone from Texas been released?
12.   In the event someone has performed a given amount of processes similar to yours, would you or an associate offer to complete the process for a reduction of the fee?

At the end of the day, through my own experience and research, I want to report on every possibility that exposes governmental injustice, wherever I can find it. My intent is not to step on anyone’s toes, yet, I believe everyone should have a chance to be exposed to the truth, no matter if they can pay or not.

Thank you for your consideration and patience.


Eddie Nunnelley

Letter to Wes Jarvis

Wes Jarvis
572 E. Broad Street #333
Pataska, OH 43062

March 10, 2015

Dear Mr. Jarvis,

Responding to information provided by Eileen Lawrence about 2 months ago, a friend of mine, Nathan Perry, mailed you a letter with a S.A.S.E. A response was not received from you. Many of us in prison share information, so we were looking forward to your reply. Nathan’s letter was a query which basically asked, “How do we know the CUSIP number you give us for $125.00 represents the actual bond(s) from our respective trial court?”

We recognize that you may not have received Nathan’s letter, which is unlikely, but as his payment of your fee was contingent upon your answer it behooves you to respond.

In the even a mistake was made, we offer you an opportunity to respond now to similar questions below. Satisfactory responses will likely result in several of us remitting your fee for our respective CUSIP numbers.

1.       Is it true the CUSIP number you provide in exchange for your fee is related to a fund and not a specific bond?
2.       Is it true at least some of the bonds in said fund were created by the court/cause number indicated by a given requestor?
3.       Is there a way to prove or trace the CUSIP/court connection in question #2 above? If not, how can you accept a fee under those circumstances?
4.       Concerning the bond from a specific court, would it have its own CUSIP number or is the case number the only identifier?

You have 30 days to respond to the address below. Failure to support your position that your fee is accepted by you and in return you provide a valid CUSIP number for a fund that trades in bonds that originate from a specific criminal judgement will in a complaint/investigations demand with the SEC, Federal and State District Attorneys, and with various consumer protection groups. Silence will be taken as admission that you are attempting to defraud us, your customers, through misrepresentation.

The issues and results will be reported on my proxy weblog:


Eddie A. Nunnelley, Jr.
c/o #1186691 Clements
9601 Spur 591
Amarillo, TX 79107

Cc: Eileen Lawrence

Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Maker Movement

"Ali3nizm embraces the maker movement as a means to economic self-sufficiency, even on the farm. Using available technology such as 3D printing and tools at workspace-like techshops, possibilities become probabilities.

            By 2018, I will be free from my debt to society. My own maker plans are well underway and here are a few of them, that given the right opportunities, I can do.

            At first, I will likely writ another book about my experience and finding in regards to anomalous government practices that seem to point to unconstitutional overreach. While writing a bit, I intend to visit techshop to prototype some things:

  • ·         A device that recycles construction caulk
  • ·         A unique device for boats (super secret)
  • ·         A chamber to create carbon 60 fullerines

That is the short term. Medium term projects include:

  • ·         Personal protective equipment made from fullerines
  • ·         Solar steam generator
  • ·         Jet pack – a better one (somebody has to do it)
  • ·         Triggerless firearms (encrypted – for the antigun lobby)

In the long term, I have several ideas that could be used to efficiently clean up the pacific trash heap (gyre).

This has been a short list of intent within my own future. I hope to be able to realize some of these goals. Sure, they may be odd or outside the mainstream, but it sure beats criminal activity.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


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