Saturday, May 24, 2014

Ali3n'z Remedy

            Here I am, still held captive as a prisoner by the State of Texas. Here still, am I posting blogs and Facebook Information by proxy, thanks to my friends and relatives who are gracious enough to do so on my behalf.
            For a while now, I haven’t been so active regarding ‘posts’ because I have concentrated on several court filings instead. Some of that is concluding, so my focus will shift a little.
            In a direct sense, I haven’t been true to codifying what ALI3NIZM is, in part because of the court issues; and human nature being predictable, I focused on legal filings because my liberty is at stake and any relief could mean release from captivity. Otherwise, I am here until 2017. So it remains for m to connect what I’m doing to ALI3NIZM proper, which I will do post haste.
            To that end, I’d like to say that, as referenced in the manuscript ‘ALI3NIZM”; we ali3nz are ________. The dictionary definition of that is: “People who are alienated from mainstream society.” And who might be more alienated from society than people in prisons. But, we may not be the only ones alienated. In so far as that definition requires a nexus to ali3nz, we will start with one of six problem points I have personally noted regarding society in the United States. The same may apply more or less in other nations. All the points will be addressed in time. For this discussion it is enough to express that all six points are related to economic issues and hardly anyone could argue that each of us are not affected by “The Economy.”
            My discourse begins with Point #2: ‘EQUAL DEBT UNEQUAL BENEFIT.” This point stems from my own observance of reports within the media where too often everything that happens is equated with a financial value. Often is seen reports of hurricanes, floods, or earthquakes that cost many millions of dollars in estimated damage. This is logically important to the society at large because ALL of us will end up bearing the cost in the end, whether through higher insurance premiums, taxes, or just a higher outright cost for products. Deaths from such a disaster are usually noted as a sidebar in the reports in my opinion, versus the financial data. I do not think death and injury should be downplayed through a reductive reference to a dollar value. That minimizes people Ali3nz are people, and we do not want to be minimized.
            Other mass media reports suggest the ‘NATIONAL DEBT’ (not to be confused with the Federal Deficit) is all over the map in terms of the amounts owed by the United States to its creditors. I have seen from 15 trillion to over 100 trillion dollars of owned debt listed. Who knows how much it really is, and will they say it out loud?
            Another interesting fact is that however much the national debt is said to be—economists and media generally refer to the “per capita” amount of debt owed in dollars. In other words, the total debt is divided into the population of 305 to 307-ish million souls in America to arrive at a sum ‘owed’ per each man, woman, or child living today. This suggests that each of us may actually owe an equal portion of the debt. Could this be possible? If half of Americans were beamed up to an alien ship leaving the other half behind, would the left behind half be obligated to ‘pay’ off the debt to the creditors? Food for thought.
            Whatever amount is calculated, it bring to mind a question: “If I want to pay-off my portion of the national debt, how much would it be?”
            Perhaps another, more troubling question would arise: “Is every child born today saddles with ‘x-amount’ of national debt attached to him or her?
Indeed, I have contemplated this from the standpoint of the equal debt unequal benefit issue. Some say each American owes those creditors over $300,000. Another problem is that most Americans (ali3nz or not) each much less than that amount per year. It might take most of us a lifetime to just break even. That does not leave much wiggle room to plan for a profit or even a form of comfort.
The question I ask in relation to all this is, “Where’s the equal benefit?” That is to say, if I owe $300,000 (or any amount) of my so-called part of national debt, then where is my $300,000 worth of benefits? Whatever the ‘equally divided’ amount turns out to be, every human living in America today experiences differently, the benefits or use of what society offers  (or perhaps unequally). Do you think President Barack Obama has greater or lesser use of available benefits than the cafeteria worker at a local elementary school?
Not everyone benefits equally Other examples include the various trials or legal problems involving O.J. Simpson, Michael Jackson, Martha Stewart, and Lindsay Lohan. Given similar circumstances but deleting the wealth and fame, it is safe to say that average people, i.e. not rich or famous, would likely suffer the brunt of similar actions very near to the fullest extent of the law. Ali3nz are people who may be held to an equal debt, but are prevented from experiencing the full use of society’s offered benefits.
Discounting the possible reasons for the city dichotomy, it should be noted (by the celebrity reference above), that the debt vs. benefit issue can manifest in other venues besides the financial one. In an effort to illustrate this idea, I have attached a report of my investigation so far, into the issue as it concerns prison ali3nz attempting to obtain Redress of Grievances via the court system. After all, that IS one of the benefits we are all supposed to reap E Q U A L L Y !
May of the people held in America’s prisons have taken it upon themselves to explore the legal system through their respective ‘prison law libraries.’ Some of us ali3nz will become discouraged at the complexities of the system and do nothing further, while others will perform what I like to call conventional filings. That is usually an attack on their conviction (by direct appeal or a Habeas Corpus), or perhaps a civil suit concerning prison conditions [Civil Rights violation, 42 USC 1983]. As for me, I have done those ‘conventional’ things and have come to the conclusion that there are inherent problems in the legal system which precludes an ali3n like myself, from obtaining a remedy through those regular avenues. It appears “Something is rotten in Denmark,” or at least in Texas, so I am thinking outside the box. Or maybe there is no box, but I have recently tried out-of-the-box approaches by filing Civil Suite #2;13CV230 and Habeas Corpus Petition #2;13CV217 in Federal District Court in Amarillo. Both were dismissed and the judge failed to even respond to my constitutional questions. I mean, if I am wrong, tell me I am wrong and show me the authority for the decision. But answer my questions. To remain silent tells me you are being deceptive for a reason.
My reasoning for combining out of the box issues with conventional approaches, lies in research, I order to discover the nature of the legal system as t is attached to the rest of the system of debt. A daunting task when the powers that be refuse to address pointed questions.
Before you begin to examine my logic below, here’s a disclaimer: Some of the authorities cited herein come directly from what I call “Sovereign Literature” (though I doubt the term literature could properly be used), aka Sovereignty or Redemption. I do not consider myself one of “those people,” but have vetted their reasoning and authorities to the extent I am capable from prison, and there is a line of probability there. To the extent my interpretation of the sovereign literature may be correct, I am asking officials to accept the points. To the extent my logic may be skewed by the literature as ‘bogus’ as suggested by the mainstreamers, I intend to discover that as well. I will report and expose another view.
To explain my understanding of sovereignty or redemption, insofar as it may apply to the remedies we seek, I think it is bet to let the established authorities speak on my behalf. I will connect the dots in between with my own reasoning based, hopefully on formal and informal logic; leaving you to form a conclusion. We’ll begin with a definition of the word SOVEREIGNTY:
1.      BOUVIER’S LAW DICTIONARY, 14TH Ed. Defines “sovereignty” thusly; “It has been justly thought a matter of importance to determine from what source the United States derives its authority…The question here proposed is whether our bond of union is a compact entered into law established by the people. To this we can answer: W THE PEOPLE…ordain and establish this Constitution…The government of the state has only delegated power from the people, even if they had no authority to transfer the authority of the sovereign people. The people in their sovereign capacity made and adopted the constitution; and it binds the state governments without the state’s consent. The United States, as a whole, therefore, emanates from the people and not from the states, and the constitution and the laws of the states, whether made before or since the adoption of that constitution of the United States, are subordinate to the United States Constitution and the laws made in pursuance of it. The people are the fountain of sovereignty. The whole was originally with them as their own. The state governments are but trustees acting under a derived authority, and had no power to delegate what is not delegated to them. But the people, the original fountain, might take away what they have lend out in trust to whom they please. They have the whole title, and as absolute proprietors have the right of using or abusing—jus utendi et abutendi. It is a maxim consecrated in public law as well as common sense and the necessity of the case that a sovereign is answerable for his acts only to his GOD and his conscience…there is no authority above a sovereign to which an appeal can be made.” 4 Wheat. 402.
2.      “At the revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subject…and have none to govern but themselves; the Citizens of America are equal as fellow Citizens, and a joint tenants in the sovereignty.” CHISHOLM VS. EORGIA, 2 U.S. 419, 2 DALL. 419 (1793).
3.      “For when the revolution took place the people of each state became themselves sovereign.” MARTIN, ET AL VS. THE LESSEE OF WADDELL, 41 US. (16 PET.) 367,410.
Does it not appear that after the American Revolution, the people—whether collective or individual, replaced King George of England as “SOVEREIGN(S)”? For those who might suggest that the above authority is old or inaccurate, etc., there is more…
4.      “Under our system the people who were in England called subjects are here the sovereign…Their rights, whether collective or individual, are not bound to give way to a sentiment of loyalty to the person of a monarch. The Citizen here knows no person, however, in years to those in power, or however powerful himself to whom he need yield the rights which the law secures to him…” UNITED STATES VS. LEE, 106 U.S. 196,208.
5.      “People of a state are entitled to all rights which formerly belonged to the king by his prerogative.” LANSING VS. SMITH, 4 WEND. 9,20 (1829).
6.      “It is true that at [English] Common Law the duty of the attorney general was to represent the king, he being the embodiment of the state. But under the democratic form of government now prevailing the people [are] king, so the attorney general’s duties are to that sovereign rather than the machinery of government.” HANCOCK VS. CARRY ALCORN MINING CO. INC., KY 503 S. 2d 710.
7.      “In Europe, the executive is synonymous with the sovereign power of the state…where it is too commonly acquired by force or fraud, or both…In America, however, the case is widely different. Our government is founded upon compact. Sovereignty was, and is, in the people.” GLASS VS. THE SLOOP BETSY, 3 DALL. 6.
8.      “Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to aw for it is the author and source of law.” But in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts. And the law is the definition and limitation of power.” YICK WO AND WOO LEE VS. HOPKINS, 118 U.S. 356.
***I don’t know about you, but I have many questions about how the government came to apply its delegated sovereign powers OVER the actual sovereigns. Is that even lawful??
9.      “In our country the people are sovereign…and the government cannot sever its relationship to the people.” AFROYIM VS. RUSK, 387 U.S. 253 (1967).
10.  “All government does and provides legitimately is in pursuit of its duty to provide protection for private rights.” (WYNHAMMER VS. PEOPLE, 13 N.Y. 378), which duty is a debt owed to its creator, WE THE PEOPLE, and the private disenfranchised individual; which debt and duty is never extinguished nor discharged and is perpetual. No matter what government/state provides for us in manner of convenience and safety, the disenfranchised individual owes nothing to the government.” “The individual may stand upon his Constitutional rights as a Citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes not duty to the state or to his neighbors to divulge his business or to open his doors to investigation…He owes no duty to the state since he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land, long antecedent to the organization of the state, and can only be taken from him by Due Process of the law and in accordance with the Constitution. He owes nothing to the public as long as h does not trespass upon their rights.” HALE VS. HENKLE, 201 U.S. 43, AT 74 (1908).
***It appears the people of America are Sovereign and ranking above the government they created. Today we find that the government places itself over the people by its domineering treatment of us. How can this be? Did we somehow sign up for this? Do we somehow owe the government a debt that places us under it?
11.  “We The People have discharged any debt which may be said to exist or be owed to the state or government. The governments are, however, indebted continually to the people, because the people created the government corporation and because we suffer its continued existence. The continued debt owed to the people is discharged only as it continues not to violate our private rights, and when government fails in its duty to provide protection—discharge its debt to the people—it is an abandonment of any and all power, authority or vestige of ‘sovereignty’ which it possessed, and the laws remain the same, the sovereignty reverting to the people whence it came.” DOWN VS. BIDWELL, 182 U.S. 277.
12.  “There is no such thing as a power if inherent sovereignty in the government of the United States. In this country sovereignty resides in the people and congress can exercise no power which they have not, by their Constitution entrusted to it: all else is withheld.” JULLIARD VS. GREENMAN, 110 U.S. 421.
13.  “…The congress cannot revoke the sovereign power of the people to override their will as thus declared.” PERRY VS. UNITE STATES, 294 U.S. 330, 353 (1935).
14.  “Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rulemaking of legislation which would abrogate them.” MIRANDA VS. ARIZONA
***Neither do we see sovereigns like myself “named” in statutes, but we do see the term “person” invoked in almost every code, rule, or regulation. In light of the authorities above, it does not appear the legislature has direct authority nor any of the sovereign people living in America since the revolution. This being the case, it is necessary to determine the nature of the word ‘person’ and whether it has been used against me in a lawful way. Here are some authorities which address the term in reference to a ‘sovereign’…
15.  “In common usage, the term person does not include the sovereign, and statutes not employing it will ordinarily not be construed to do so.” UNITED STATES VS. UNITED MINE WORKERS, 330 U.S. 258 (1947).
16.  “Since in common usage, the term person does not include a sovereign, statutes not employing the phrases are ordinarily construed to exclude it.” UNITED STATES VS. FOX, 94 U.S. 315; 1 U.S.C. 1, n. 12.
17.  “The Sovereign cannot be named in any statue as merely a ‘person,’ or ‘any person.’ WILLS VS. MICHIGAN STATE POLICE, 105 L.Ed. 45 (1989).
***Neither do we see soveriegns like myself ‘named’ in statues, but we do see the term “person” invoked in almost every code, rule, or regulation. Insofar as the government has lied to me, it is necessary to determine the nature of the word “person” and whether it has been used against me (or you) in a lawful way. Here are what some authorities say about the term person:
18.  We will begin with an old Latin legal maxim; “Homo Vocbulum Et Naturae; Persona Juris Civilis” when translated means: “Man is a term of Nature; Person is a term of Civil Law.”
***This legal maxim is helpful in that it indicates the term ‘person may not designate a man, woman, or child. This idea is supported in the following court cases:
19.  “To properly construe the word ‘person’ we must look to statutes containing it in para material [meaning “on like subject matter”]. KUCHER V. PIERCE CO., 600 P2d 683 (Wa. 1979).
20.  “The word ‘person’ in legal terminology is perceived as a ‘general word’ which includes in its scope a variety of entities other than human beings.” CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY V. U.S. DEPT. OF JUSTICE, 612 F.2d 417, 425 (1979).
21.  I may be jumping ahead here, but I think it is pertinent now to define the term ‘person’ as stated within the UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE (UCC): “ ‘Person’ means, ‘Individual, Corporation, Business, Trust, Estate, Trust, Partnership, LLC, Association, Joint Venture, Government, Government subdivision, Agency, Instrumentality, Public Corporation, or any other legal or commercial entity.” UCC 1.201(27).
***I know what you are thinking. You’re thinking the first word in that definition is individual, which is a human, right? So, it appears the definition of ‘person’ while maintaining that said entities are “legal or commercial” may also suggest human individuals. Looking again at the Scientology case, supra para. 20; the court rules person was a ‘general word’ which manifests in two rules of statutory construction; NOSCITUR A SOCIIS, (Lat. “It is known by its associates”), and EJUSDEM GENERIS (Lat. “Of the same class”).
      Being a general word, the term ‘person’ can be limited by the statutory rule of NOSCITUR A SOCIIS, which teaches that the meaning of a word in a statute may be determined by reference to its association with other words or phrases. See: 2 A.C. Sands, Sutherlands Statues and Statutory Construction, Subsection 47.16 (4th Ed. 1973); cf. LENHOFF V. BIRCH BAY REAL ESTATE, INC., 587 p 2D 1087 (Wa. 1978).
      In light of the context [UCC 1.201], the word ‘person should be interpreted to mean “corporation or company.” See: CORPUS JURIS SECUNDUM Property, Section 10; 63 American Jurisprudence 2d, Property, Section 2; especially since all the other words in that paragraph suggest corporate entities. Even the term ‘individual’ can mean a single corporation or business or “corporation sole.” When in doubt look at the final phrase, “…or any other legal or commercial entity.” The term ‘any other’ implies that EVERY word already used in the paragraph indicates a legal or commercial entity.
      In addition, the meaning of doubtful words may be determined by reference to their relationship with other associated words. See: SHURGARD V. STATE, Wa. APP. 1985) 700 P.2d 1176; CITY OF MERCER ISLAND V. KALTENBUH, 371 p.2D 1009 (Wa. 1962); 2A N. Singer, Statutory Construction, Subsection 47.16 (4th Ed. 1984).
      ***If you aren’t quite convinced, the ‘EJUSDEM GENERIS’ rule requires that general terms appearing in a statute in connection with specific terms are to be given meaning and effect to the extent that the general terms suggest items similar to those designated by the specific terms. In short, specific terms such as: corporation, trust, commercial entity, etc.; modify or restrict the application of general terms (such as: person), where both are used in sequence. KING COUNTY WATER DIST. 68 V. TAX COMM., 58 Wa.2d 282, 244 (1951).
22.  Under the rule EJUSDEM GENERIS, specific words modify and restrict interpretation of general words. DEAN VS. MCFARLAND, 500 P.2d 1244 (Wa. 1972).
23.  A general term (such as person) applied to the ejusdem generis rule of statutory construction is to be construed in its widest extent wherein it follows an enumeration of things by words of a particular and specific kind See: GOLDSMITH VS. U.S., 42 F.2d 133, 137.
And again for reference: “The people or the sovereign are not bound by general words in statutes, restrictive of prerogative right, title, or interest, unless expressly named…” THE PEOPLE VS. HERKIMER, 15 AMERIAN DECISIONS 379, 4 COWEN (NY 345, 348) 1825.
24.  See Paragraph 19, and on “like subject matter;” the term PERSON is a corporate entity and corporations are created by the state. See: COLONIAL PIPELINE VS. TRIGLE, 95 S.Ct. 1538 (1975). Other entities created by the state are:
ARTIFICIAL PERSON: In a figurative sense, a body of men or company are sometimes called an artificial person, because the law associates them as one, and gives them various powers possessed by natural persons. Corporations are such artificial persons. (BOUVIER’S LAW Dict. 6th Ed. 1856).
STRAWMAN: A ‘front,’ a third party who is put up in name  only to take part in a transaction in name only. Nominal party in a transaction. (BLACK’s LAW Dict. 6th Ed.). The term is also used in commercial and property contexts when a transfer is made to a third party, the strawman, simply for the purpose of retransferring to the transferor in order to accomplish some other purpose not otherwise permitted. (BARRON’s Dict. of LEGAL TERMS 3rd Ed.).
STRAMENUS HOMO: Lat. “false mask” Hist. A fictional person such as a corporation.
RES: Lat. A thing/ (BARRON’s Dict. of Legal Terms, 3rd Ed.).
DUMMY CORPORATION: An artificial person or legal entity create by or under the authority of the laws of a state or nation, composed, in some rare instances of a single person. (BLACK’s Law Dict, 6th Ed.). “The corporation is distinct from the individual or individuals who comprise it.” Such entity subsists as a body politic under a special denomination, which is regarded in law as having a personality and distinct from that of its several members. See: DARTMOUNT COLLEGE VS. WOODWARD, 4 WHEAT. 518,636; U.S. VS. TRINIDAD COAL CO., 137 U.S. 160, 11 S.Ct. 57. In rare instances where it lists a single person, this would be considered a corporation sole, which consists only of that one person only in some particular situation, who is incorporated by law in order to give them some legal capacities, which in their natural persons they could not have. See: STEPH. COMM., 168,167; REID VS. BARRY, 112 S.O. 846,859.
***Considering all the above, it is so hard to believe the term PERSON  could be synonymous with offender, inmate, petitioner, taxpayer, resident, employee, vessel, citizen, and the like? Is it so difficult to believe that the state could have charged a strawman in order to cause a human to become liable to a penal judgement, with without the human’s foreknowledge? A person is certainly not a sovereign!
25.  OFFENDER is a person who has committed a crime. BLACK’s LAW DICTIONARY, 9th Ed.
26.  INMATE is a person imprisoned. TEXAS GOVT. CODE, Section 498.
*** Note that both terms mentioned in Paras. 25 and 26 are used interchangeably in agency matters. Notice also that the terms ‘offender’ and ‘inmate’ relate directly to the base term, ‘person.’ To the extent that the term person as used in codes, regulations, and the like, the same represents a state created commercial entity that only exists on paper, and the sovereign man or woman IS NOT a PERSON; then it appears that the 3 terms above cannot be applied to humans, except in certain limited circumstances. In other words, there must be some other binding connection involved.
27.  In his book, “THE COMMON LAW,” former Supreme Court Justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes indicates a thing or Res [Lat. “a thing”] can cause injury; the thing can be charged; and the thing can be used to transfer liability to the owner. [See: Lecture I, Early Forms of Liability]. Here are some quotes from Holmes’ lecture where the learned justice sheds light on the predicament I find myself in today:
A.    “The early forms of legal procedure were grounded in vengeance,” Page 2.
B.     “The liability of the owner was merely a way of getting at the slave or animal which was the immediate cause of the offence. [Mr. Holmes cites a passage from EXODUS, If an ox gore a man or women, that they die; then the ox shall be surely stoned…but the owner of the ox shall be quit.”]. Page 7.
C.     “In the primitive customs of Greece it was enforced by judicial process expressly directed against the object animate or inanimate.” Page 7.
D.    “Learned men have been ready to find reason in the personification of inanimate nature common to savages and children…without such personification, anger towards lifeless things would have been transitory at best.” Page 7.
E.     “I now come to what I regard as the most remarkable transformation of this principle, and one which is a most important factor in our law as it is today. I must for the moment leave the common law and take up the doctrines of Admiralty. In the early books…the fact of motion is averted to as of much importance. Where a man is killed…and the thing in motion is the cause of the death, it shall be DEODAND. The reader sees how motion gives life to the object forfeited. Page 15.
***Note that at law, motion itself gives life to a thing, where scientifically, life exists only via biology.
F.      “A manuscript of the reign of Henry VI…discloses the fact that, if a man was killed or drowned at sea by the motion of the ship, the vessel was forfeited to the Admiral upon a proceeding in the Admiral’s court, and subject to release by favor of the Admiral or the King.” Page 16.
G.    “A ship is the most living of inanimate things. Servants sometimes say ‘she’ of a clock, but everyone gives a gender to vessels. And we need not be surprised, therefore, to find a mode of dealing which has shown such extraordinary vitality in the criminal law applied with even more striking thoroughness in the Admiralty. It is only by supposing the ship to have been treated as if endowed with personality, that the arbitrary seeming peculiarities of the Maritime law can be made intelligible, and on that supposition they at once become constant and logical.” Page 16.
H.    “By the way of seeing what those peculiarities are, take first a case of collision at sea. A collision takes place between two vessels, the Ticonderoga and the Malampus, through the fault of the Ticonderoga alone. That ship is under a lease at the time, the lessee has his own Master in charge, and the Owner of the vessel has no manner of control over it. The Owner, therefore, is not to blame, and he cannot even be charged on the ground that the damage was done by his servants. He is free from personal liability on elementary principles. Yet it is perfectly settled that there is a lien on his vessel for the amount of the damage done, and this means that the vessel may be ARRESTED and sold to pay the loss I any Admiralty court whose process will reach her. If a livery-stable keeper lets a horse and wagon to a customer, who runs a man down by careless driving, no one would think of claiming a right to seize the horse and wagon. It would be seen that the only property which could be sold to pay for a wrong was the property of the wrong-doer. Page 16.
I.       “At common law one who could not impose a personal liability on the owner could not bind a particular chattel to answer for a wrong which it had been the instrument, but our Supreme Court has log recognized that a person may bind a ship, when he could not bind the owners personally, because he was not the agent.” Page 17.
J.       “This is not a proceeding against the owner; it is a proceeding against the vessel for an offence committed by the vessel; which is not the less an offence, and does not the less subject her to forfeiture, because it was committed without the authority and against the will of the owner. It is true that inanimate matter can commit no offence. But this body is animated and put into action by the crew, who are guided by the master. The vessel acts and speaks by the master. [Quoting Justice Story: ‘The ting is here primarily considered the offender, or rather the offence is primarily attached to the thing.’]” Page 18.
K.    “Whatever the hidden ground of policy may be their thought it still clothes itself in personifying language.” Page 18.
L.     “By the Maritime Law of the Middle-Ages, the ship was not only the source, but the limit of liability. The rule already prevailed, which has been borrowed and adopted by the English statutes and by our own act of of Congress of 1851, according to which the owner is discharged from responsibility for wrongful acts of a Master appointed by himself upon surrendering his interest in the vessel and the freight which she had earned. By te doctrines of agency he would be personally liable for the whole damage. If the origin of the system of limited liability which is believed to be so essential to modern commerce is to be attributed to those considerations of public policy on which it would not be sustained, that the system has nothing to do with the law of collusion. But the limit of liability here stands on the same ground as the NOXOE DEDITIO, confirms the explanation, already given of the liability of the ship for wrongs done by it while out of the owner’s hands, and conversely existence of that liability confirms the argument here.” Page 18.
So the statutory ‘penal’ offence of (_____) would be attached to the ‘thing.’ In the cases today via a trade name designed to fool the sovereign people into assuming liability through familiarity (you and the thing have names that sound alike). It seems that when we assume liability in commerce—because the thing is in commerce—then we are in commerce also.
M.   “…Mariners will lose their wages when the ship is lost. In like manner, in what is said by its English editor, Sir Travers Twiss, to be the oldest part of the Consulate of the Sea, we read that, ‘Whoever the freighter may be who runs away or dies, the ship is bound by the contract with the sailors, much in the same way as it was by the wrongs for which it was answerable, just as the debtor’s body was answerable for his debts, as well as for his crimes, under the ancient law of Rome. ‘…Also, according to our Supreme Court the Master may bind the vessel when he cannot bind the general owners. ‘By custom the ship is bound to the merchandise, and the merchandise to the ship.’ Page 19. ‘By the Maritime Law every contract of the Master implies HYPOTHECATION.’ (Hypothecation is a pledge.) Page 20.
N.    The principles of the Admiralty are embodied in its form of procedure. A suit may be brought there against a vessel by name, any person interested in it being at liberty to come in and defend, but the suit, if successful, ending in the sale of the vessel and a payment of the Plaintiff’s claim out of the proceeds.” Page 20.
***NOTE: Straight from the pen of Justice Holmes;  this is the basis for my attacks on TDCJ in the Federal lawsuit as well as the Federal Habeas Corpus; because it is the basis for their attacks on ME!! It is supported by the exhibits, wherein I gave the state opportunities to discuss the issues.
*** The lawsuit emphasizes that TDCJ deprives Sovereign Men and Women of the property (in the form of labor) without Due Process of law. This is unconstitutional at a minimum. I am further claiming that the agency assigns a job to the Artificial person or ‘offender’ which cannot provide labor since it has not physical presence. The agency compels the men to provide the labor under threat of a ‘disciplinary case’ that is charged against the artificial person. Do you see any similarities in what you just read from Oliver Wendell Holmes? The agency then expects the human to ‘pay’ the penalty assessed against the artificial person, because the offender has no hands, fee, or mind with which to ‘pay.’ The EXHIBITS evidence the agency admission to these points.
***The Habeas Corpus lodged against Disciplinary Case #20140002569, is similar to the lawsuit in that I am claiming TDCJ ‘charges’ an artificial person/offender and compels the natural person/man (who is a third-party,  like me, to ‘pay’ the penalties assessed.
***In both cases, TDCJ is the FIRST PARTY; the Artificial Person/Offender is the SECOND PARTY: and the Natural Person/Human is the THIRD PARTY. This might be Constitutional IF the 3 parties agreed to ender into the transaction as competent parties, “knowingly” as in the nature of a valid contract or agreement. Any contract requires competent parties, an offer, acceptance, and consideration. The caveat to any express contract is that its elements much be made know to all parties and evidenced in writing with all parties signing it. No so much with implied agreements or quasi-contracts, as they are enforceable without a ‘writing’ or endorsement. However, even tacit agreements must be entered into knowingly, willingly and voluntarily, and the elements must unreasonably favor one party over the other. Neither have any of us humans KNOWIGLY contracted with the state. Considering what I have revealed so far and adding the fact that TDCJ has agreed that humans have no REMEDY within the agency, it appears that their acts may indeed be unconstitutional. And that is exactly what I am claiming in the 2 current Federal Court actions
***To the extent government agencies like TDCJ may be engaging n unconstitutional practices, as stated; we can now proceed with a little more history herein on HOW Sovereigns, there are only a few simple ways that may have given up (or been given up) some of that Sovereignty [whether ‘knowingly’ or not] to any portion of government. Most involve some sort of contract or agreement, others involve ownership or creation, while many overlap. Many of these mechanisms are mentioned to some extent within the popular SOVEREIGNTY/REDEMPTION literature, though not very precisely.
28.  I so far as Oliver W. Holmes suggests, Admiralty Courts have been historically used to charge ‘things’ in order to transfer liability to its owner or master, and the reader may not believe the same can be done in 21st century America; again I invoke the authorities to make the argument for me:
RES: Lat. A thing
IN REM: Lat. Into or against a thing.
Both definitions are from BARRON’s DICTIONARY OF LEGAL TERMS, 3rd Ed.
29.  Since we are tracking down a jurisdiction that I claim is ADMIRALTY/MARITIME; and “every Admiralty case which touches upon jurisdiction or practice is fundamentally a case of constitutional law, the grant of jurisdiction to the American Admiralty Court in all such cases flows directly from the constitution and not from any act of the legislature, and it is the exclusive prerogative of the Supreme Court to pronounce finally upon what does or does not lie within the ADMIRALTY and MARITIME Jurisdiction.” {{see: THE EBSWORTH MARITIME LAW LECTURE, entitled: “The Jurisdiction and Practice of the Admiralty Court Revisited,” by Frank L. Wiswall, Jr. J.D. PhD…at: }}. The cited lecture references: MILES V. APEX MARINE, 498 U.S. 19 (1990).
30.  We now turn to the FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, Supplemental Rules for Admiralty and Maritime Claims, Rules A-F. Therein, Supplemental Rule C suggests “ATIONS IN REM.” Supplemental Rule B suggests, “ACTIONS I PERSONAM.” These rules show that both ‘things’ and/or humans can be charged, which is in like with what Justice Holmes said about the Admiralty Courts above. Note here that while searching the same set of rules, no where but the ADMIRALTY RULES can IN REM, Quasi-I REM, or In Personam actions be found. This is synonymous with the statement in para. 29 by Frank Wiswall concerning this jurisdiction.
31.  For any doubters who suggest the admiralty/maritime jurisdiction has to be ON THE OCEAN or at least ON WATER; notice the AMERICAN JURISDICTION EXTENSION ACT of 1948, T.46 USC 740; which gave the admiralty courts cognizance IN REM as well as IN PERSONAM…”notwithstanding that such damages or injury be doe or consummated on land.” [see: Maritime Law Lecture Ref. supra]. See further: PROPELLER GENESSEE CHIEF, et al V. FITZHUGH, et al, 12 HOW. 443 (1851) where the court stated “This power [of admiralty] is as extensive on land as on water. The constitution makes no distinction in that respect. And if the admiralty and maritime jurisdiction, which the courts of the United States may lawfully exercise on the high seas, can be extended to the lakes under the power to REGULATE COMMERCE, it can with the same propriety and upon the same construction, be extended to contracts and torts on land when the commerce is between different states, and it may embrace also the vehicles and persons engaged in carrying it on [[thought: perhaps Natural persons are humans who are carrying on commerce!!!]]…No the judicial power in cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction has never been supposed to extend to contract made on land and to be executed on land. But if the power to regulate commerce can be made the foundation of jurisdiction beyond its heretofore known and admitted limits, may be created on water under that authority, the same reason would justify the same exercise of power on land.”
32.  *We have seen that in Admiralty Jurisdiction, things or property can be sued or ‘charged’ in order to establish liability against the owner; and all of these transactions can take place on land.
33.  *The Sovereign people cannot be ‘named’ in statutes as ‘person’ (which indicates an artificial person/commercial entity, or perhaps a natural person that engages in commerce); yet we find people going to prison under penal codes which only reference the term ‘person as committing ‘offences.’ None of the humans in prison now were ‘named’ by any statute.
34.  This is puzzling because BLACK’s Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., defines a “PENAL ACTION” as a ‘Civil Action’ in which a wrongdoer is subject to a fine or penalty payable to the aggrieved party. The word ‘penal’ is inherently a much broader term than ‘criminal’ since it pertains to any punishment or penalty and relates to acts which are not necessarily delineated as ‘criminal.’ Action is essentially ‘penal’ if amount sought to be recovered is arbitrarily exacted for some act or omission of the defendant.” *Note here that while penalties for code offences in Texas prescribe a guideline such as: 2 to 10 years; 2 to 20 years; 5 to 99 years, etc., and fines in up to various amounts; the actual judgments in specific cases are all over the map. This would indicate the ‘amount sought’ is arbitrarily exacted.
35.  Bet you can’t guess which jurisdiction is “Civil” but has penalties for violation of its provision? Could it be ADMIRALTY? BOVIER’S LAW DICTIONARY (1856) defines ADIRALTY as: “The name of a jurisdiction which takes cognizance of suits or actions which arise in consequence of acts done upon or relating to the sea; or in other words, of all transactions and proceedings relative to commerce and navigation, and to damages or injuries upon the sea.”
36.  From the LEX MERCATORIA, 6th Ed., (1795) “An historical deduction of Trade and Commerce, from their origins,” we have this quote: “Commerce is that intercourse with foreign nations, which is carried on from one country to another by means of navigation; either for the exchange of commodities, or for the sale or purchase of them, through the medium of money. Commerce then, has its basis in navigation, and is supported by exports and imports, whereas simple trade may be transacted independent of these elements and commerce, and herein chiefly consists the difference.” Also on page 356 of that work: “Navigation, is the art of sailing at sea, also the manner of trading; and a navigator is one who understands navigation, or imports goods in foreign bottoms.” (Bottoms, indicates the bottom of a ship).
37.  Don’t worry, I am confused too. It would seem in order for a so-called crim or offence listed in any ‘penal code,’ to be synonymous with the admiralty or maritime jurisdiction, it would have be be synonymous to commerce also. Here’s what TITLE 27 of the CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, PART 72.11 says about COMMERCIAL CRIMES: “Includes any of the following types of crimes: offenses against the revenue laws, burglary, counterfeiting; forgery, kidnapping, larceny, robbery, illegal sale or possession of deadly weapons, prostitution, extortion, swindling and confidence games, and attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, or compounding any of the foregoing crimes. Addition to narcotic drugs and the use of marijuana will be treated as if such were a commercial crime. *Note: sounds funny doesn’t it that possession of weapons or addiction to drugs would have anything at all to do with commercial crime. It would seem that the powers-that-be would really have to ssttrreettcchh to find a reason to make those things “commercial!!” And what would be the reason the powers-that-be would have to resort to such a stretch to begin with?
38.  See also: TITLE 27 CFR 72.11, “Meaning of Terms,” “The terms ‘includes’ and ‘including’ do not exclude things not enumerated which are in the same general class.” *Note: this meaning of terms seems to be in line with the EJUSDEM GENERIS/NOSCITUR A SOCIIS rules of statutory construction, and also suggests that: (1) Since most of the crimes listed in paragraph 37 also appear in certain ‘penal codes,’ then the entire class of penal offences are included. (2) the “Part” cited does not distinguish between city, state, or federal crimes; therefore, essentially all jurisdictional venues are included. [This idea is supported where several authorities suggest that any state is a unit, instrumentality, or territory of the Federal authorities. See: DYETT S. TURNER, 439 P.2d 266, 267; 49 STAT. 647; 28 USC 3002].
39.  “in this country revenue cases have so long been the subject of ADMIRALTY cognizance that congress considered them as CIVIL cases of ADMIRALTY and MARITIME Jurisdiction.” THE HUTRSS, 12 FED. CASE, 984 at 992 (case no. 6, 914, D. Me 1840). *Note: Remember the “class” commercial crimes enumerated in paragraph 37 above, include REVENUE cases. They are ALL Civil, an they all have penalties attached to them, whether fines and/or prison.
40.  “The authorization to SEIZE comes from Admiralty rules of the Federal Civil Procedure.” UNITED STATES VS. $3,976.62 in currency, one of 1960 FORD Stn. Wagon, 37 F.R.D. 564. *Note: here that in this case, a set of things were ‘charged,’ namely, currency and a car. How the things defend themselves? Well, they cannot, the owner must do it.
41.  CHAPTER 59 of the TEXAS CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, allow for “IN REM CIVIL FORFEITURES,” which “are neither punishment nor criminal.” FAANT VS. STATE, 941 S.W.2d 914 (TX.CR.APP.1996). *Note: f in Rem Civil Forfeitures are neither punishment nor criminal, they why is it that I Texas, forfeitures are conducted according to the rules of “CRIMINAL PROCEDURE?” I THINK IT IS TELLING THAT THE CODE CITED ABOVE SUGGESTS CIVIL FORFEITURES ARE “in rem.” And where is the only jurisdictions that allows IN REM ACTIONS? [See para. 30 above]. That could be ADMIRALTY and we’ll include MARITIME since “The terms admiralty and maritime are virtually synonymous.” BLACK’s, 6th Ed.
42.  **So now we come to the part where we put this together in regards to my own Federal Court cases. Case No 2:13 CV 217 is a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus where I have filed against TDCJ for a Disciplinary case that I suggest was tried against an artificial person, yet the human (me) who I think is a third-party, has been made the one that actually pays the penalty. The bottom line here is that I am making the connection to the admiralty jurisdiction, however that has come about. I can’t put my finger on it, but I have many documents where I have requested pointed information from the powers-that-be and they have not responded or have avoided the issue completely, which leaves room for question. The questions remain and I have petitioned the court for an answer. Right now, I am fighting for the Supreme Court to answer the question of Admiralty in the Habeas Corpus case. If they say yes, then a whole new set of questions arise, such as: “Since the nature of the Admiralty is commerce and contract, then where is the contract that binds me to that jurisdiction?” If TDCJ cannot produce a contract, a commercial contract, then perhaps the admiralty jurisdiction has attached up the line somewhere; I mean, I had to go through a certain set of circumstances just to get to TDCJ right?

43.  **Case No 2:13 CV 230 is a civil suit where I am asking for certification as a “class” of Plaintiff who are people in prison as third-parties to a debt. That debt is against a artificial person with an ALL CAPITAL letter names that sounds like the family name of the human people living here. Like the above case, since it appears the state has charged things IN REM, the ADMIRALTY AND MARITIME JURISDICTION would apply in this case also. Though the Federal District Court in Amarillo has dismissed the case, I have asked for certification to the Supreme Court of the question of Admiralty Jurisdiction. Again, how can TDCJ ‘assign’ a ‘job’ to an artificial person and coerce a third-party human to do the work if it is not the admiralty? Time will tell.