Monday, April 19, 2010


ALI3NIZM . . . is an evolutionary, Nuevo-movement that, unlike popular “ism’s,” intuitively responds to the unbalanced spirit of the earth by ministering to positive people who have been alienated (anomic) from full participation in mainstream society.

Using a mechanism that is based on a revelatory source of information, we ALI3NZ seek to balance planetary energies through the creation of a series of sustainable rural communities, where everyone participates equally, (sort of like “secular” Amish). The philosophic reasons for bringing society’s ALI3NZ to the countryside are summarized as follows:

To re-establish our connection with nature by teaching each other techniques of organic farming. ALI3NZ will discover every aspect of what it really takes to produce our own food, as well as other useful, but forgotten skills. We expect this experience to foster a greater appreciation for natural things like well-grown food and clean living. We hope our positive example will encourage even non-alienated folks to find a balance by simplifying their own lives—and by extension—world balance.

Since there aren’t many jobs outside of cities, agriculture ill provide some revenue for ALI3NZ until a “green” form of supplemental micro-industry can be established.

The coming burden for ALI3NZ will be finding ways to achieve the goals of ALI3NIZM in a culture dominated by capital-“ism.”

We’ll be posting related (and semi-related) entries on this site in the future and welcome all comments and questions. But, first, below is the “complete” FaceBook profile by the founder of ALI3NIZM, with some backstory on how this mission was conceived.

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