Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Twittage (or Twirp)

     I said in the beginning of this blog that Ali3nizm/Ali3nz have something to d with people who are “anomic.” The Webster definition being, “people who are alienated from normal society. Lately, it occurs to me that the “Ali3n” definition of anomic should be expanded to stipulate – that “we” are not so much completely disenfranchised per se; but we are alienated from full participation in what is referred to as “normal society.” As referenced in the book, “Ai3nizm” Chapter 8, Ali3nz may be routinely obligated to bear a high percentage of the negative effects of “society”; but we are prevented in partaking in anything but a low percentage of the positive effect society offers.
     If we can be considered as “posterity” descended from the original “We the People,” who recorded constitutional evidence of a social construct on paper and theory goes, if “we” are the proxy creators of the social construct, then how did we become anomic or alienated from that which “we” created? In the sense of asking government officials the hard questions related or similar to the one just posed and getting the run around from them, is the reasoning for my offer of the below treatise.

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