Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Maker Movement

"Ali3nizm embraces the maker movement as a means to economic self-sufficiency, even on the farm. Using available technology such as 3D printing and tools at workspace-like techshops, possibilities become probabilities.

            By 2018, I will be free from my debt to society. My own maker plans are well underway and here are a few of them, that given the right opportunities, I can do.

            At first, I will likely writ another book about my experience and finding in regards to anomalous government practices that seem to point to unconstitutional overreach. While writing a bit, I intend to visit techshop to prototype some things:

  • ·         A device that recycles construction caulk
  • ·         A unique device for boats (super secret)
  • ·         A chamber to create carbon 60 fullerines

That is the short term. Medium term projects include:

  • ·         Personal protective equipment made from fullerines
  • ·         Solar steam generator
  • ·         Jet pack – a better one (somebody has to do it)
  • ·         Triggerless firearms (encrypted – for the antigun lobby)

In the long term, I have several ideas that could be used to efficiently clean up the pacific trash heap (gyre).

This has been a short list of intent within my own future. I hope to be able to realize some of these goals. Sure, they may be odd or outside the mainstream, but it sure beats criminal activity.